in #farms6 years ago


Tamarind is a plant native to African regions. Its name derives from the Arabic term 'tamar', which means 'dry date'. It is used in many villages to prepare sauces, desserts and even drinks. In addition to its culinary uses, it is used to treat various diseases. Today I'm going to talk about the benefits that tamarind brings to health
The tamarind tree has a rather long life, is perennial, medium growth and thick foliage. It survives drought well and can develop in most soil materials.


The fruit usually measures 12 to 15 centimeters, it is a long pod containing a brown pulp of bittersweet taste is brown, hard shell and the pod, which normally contains one to six seeds, does not open naturally. Its fruit is also called tamarind and is desired for its sweet but spicy taste and its healthy properties. His taste may be too strong for certain palates, so even though the most amateurs can eat it, it is only normal to mix it with sugar or dilute it to diminish its powerful flavor.


Tamarind is a leguminous tree that grows in tropical climates. It is typical of Africa but the weather conditions have allowed it to be cultivated also in South Asia and Mexico. However, it is in India where it is most used since the crop was very favorable in that country and its inhabitants took full advantage of this food, introducing it to any type of dish, from using it as a condiment to making it a dessert.


Tamarind pulp is very often used as a marmalade or syrup to accompany desserts. Its acid component is ideal for marinating meat, leaving it more tender and succulent during the waiting time. In Mexico, "tamarind water" is a typical drink, a refreshing drink made from the pulp of this fruit.


This tree tolerates the dry season very well but requires irrigation for its good growth.
In the winter season, the plant must have protection so that it can withstand cold weather.
Its cultivation should be done in mixed soils, with clay and sand content, should have good drainage and a good amount of fertilizers.
The crop is made from the sowing of the seeds or by grafting. Germination occurs after 10 days, after this time the outbreak must be transplanted.
After 10 years of growth, the tamarind tree will begin to bear fruit for the first time, then its harvest will be done every 2 years or so.
The tree must be pruned to eliminate branches and dry leaves that prevent the good development and growth of the plant, avoiding diseases and a better productivity of its fruits.


The nutrients of the soil must be well taken care of.
For greater productivity there must be an adequate density in the plantation.
For a maximum development, requires well drained soils so that there are no flood zones, preferably deep alluvial soils with clay-sandy texture and between 6.5 and 7.5 of pH. The PH of the soil must be balanced.
It requires good fertilization and irrigation water for dry periods.
The production of tamarind is cyclical, with abundant harvests every 2 or 3 years and the tree continues to produce even with 30 or 60 years. With plantations established from seed, the tamarind tree begins to produce fruit between 7 and 10 years of age, with vegetative reproduction the process is accelerated beginning to produce at 3 or 4 years and the production of pods is stabilized between 10 and 12 years old.
Applying a good technological level to the cultivation of tamarind, with a good irrigation system, taking care of its health and nutrition, etc., productions of up to 500 kilos per tree are obtained, in optimal conditions and with the appropriate plant density up to 30 tons per hectare.


When the plant is attacked by some disease, the best way to eliminate it is through chemical products. An important disease that can attack this plant is the so-called ashtray, a fungus that also affects other varieties such as cereals, fruit trees, grasses, legumes, ornamental plants, vegetables, etc. The most effective alternative to reduce this problem is chemical control with fungicides, usually sulfur-based products.


Tamarind has been used since time immemorial for medicinal purposes. Stomach pains, poor digestion and constipation can be alleviated by consuming tamarind, as well as fever, sore throat, rheumatism, inflammation or heat stroke. For swollen joints, muscular problems, conjunctivitis or hemorrhoids it is good to apply poultices of boiled tamarind leaves.


Tamarind is a very complete fruit that provides food and energy to the consumer. For every 100g the tamarind contains 239kcal, 62.5kg carbohydrates, 0.6g of fat and 2.8g of protein. Among its minerals are calcium, iron, magnesium, zinc, sodium and phosphorus and in its vitamins we can find Vitamin C, Vitamin E and Vitamins B. The tamarind pulp is rich in thiamine, crucial vitamin for the good functioning of the nerves, muscles and digestive system. On the other hand, it is a source of potassium, a mineral necessary for heart health and muscle tissue; as well as iron, which facilitates the transport of oxygen in the blood to the whole body.

Tamarind to relieve stomach discomfort, increase appetite and reduce flatulence.

To fight constipation. It helps as a laxative thanks to its high fiber content, it is also useful for other digestive problems. The tamarind pulp is a natural laxative, although the mechanisms of operation have not yet been explained. People with constipation should consume 5 to 10 g daily. It should not be mixed with other laxatives or heated, because it loses its properties.


The pulp, leaves and flowers of tamarind have proven to be very effective in fighting joint inflammations and pains. The relief in these cases is instantaneous.


Lowers cholesterol The bad cholesterol that we have in our body, we can reduce it by consuming this wonderful fruit, thanks to its fiber content. Some studies suggest that tamarind-rich diets favor regulation of blood cholesterol, as well as blood pressure levels.


Tamarind juice is a good remedy to cure conjunctivitis. In addition, with the seeds of this fruit drops are prepared that relieve the dryness of the eyes. Tamarind seeds and their juice are used to lubricate the eyes and cure eye infections.

It is said that tamarind pulp is an excellent remedy to reduce fever. You should consume 15 g to reduce body temperature. Another remedy is to boil the pulp in ½ liter of milk with sugar, some dates, cardamom, cloves and camphor. The resulting infusion is effective to combat febrile states and the causative virus.

Its leaves are used to treat burns. The most used remedy is to put these leaves in a container with lid and then in the stove. When they burn enough, they are reduced to a hovering dust. Mixed with vegetable oil, it is applied in damaged areas. It is also useful to heal wounds and to improve the health of the skin.

Contains a high dose of polyphenols and flavonoids increases glucose uptake in people suffering from this disease. The extract of tamarind has been shown to be antimicrobial, antioxidant, beneficial for wound healing and effective against malaria, asthma and as we have named, diabetes.


Clean the kidneys and liver. This fruit is an excellent antioxidant, helps eliminate toxins that can harm our liver and kidneys. This fruit is also highly recommended for people with liver problems. Tamarind helps to protect it and to purify it, being likewise beneficial to fight cholesterol. For these properties and its condition of refreshing drink is used by athletes to recompose after having done physical exercise. It is also used to improve the diet because it helps to remove the residues that remain in the colon, reducing the possibility that they remain in this organ. You know, if you want to taste an exotic and very tasty fruit with many properties to improve your health do not hesitate to give the tamarind a chance.


Tamarind Excess consumption of tamarind can cause diarrhea due to its high fiber content.
The frequent intake of this fruit causes in some cases allergic reactions.
It can cause bleeding if taken together with medicines that contain acetylsalicylic acid.
Seed dust can cause respiratory conditions.
Precautions with the use of tamarind
Its maximum intake is recommended one glass per day.
The consumption of this fruit is not recommended to pregnant or lactating women, as well as to children under 2 years of age.
Diabetic patients should take this fruit under medical supervision because it can reduce glucose.


I hope that my article has been of interest to you.

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