RE: The Ides Of Castiti (A Late Farmpunk Entry)
How could i not!! <3<3
(well at least no one ended up trapped in another dimension :p)
I had intended to take this plot an whole other way, but there was just no way my hands were letting me type that much. I had wanted to have Kay and Lykke rescue the little robot, and go hide out in this robo-city. They would have got into Ashta's wiring and discovered actually, he could be upgraded, and really the humans declared robots incapable of upgrade to get rid of them. They were going to break into a factory in the human city, and steal the parts needed to upgrade him, only to be captured on camera. They would deliver the upgrade to a drop point, and maybe seen some wanted posters for themselves, with it ending on Lykka expressing she always thought the outpost was a dream she would never get to see with him, and him telling her he will make sure they get there, something like that. Damn, making me wana write a sequel but have a foxtales to get to, with an image too good to resist, still coming up with ideas from the last one... for mike, and the love that lasted.
So that's why i couldn't get this written for the deadline! The muses were off working with you, they cannot resist the allure of a true poet <3 they work in mysterious ways, but this, may be my favorite <3