Approx. 100 days and hundreds of people died and no one is focusing on farmer protest even not talking about farmer protest. I am not in favor of farmer and also not in favor of government but those who are lying on the border of Delhi I really feel bad for them and government did not take any action on this situation even our prime minister Narinder modi ji did not say one word for/against them and media haha they saying that those who are on border are terrorist's I think that terrorist have some weapons and they only want destruction but now I am getting that terrorist are those who help someone and give proper treatment to those who are injured and and maintain discipline in protest and also they are serving food for all people weather a person belong to protest or not even for policer officers who beat him like a terrorist. they are are not in hundreds they are in lakhs and not just belong to one community or religions. thy have only one background that is farmer. I think we should raise our voice not for supporting/against farmer or government we raise our voice to focus on this situation.
I a very thankful to those who read this full article and I have one more request that please share this article only for those who are not aware of this.