(I Fell In Love With a Werewolf) Chapter ThreesteemCreated with Sketch.

in #fantasyromance3 years ago (edited)

The ghost area was one of the school buildings that had been abandoned several years ago after it was declared of having mold and funds to the school dropped. Urban legends soon spread around the school that the building was really abandoned because it had ghosts and demons. Small groups of students, mostly from middle school liked to come up to the area for Halloween parties and made fake recordings pretending that they had seen or heard something. That's why they called it the ghost area, but really there wasn't any paranormal phenomenon going on, or at least not that I knew of. For us, the ghost area was the place where we could just chill out, relax, and cut classes for once in a while. I didn't do it always, but I wasn't perfect either. Sometimes I did cut class.

"I wish I could grow up already and get out of here," Tamara said.

"Yeah? Where?"

"I don't know. New York," she said. I laughed.

"What?" She asked. I shook my head.


"You really like this small town, don't you?" She asked me and I nodded.

"I've visited a lot of places, New York, California, San Francisco, they're just not for me. I mean... if you want to go, fine, I just don't see why I should leave Nashville."

"You are so weird," Tamara said and I laughed.

"I guess I am," I replied.

"I don't understand. It's so boring here. There's nothing to do here."

"Well, you might think there's nothing to do here, but there's always something to do, besides, those places you want to go to are so overcrowded that they make my head spin," I replied.

"Well, I think they're vibrant, fun, and filled with amazing stuff to see and do."

"Okay Tamara, I get it. You hate this place and you want to leave," I said walking around the area. Tamara chose a corner and sat down.

"Did you bring some pot today?" She asked me.

"You know I quit two months ago."

"Why? It's the only thing that's stimulating," she replied.

"I'm done with all of that Tamara. I just want to be healthy."

"You're hopeless. Do you know that?" She said. I laughed.

"I'm thinking about joining the basketball team," I told her.

"The basketball team? Why?" Tamara asked me.

"Because I want to," I replied.

"And where does that leave me?" Tamara asked me.

"Well, you can watch," I said and Tamara got up from her corner annoyed.

"Are you trying to break our friendship, is that it?"


"Then why are you suddenly doing all of these changes? Is it because of Brad?"

"Huh? Are you in your period?"

"I have to get out of here. No pot and now you're playing basketball. Now all you need to do is get a date with Brad and our friendship would be over."

"What are you talking about? I don't even know him," I said.

"I saw him looking at you Natalie. He likes you and he's hot as hell. I'm not going to even be a part of your existence once he goes out with you and don't even deny that you like him because I saw you staring at him."

"Okay Tamara, I think that's enough and you're obviously upset. I think you should just cool off before you say something you're going to regret," I said. Tamara walked out of the ghost area and I stayed there until the bell rang.

I returned to take my last class and I couldn't believe that Tamara was still angry at me and for no good reason. Brad sat behind me and the teacher was discussing mythologies of the world.

"Okay, so for today's class we're going to be talking about werewolves," she said.

"Ooh," my classmates chanted. I raised my hand.

"Yes Natalie?" Mrs. Krasinki said.

"Why are we studying werewolves?" I asked.

"Because it's fun," Mrs. Krasinski replied. I felt Brad tap me on my shoulder as the teacher continued to discuss a subject that didn't make sense to me.

"I couldn't agree with you more," Brad whispered at me.

"Does anyone know where the legend of the werewolf comes from?" The teacher asked.

"From England?" Susie asked.


"Mrs. Krasinski why is this important again?" I insisted.

"What do you know about werewolves, Miss Peterson?" She asked me.

"That they're fake," I replied. Everyone laughed including Mrs. Krasinski.

"Well, did you know that there are people out there who still report werewolf sightings?"

"Yeah, they're called scammers and weirdos," I replied.

"What do you know about werewolves?" The teacher asked ignoring me. Gina raised her hand.

"Werewolves are said to be hot guys that fall in love with humans," Gina replied.

"Good try Gina, but we're discussing werewolf mythology, not the Twilight series," Mrs. Krasinski said. Brad raised his hand.

"Yes?" She asked him.

"I know that a werewolf was first mentioned in Ovid's epic poem, Metamorphosis. A Greek king by the name of Lycean who was a religious zealot who served human flesh to the god Zeus. According to myth, Lycean broke the hospitality rule by killing his guests and cooking them for Zeus, so Zeus turned him into a wolf," Brad said.

"Very impressive Mr..."

"Brad Wolfram," Brad said.

"Mr. Wolfram," Mrs. Krasinski said.

"Oow, oow, oow!" Rob howled as a wolf. Everyone in the classroom laughed. Everyone, but me. I just found the whole subject worthless. I didn't deny though, that Brad had impressed me with his mythological knowledge. He continued.

"Werewolves are known to transform during the nights of a full moon. They hunger for human flesh, they can't control themselves while experiencing the change and they turn back into humans during the daytime. According to legend they can be infected by the bite of another werewolf and they can only be killed by silver bullets," Brad said.

"You're so cool," Gina told him. I opened my notebook and scribbled a few things in it.

"Unbelievable... in English class we're talking about freaking werewolves!" I wrote and then I graffiti lettered the word werewolves. I didn't pay attention to the class any longer. I raised my hand.

"I need to go to the bathroom," I said. Mrs. Krasinski nodded her head allowing me to leave. She knew that I wasn't going to take her class seriously anyway. I walked past Tamara who frowned at me. I still couldn't believe that she was angry at me. I reached the bathroom and started to check my face to see if I had any pimples. Luckily for me, I didn't have a greasy face. I fetched a gloss stick from my jean pocket and spread it over my lips. I looked nice and I wondered about Brad. He was so cute and he did tell me that I was right about the purpose of the class. My plan was to stay in the bathroom until the bell rang. This was the last class after all. I should have cut it, but I didn't...

I looked out the window and then washed my hands. I was starting to get bored. I took out some chewing gum that I had left. I entered one of the bathroom stalls and chewed. Then, I heard someone else come into the bathroom.

"That guy Brad is so freaking cute!" She said. It was Gina. I knew her voice well. She was talking to someone else. I supposed it was her best friend Steph which was short for Stephanie.

"Gina, but he totally ignored you," Steph said.

"Well, I haven't had time with him Steph, but once he gets to know me, I'll bet you he'll be asking me out by the end of the week," she said.

"Don't be too sure. He's been checking out Natalie all day long," Steph said. Me? Gina laughed.

"Are you serious? He's just getting to know his surroundings. Natalie will bore the shit out of him," Gina said. I hated Gina, but she was right, he would never go out with me. That was just wishful thinking. The bell soon rang and when I felt the girls leave, I opened the door from my stall and returned to the classroom to fetch my backpack. Everyone was out, including the teacher and when I walked to my desk I noticed that my backpack was gone.

"Tamara!" I complained and walked out of the classroom. Surprisingly, I bumped into someone.

Ouch!" I complained. It was Brad.

"Are you alright?" He asked me. His short curtained hair was tucked behind his ear. His clear blue eyes were a dream in heaven. Maybe I was in heaven and maybe he was an angel of God.

"Yeah... I'm... hey, that's my backpack," I said noticing my bag on his arm. He laughed showing a perfect set of pearly white teeth.

"Yeah... I know. I took it for safekeeping. I hope you don't mind," he said. I nodded and smiled back.

"No..." I shook my head and dropped my sight to the ground. I played with my hair and tucked it behind my ear.

"I can carry it for you if you'd like," he said. I shook my head.

"No, that's okay," I replied and he handed my backpack to me. He nodded.

"Okay. It's Natalie, right?" He asked me.

"Yeah. Brad, right?" I asked.

"Yeah," he said with a smile and then he added. "I'll see you tomorrow then."

"See ya," I said and he turned and left for the exit. My heart was beating hard. I could barely move my legs. I didn't even care if he never spoke to me again for the rest of the semester. He was so hot that I could melt.

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