Fantasy Crypto Contest #2 - Leaderboard: Day 4

Sorry for the missed day yesterday! Traveled to the Grand Canyon and didn't log into steemit. For the 50% payout part of the prize, I will double the contribution of this post to make up for the missed post yesterday. @darkflame still on top!
Day 4 Leaderboard
Rank | Player | Picks | ROI |
1 | @darkflame | LTC,ICN,DASH | -1.45% |
2 | @brunobuster | XRP,LTC,MIOTA | -3.88% |
3 | @immetal6669 | XEM,DASH,LTC | -3.88% |
4 | @sreevin | XMR,LTC,ZEC | -4.38% |
5 | @lig007 | DOGE,XRP,MIOTA | -4.46% |
6 | @arunava | BTC,LTC,DASH | -5.21% |
7 | @kouloumos | BTC,LTC,USDT | -5.46% |
8 | @biterec | USDT,LTC,ETC | -6.26% |
9 | @c-c-c | SNT,MIOTA,BCN | -6.57% |
10 | @bookmanpage | BTC,MIOTA,ANS | -7.50% |
11 | @gwapology | EOS,SIA,XRP | -7.95% |
12 | @vandaze | SNT,ANS,MIOTA | -8.61% |
13 | @ashwim | DGB,NEM,XRP | -8.88% |
14 | @luigi-tecnologo | XMR,STEEM,ETH | -9.13% |
15 | @davidzack | BTC,LTC,ETC | -9.26% |
16 | @rudel | BTC,ETC,LTC | -9.26% |
17 | @viralcontent | XRP,LTC,ETC | -9.37% |
18 | @rtdcs | ETH,DOGE,LTC | -9.48% |
19 | @cdwyatt | ETC,LTC,ETH | -9.80% |
20 | @mrbearbear | BTC,LTC,GBYTE | -9.86% |
21 | @krayzie29 | BTC,ETH,SNT | -10.21% |
22 | @pvklogs | ETH,ETC,ZCASH | -10.57% |
23 | @utfull | STEEM,DASH,ETH | -10.76% |
24 | @meesterboom | XEM,LTC,STRAT | -11.20% |
25 | @securec | GBYTE,BTC,GNO | -11.28% |
26 | @mys | DGB,ANS,XEM | -12.00% |
27 | @cscunlimited | BTC,ETH,SC | -12.34% |
28 | @anetchen | SNT,EOS,ANS | -12.78% |
29 | @neiraurdaneta | LTC,STEEM,EOS | -12.85% |
30 | @samest | ANS,ZEC,LTC | -12.88% |
31 | @solidgold | ZEC,ANS,XRP | -13.09% |
32 | @dlina-v-metrah | BTC,LTC,STEEM | -13.36% |
33 | @sogata | BTC,LTC,STEEM | -13.36% |
34 | @nirado | ETH,EOS,STEEM | -13.50% |
35 | @georgemales | STEEM,DOGE,LTC | -13.84% |
36 | @monec | SC,DOGE,BCN | -13.87% |
37 | @writtenbird | ANS,LTC,FCT | -14.43% |
38 | @beautifulbella | SNT,BTS,XEM | -14.64% |
39 | @onealfa | BTC,GBYTE,STEEM | -14.87% |
40 | @revelationquotes | EOS,ETH,BTS | -14.89% |
41 | @lclclc223 | SNT,FCT,SC | -15.25% |
42 | @deserttree | SC,STEEM,BTC | -16.70% |
43 | @lucasgabd | ANS,STRAT,ZEC | -17.06% |
44 | @flemingfarm | BTS,ANS,XEM | -17.15% |
45 | @enginewitty | DOGE,STEEM,ANS | -17.57% |
46 | @cryptohazard | WAVES,STEEM,DASH | -17.59% |
47 | @janusface | EOS,BTS,STRAT | -18.43% |
48 | @muda | STRAT,SC,ANS | -19.50% |
49 | @cryptochallenge | SC,NEM,STRAT | -19.53% |
50 | @eltooni | BTC,BTS,STEEM | -19.77% |
51 | @shaunf | GNO,WAVES,SC | -20.48% |
52 | @ehuston | BTS,SNT,STEEM | -20.87% |
53 | @blueorgy | BCN,BTS,STEEM | -21.36% |
Day 4 Prices Update
Symbol | Starting Price | Day 4 Price | ROI |
XMR | $43.8261 | $46.4883 | 6.07% |
MIOTA | $0.2691 | $0.28386 | 5.49% |
ICN | $2.9742 | $3.05516 | 2.72% |
DASH | $194.389 | $196.668 | 1.17% |
USDT | $0.9966 | $1.00092 | 0.43% |
XEM | $0.1666 | $0.15897 | -4.58% |
LSK | $2.1174 | $1.99723 | -5.68% |
EOS | $1.9356 | $1.79947 | -7.03% |
LTC | $45.8725 | $42.0868 | -8.25% |
BTC | $2802.0 | $2562.05 | -8.56% |
XRP | $0.1915 | $0.17447 | -8.89% |
ETH | $225.336 | $202.402 | -10.18% |
DOGE | $0.002 | $0.00179 | -10.25% |
ZEC | $210.992 | $187.892 | -10.95% |
ETC | $16.3508 | $14.5569 | -10.97% |
REP | $20.7719 | $18.3143 | -11.83% |
SNT | $0.0673 | $0.05929 | -11.9% |
MAID | $0.3947 | $0.34676 | -12.15% |
GNO | $227.229 | $198.815 | -12.5% |
GBYTE | $539.895 | $470.923 | -12.78% |
BCN | $0.0015 | $0.00129 | -13.69% |
FCT | $22.2983 | $18.8206 | -15.6% |
XLM | $0.023 | $0.01896 | -17.54% |
SC | $0.0104 | $0.00850 | -18.21% |
ANS | $9.1119 | $7.34097 | -19.44% |
GNT | $0.3172 | $0.25356 | -20.06% |
STRAT | $6.7361 | $5.33546 | -20.79% |
STEEM | $1.6655 | $1.27782 | -23.28% |
BTS | $0.185 | $0.13420 | -27.46% |
WAVES | $4.0461 | $2.80499 | -30.67% |
Big Thanks to @blueorgy for sponsoring this contest!
Sponsored by @blueorgy
Remember To Vote blueorgy
for witness!
Thanks for the update, hope the Grand Canyon was awesome
Ah back 49-50 area :(, but you never know with crypto how it will end!
I am on position 35 for the moment as i hope i will clime up in ranking but my username is written wrong... it should be @georgemales!
haha oops. thanks for the heads up! i'll fix that
Now i know why i was not number one in the ranking... my username was spelled wrong hahaha
Uhh massive drop, from 1 to 2 and yet at 9, but still in the TOP10 =) I hope, I can climb up again in the ranking =)
well done steem.engine!
oh, I can not believe I missed it this time
😂 dead last