Fantasy Crypto Contest #2 - Leaderboard: Day 6

Another Lead Change!
Out of nowhere, @kouloumos takes the lead! A clever pick with USDT, which is tethered to the US dollar. While other players are trying to guess which crypto will perform best, @kouloumos set himself up to be on top if the crypto market as a whole goes down.
Day 6 Leaderboard
Rank | Player | Picks | ROI |
1 | @kouloumos | BTC,LTC,USDT | -6.29% |
2 | @arunava | BTC,LTC,DASH | -9.80% |
3 | @immetal6669 | XEM,DASH,LTC | -9.85% |
4 | @darkflame | LTC,ICN,DASH | -10.14% |
5 | @biterec | USDT,LTC,ETC | -10.74% |
6 | @bookmanpage | BTC,MIOTA,ANS | -10.85% |
7 | @lig007 | DOGE,XRP,MIOTA | -12.21% |
8 | @sreevin | XMR,LTC,ZEC | -12.29% |
9 | @davidzack | BTC,LTC,ETC | -12.37% |
10 | @rudel | BTC,ETC,LTC | -12.37% |
11 | @brunobuster | XRP,LTC,MIOTA | -12.47% |
12 | @gwapology | EOS,SIA,XRP | -13.03% |
13 | @securec | GBYTE,BTC,GNO | -13.16% |
14 | @mrbearbear | BTC,LTC,GBYTE | -13.67% |
15 | @c-c-c | SNT,MIOTA,BCN | -14.12% |
16 | @mys | DGB,ANS,XEM | -14.24% |
17 | @krayzie29 | BTC,ETH,SNT | -15.97% |
18 | @cscunlimited | BTC,ETH,SC | -16.35% |
19 | @rtdcs | ETH,DOGE,LTC | -16.61% |
20 | @viralcontent | XRP,LTC,ETC | -16.85% |
21 | @cdwyatt | ETC,LTC,ETH | -17.40% |
22 | @ashwim | DGB,NEM,XRP | -17.44% |
23 | @vandaze | SNT,ANS,MIOTA | -17.78% |
24 | @meesterboom | XEM,LTC,STRAT | -17.82% |
25 | @monec | SC,DOGE,BCN | -18.10% |
26 | @pvklogs | ETH,ETC,ZCASH | -18.22% |
27 | @dlina-v-metrah | BTC,LTC,STEEM | -18.95% |
28 | @sogata | BTC,LTC,STEEM | -18.95% |
29 | @luigi-tecnologo | XMR,STEEM,ETH | -19.24% |
30 | @anetchen | SNT,EOS,ANS | -19.26% |
31 | @samest | ANS,ZEC,LTC | -19.90% |
32 | @revelationquotes | EOS,ETH,BTS | -19.92% |
33 | @flemingfarm | BTS,ANS,XEM | -20.18% |
34 | @beautifulbella | SNT,BTS,XEM | -20.34% |
35 | @solidgold | ZEC,ANS,XRP | -20.46% |
36 | @neiraurdaneta | LTC,STEEM,EOS | -20.49% |
37 | @onealfa | BTC,GBYTE,STEEM | -20.79% |
38 | @writtenbird | ANS,LTC,FCT | -20.90% |
39 | @nirado | ETH,EOS,STEEM | -21.60% |
40 | @utfull | STEEM,DASH,ETH | -21.95% |
41 | @deserttree | SC,STEEM,BTC | -22.36% |
42 | @georgemales | STEEM,DOGE,LTC | -22.62% |
43 | @shaunf | GNO,WAVES,SC | -22.79% |
44 | @eltooni | BTC,BTS,STEEM | -24.39% |
45 | @lclclc223 | SNT,FCT,SC | -24.46% |
46 | @janusface | EOS,BTS,STRAT | -24.74% |
47 | @cryptohazard | WAVES,STEEM,DASH | -24.98% |
48 | @enginewitty | DOGE,STEEM,ANS | -25.48% |
49 | @lucasgabd | ANS,STRAT,ZEC | -25.83% |
50 | @blueorgy | BCN,BTS,STEEM | -27.50% |
51 | @muda | STRAT,SC,ANS | -27.95% |
52 | @cryptochallenge | SC,NEM,STRAT | -29.76% |
53 | @ehuston | BTS,SNT,STEEM | -31.33% |
Day 6 Prices Update
Symbol | Starting Price | Day 6 Price | ROI |
USDT | $0.9966 | $1.00542 | 0.89% |
XMR | $43.8261 | $43.1571 | -1.53% |
BTC | $2802.0 | $2689.99 | -4.0% |
XEM | $0.1666 | $0.15973 | -4.12% |
MIOTA | $0.2691 | $0.25780 | -4.2% |
ICN | $2.9742 | $2.82493 | -5.02% |
EOS | $1.9356 | $1.76878 | -8.62% |
DASH | $194.389 | $175.637 | -9.65% |
BCN | $0.0015 | $0.00131 | -12.13% |
LSK | $2.1174 | $1.82822 | -13.66% |
GNO | $227.229 | $194.904 | -14.23% |
DOGE | $0.002 | $0.00171 | -14.41% |
LTC | $45.8725 | $38.6452 | -15.75% |
ETC | $16.3508 | $13.5137 | -17.35% |
XRP | $0.1915 | $0.15809 | -17.45% |
REP | $20.7719 | $16.9809 | -18.25% |
MAID | $0.3947 | $0.32011 | -18.9% |
ETH | $225.336 | $182.333 | -19.08% |
ZEC | $210.992 | $169.654 | -19.59% |
GBYTE | $539.895 | $425.138 | -21.26% |
FCT | $22.2983 | $17.2597 | -22.6% |
ANS | $9.1119 | $6.89411 | -24.34% |
SNT | $0.0673 | $0.05064 | -24.75% |
SC | $0.0104 | $0.00766 | -26.31% |
XLM | $0.023 | $0.01667 | -27.49% |
WAVES | $4.0461 | $2.90545 | -28.19% |
BTS | $0.185 | $0.12566 | -32.07% |
GNT | $0.3172 | $0.21530 | -32.12% |
STRAT | $6.7361 | $4.47621 | -33.55% |
STEEM | $1.6655 | $1.04735 | -37.11% |
Big Thanks to @blueorgy for sponsoring this contest!
Sponsored by @blueorgy
Remember To Vote blueorgy
for witness!
Hi @steem.engine I noticed that I made a mistake by entering with NEM instead of XEM. Now my score is an average of STRAT and SC..can this still be changed?
Yep! looks like there were actually two people who did that. I should have caught that as well. Given that it's the same coin i'd be happy to go ahead and make that change
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Good job! I totally thought something else would happen. :/
great post, steem.engine as usual!