adventures of terra chapter 1

in #fantasy7 years ago

translations for aznian language


na seevaz=this is a word in aznian lanuguage which has many meanings
its meanings are
thank you
youre welcome
good luck

this word can also also be said when something good happens
for example
"you just won the lottery"
"na seevaz"

chapter 1
starting the adventure

mom:Red.....RED!...wake up!
me:please just let me sleep mom
mom:i cant,your train is gonna be still wanna be an adventurer dont you?
mom:get dressed and go on
i got dressed took a shower and ate some food.i was really anxious to start my job in family are all parents were retired adventurers mom was a gun mage and my father was a swordsman.
im the youngest of the sister Melissa being the oldest and nine years older than me.she was a dagger user and beast tamer.basically she could make different beasts her allies.her strenght was in her stealth.
then came my brother thomas who is 5 years older than me.he was a mage and the middle child although he was skilled in magic,he was deadly with a weapon and a shield.
i had turned 18 at this time and was eager to start my life as an adventurer.i left the house with nothing but a dagger,the knowledge of a fireball spell and 500 aznios(the currency we have).i also had my phone and a spell
to enchant my dagger. with fire.

heres a quick geography lesson.aznia is a country in the Aiden continent.our world,terra has 8 continents 6 of which were named after the heroes of legends.we have the continents of Aiden,Bulk,Laana,mei,blue,pink.
which are named after the heroes of legend.the other two are named scorch and can tell just by the names that these two continents are wastelands.
my country aznia is the most famous country in the aiden continent.not the only are the most economically advanced country we also have the most geographical variety.we have everything from mountains to beaches,volcanoes to deserts.
i came from the small town of bigwall.were a small beach town.anyway...back to the story.
as i was on my way out my mother stops me.
mom:na seevaz,my son
me:na seevaz mom
all of a sudden i hear the doorbell ring.on the door i saw Melissa and thomas
me:Melissa!thomas!i thought you guys were out on your adventures.but you guys are here.and Melissa you even bought agustus with you!

augustus was my brother in he and my sister got married when i was 17.

Melissa:no chance was i gonna miss out on saying goodbye to my little bro
augustus:honestly kid its great to see that youre out adventuring.Melissa was so excited to see this day and when the time finally came she just couldnt stop squealing from excitement
Melissa:seriously augustus i wasnt that excited
augustus:really?i could remember you saying"oh my gods reds going on his first adventure!im so excited!"
Melissa:sh-shut up
me,augustus and thomas laugh
me:honestly guys im so glad that you came to see me off.
thomas:well red you better leave now though.dont you have a train to catch?
me:oh crap!i only have 30 minutes to get there.see you guys
erveryone:BYE RED!

lemme give you a little is name Red Falkove.our family the falkoves has a long history of being adventurers and finding our own parents were once adventurers mother Emma Falkove and my father Jared
falkove were adventurers.they were a married couple who roamed the world.once my mother was pregnant with Melissa the two of them settled down in bigwall.they had made enough money from their adventures to live peacefully
for the rest of their brother and sister of course took their paths and i took mine the way,youre probably wondering how i got my name.i was named after my red hair.
throughout the whole family only my grandmother and i had red hair.but my hair has more significance than was imbued with magic.when i was a baby the hospital i was delivered in was struck down by a group of dark magic grandmother was a mage.
she fought off all the dark spell of my grandmothers collided with that off another mages.the two spells mixed together and were absorbed in my hair.strange isnt it?it gets wierder.turns out that my hair was protected by a spell placed on me by my grandmother when i was still in my mothers hair could boost my use of certain mana(the energy we use for magic)was stored in my hair.the amount of mana always stayed the same though no matter what the length of my hair was.and since my grandmothers magic protected me my hair was the same colour as yeah.thats my names explaination.i was a tanned skin 18 year old boy who was somewhat chubby not enough to be called fat though.i had brown eyes and a birthmark on my left arm.a small black spot.

as i run towards the train station im heavily out of breath.i bump into this one light elf guy.he wore glasses and had blond hair.he was 5'5 just like me.and had pale skin.

stranger:im really sorry. i wasnt looking where i was going.
me:its fine
annoncer:train 305 leaving!
me and the stranger:oh crap thats my train...youre going on it too?!thats awesome!
me:we can get there if we run.
edwin:my name is Edwin Damalio by the way.nice to meet you
me:nice to meet you too.ill just call you ed for short.

once we reached the train we found that our seats were next to each other.the train we were in was headed to a town named was where all adventurers purchased a horse or any sort of animal they could travel on.from then
on we went on our adventure.i sat on my seat and talked to edwin.

me:so youre adventuring too? on my way to bigsteed just like the way.whats your name?
me:oh right,i forgot to introduce red falkove.
edwin:so red?where are you from?
me:im from bigwall.what about you ed?where do you come from?
edwin:im from lanceshire.

Lanceshire was a town named after a great elven hero named lance who was said to have protected many elves against the racism of humans.although realations between our races are good now,centuries ago there was a lot of racism.
over the time many races opened up to each other and we now live in peace.edwins race,the light elves were opressed by humans and goblins years ago.they were also attacked by the dark and wood elves.Lance the hero whom lanceshire is named after was said to have protected his kind against against from the humans.over the years the racism is gone.this was also thanks to the heros of legend.they banished all the evil in the land and protected the

me:lanceshire isnt all that far away from bigwall.
edwin:it wasnt far from the train station either so i made it in time even though i overslept,i did even get to so damn hungry
me:damn!I forgot to pack food.
edwin:the train has a restaraunt,wanna get some food?
me:that sounds like an awesome idea.

edwin and i walk over to the restaraunt and eat.i had to pay 50 aznios for the meal since edwin forgot his wallet at his seat.

edwin:thanks for paying for me man.
me:its cool man.the food there was great
edwin:it was okay i guess.
me:by the way edwin whats your fighting style?
edwin:i use an enchanted bow.its got a scope on it as well.what about you?
me:im a dagger mage.
edwin:it seems like a good fighting slash with your blade while casting spells at the same time.
me:maybe we could hunt together some time to show off our skills
edwin:that seems like a good idea.

all of a sudden my phone rings

mom:hi the trip so far?
me:its all right doing good im on the train to bigsteed.
mom:ok Red.this is the final time ill be calling you though.
mom:youre all grown up now.i cant just keep checking on you again and again,ill miss you though.whenever you have the chance come back to bigwall.
me:okay mom i will.bye!
edwin:was that your mom?
edwin:thats sweet
me:what about your mom?has she called you so far?

edwin:my parents actually died last year.they were slain by a demon.
me:are you talking about the demon that demon that rampaged in lanceshire last year?the one named Agneefo
edwin:yes.and so far zeemo,the man who caused Agneefos appearence is not caught yet.

Zeemo was a master mage who summoned demons and was said to be so good at dark conjuring magic,the magic that is forbidden worldwide,that he can even create and name his own demons.Agneefo is one example.

me:i hope they catch zeemo one day.he deserves no mercy
edwin:if i had the chance i would kill him myself.

we spent the next two hours on the train just chatting.i told him a little bit about bigwall and about my family.edwin told me that he was 17 when his parents died,the two of us were the same age.edwin was adopted by his aunt and
became an adventurer when he was old enough.he had a sister named naalia.she was 14 years old.she gave him a necklace when he left.

me:nice necklace
edwin:its a ruby necklace with a lifesave enchantment.
me:what enchantment?
edwin:basically,when im close to dying from unnatural causes,such as being attacked by a monster or killed by a thug,the necklace heals breaks after the use though.
me:it sounds expensive
edwin:it is,she saved up for years to get me this costs around 50000 aznios
me:holy shit!dude try not to die any time soon.this is an expensive necklace.
edwin:thanks for the advice.

the train comes to a screeching halt.
announcer:we have now reached the town of bigsteed!
edwin:im just gonna grab my backpack.
me:you know...i should probably get a backpack too

edwin grabs his backpack and puts it on his shoulders.

me:is that a "spikey" backpack?

spikey is one the largest companies in the world.they make sports goods and things like backpacks.their main competitor is madidas.edwin happened to own a large spikey backpack. was a gift for my fifteenth birthday.i also got this.

edwin pulls out a laptop from his backpack

me:is that is that a "kumquat fruitbook"?

allow me to tell you about some of the large worldwide companys in terra.we have spikey and madidas.we have "kumquat" the firm thats made the laptop the "kumquat fruitbook" and the "kumquat o-phone".kumquats main competitor is
fanghum.this firm has made things like tvs and the phone series named "fanghum universe".there are also the topping soft drink is "loca cola".the make the drinks named "loca cola"(loce for short),"8-up" and "shanta".
loces main competitor is "popsi".they made the drinks "popsi cola","hill mist","mirando" and "fite".there are also energy drinks like "blue cow".

edwin:yup,the model
me:im more of a fanghum guy
edwin:thats cool
me:but crap man,youre loaded,spikey backpack and and a fruitbook pro.i should probably get a backpack from bigsteed.
edwin:seems like a good idea,now lets get off the train.

edwin and i both head over to the bigsteed ranch.there were many adventurers from aznia looking to get their first riding animal.although some people used cars live creatures were better for adventuring.the animal was chosen through a
edwin and i split up.he went to get his and i went to mine.

once i reach the trial room i man handed me some animal food and sent me on my way.he told me to put on a blindfold and let the animal come to me.i hold out my hand waiting.i feel something eating out off my hand.

stranger:take off the blindfold.

i take off my blindbold and i see a large blue was a frost pheonix.the pheonix birds consists of many different elements fire being the basic one.they could change their sizes to as small as to fit in one hand to as big as
three people to ride on it.

me:holy crap!a frost pheonix
stranger:that will be 6000 aznios
me:what the fuck?!
stranger:they arent free.keep the pheonix here it will be waiting for you.

i walk out and i see edwin.

me"im really low on cash for my frost pheonix
edwin:i got a leaf gorrila.

i dont have explain this much.its a mixture of a plant and a gorilla and can use nature to fight.and yes you can ride carrys you on its shoulders and can run upto 70 km/h.

edwin:im 3000 aznios short
me:well we better find jobs.

edwin and i search through town and check on the adventurers board.
edwin:how about this job for loce?
job request:find the the rare machi leaf reward=10000 aznios
me:thats seems fair.the poster even has a picture of the leaf.

edwin and i head out in the woods in search of the leaf.its said that the dew in the machi leaf is as sweet as honey but as ten times as healthy as any vegetable.the seeds of the machi plant are also in its leaves.its said to be in a
cave in the bigsteed forest.we search around for a little while and besides finding great food on the trees and eating it we come accross a cave thats hidden by some bushes and trees in the forest.we enter the cave and find it.
the machi plant....guarded by trolls.we sneak around the edge of the cave making sure not to be seen by the trolls.

edwin:oh crap!theres about ten trolls there.
me:heres the plan.i use a double handed fire ball spell.normally when using magic i only use one hand but the spell will be stronger and have more range if i use two hands.with enough shots i can knock out 4 trolls then kill them
with my dagger.
edwin:ill use my bow on them.
me:there will still be some alive,I grab two leaves and run.understood?
edwin:why two?
me:i could also sell one to popsi.
edwin:good idea
me:lets do it!ill fire a few shots and run in you shoot em with your bow.ill even light a few arrows on fire for you.
edwin:my bow also has the shock enchantment.with shock and fire enchantments i could knock a few trolls down
me:im firing a few fire balls now.
edwin:im readying an arrow

i aim my hands toward the trolls while edwin aims his flaming arrows.

i reapeted this a few times before running out of mana and my hair turning black.
edwin:did your damn hair just change colours?!
me:keep firing ed!
i knocked down 4 trolls and slit their throats while edwin killed about 5.there was one troll left but he was the largest of them all.i ran out of mana and edwin ran out of arrows.Ed took a few horns from the dead trolls and some skin and
hair.i went to the machi plant and grabbed two leaves

me:run Ed run!
edwin:you dont have to tell me!

we made it out of the cave alive though slightly bruised after being beaten by the final troll.we made out way back to bigsteed.on the way edwin and i talked a little

me:damn my feet hurt from walking this much.
edwin:mine too.also....what the hell happened to your hair?!
me:my hair changes colour when i run out of mana

i then told edwin about my hair and how i got my name

edwin:thats...kind of cool.but now since your hair isnt red anymore should i start calling you black?
me:dont even think about it
edwin lets out a loud laugh

once we make it to bigsteed we sell the leaves to loce and popsi and got 1750 aznios.also turns out that taking the trolls horns and skins was also a good idea.i put some in edwins backpack.we made a profit 50000 on those horns and
10000 on the the fur was burnt.we got 6000 for best condition it would have been 20000 aznios.the mana in my hair also came back.i got 44000 aznios and so did edwin.i had in my wallet 44450 aznios.i went back to get my frost pheonix and edwin bought his leaf gorrilla.i also switched my dagger for a sword made from steel and got some armour along with my own "spikey" backpack in red colour.i laso purchased the frost,healing and lightning spells.
i also got a spell to summom a fire spirit to fight for me.ill tell you how spells work by the way.theyre enlisted on scrolls.the scrolls are then read by caster and the caster absorbs the ability to use the spell.the scroll is then destroyed.i also got some food and drinks along with potions.some beer as well since the legal drinking age in aznia is 16.after this trip i only had 300 aznios left.edwin got a new bow with some enchantments and a couple of special arrows.

edwin:well red...what do we do now do we form a party or go our seperate ways.
red:lets form a party and head out.
edwin:nice..also what did you name your frost pheonix?i named my leaf gorilla edwin jr
red:oh yeah i totally forgot to name my forst pheonix.

my frost pheonix looked at me with a look of happiness.

me:you know what?hes a frost pheonix and he has blue feathers so ill just name him blue.
edwin:wow,is your whole family named after colours?
edwin:anyway lets stay at an inn for today and head on our first official adventure tommorow.

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