Famous Leaders' Speeches

in #famous5 years ago

In the age of social media, great oratory still resonates with the masses. It’s still true, and likely always to be true — great, truly great leaders are charismatic speakers. Below are some of the best examples of influential leadership speeches presentations that will stand the test of time.

What are the leadership qualities? Who is actually a leader in the true sense of the term? What is the role of a great leader? If you want to know the answer to all these questions, then browse through our app and read our speeches on leadership.

There are long speech on leadership as well as short speech on leadership to cater to different purposes, such as to give you a deep insight into the topic and help you draw reference from them for your, let’s say school assignment, in case you are a student, or to help you prepare a speech for a public event, etc. These speeches will serve all your purpose and give you a fair understanding of the topic so much so that you can stand up and confidently address this subject on your own.

This app gives information of most prominent leaders in each of each major categories:-
Great Leader
Artificial Intelligence
Movie Success

Famous Great Leaders:
Abraham Lincoln
Abdul Kalam
Albert Einstein
Adolf Hitler
Bhagwad Gita
Benjamin Franklin
Bill Gates
Charles Darwin
Charles Dickens
Charlie Chaplin
Ernest Hemingway
Ernesto Che Guevara
Fyodor Dostoevsky
George Bernard Shaw
George Orwell
Groucho Marx
Henry Ford
Joseph Stalin
Julian Assange
Karl Marx
Leo Tolstoy
Mohandas Gandhi
Mother Theresa
Mark Twain
Marilyn Monroe
Oscar Wilde
Rabindranath Tagore
Robert Frost
Swami Vivekananda
Steve Jobs
Thomas Alva Edison
Victor Hugo
Vladimir Lenin
William Shakespeare
Walt Disney
Warren Buffett
Will Roger
Winston Churchill
Woody Allen
Ayrton Senna
Jackie Joyner Kersie
Thomas Barik
Martina Navratilova
Michael Phelps

Famous Athlete:
Michael Jordan
Muhammad Ali
Roger Federer
Sachin Tendulkar
Sir Steve Redgrave
Tiger Woods
Frederick Douglas
John F. Kennedy
Lyndon B. Johnson
Martin Luther King, Jr
Patrick Henry
Ronald Reagan
Susan B. Anthony
Elon Musk
Jack Ma
Jeff Bezos
Narendra Modi
Xi Jinping

Famous Music & Movie:
Audrey Hepburn
Bob Dylan
Elton John
Elvis Presley
Jack Nicholson
John Lennon
Leonardo DiCaprio
Marlon Brando
Meryl Streep
Michael Jackson
Robert De Niro
Shah Rukh Khan
Tom Hanks

This is an interesting act of option leadership speeches and quotes since it connected emotionally with many individuals. In fact, if it received over 10 million views in the first five days. We will publish the second edition of this app.

First of all, please understand that leadership doesn’t involve domination or subjugation of the weaker sex. The world is already full of such people who have an ardent desire to rule and take charge of other peoples’ lives. But this is not the trait of a good leader.

The true leader is someone who earns respect through his rightful actions and mass following without any dictatorship. He inspires others to follow his footsteps and become the guiding light for humanity. The great leader is someone who carries the torch of wisdom and enlightens the society thereby leading people to the path of progress and growth. Besides, the true meaning of leadership is having the requisite ability to enable people to want to follow you while being under no compulsion as such to do so. Leaders are those people who set certain benchmarks and try to achieve those benchmarks by allowing people to judge them according to their actions and endeavors. The goals are set and all might is put towards achieving those goals, but without compromising with the ethics and morals – this is the true mark of a great leader.

Leaders who possess great leadership qualities effectively channelize their energy and devote themselves to the growth and progress of humanity. The restrictions or obligations that the leader imposes on himself/herself enable a leader to rise against all odds and never bow down to the circumstances. Always remember that the love of supreme excellence is found in a great leader. Thus, a true leader is someone who is able to establish a connection with the almighty and realizes by faith that leaders are a mere instrument in the hands of Him and dedicates his entire life to become an inspirer and guide of the higher sentiments and ambitions of the people.

A leader in the true sense of the term has to pay the price for his forbearance and moral restraints. The leader does well to the society selflessly, i.e. without expecting anything in return. This leads to further enhancement or cleansing of leader soul and keeping a check on leader personal desires, which in turn allows a leader to become an extraordinary being.

There is an old saying which is, “To be first in place, one must be first in merit as well.” Thus, an individual actually becomes a leader when the leader has the ability to lead mankind on the path of progress without any selfish reason.

Therefore considering his great leadership qualities, I want to deliver a speech on the subject called leadership and wish that many more such people continue to take birth in our country so that it can grow by leaps and bounds not only in terms of wealth but morally and spiritually as well. What sets great leaders apart from the common men is the quality that they are born with a vision and can foresee the future. They are clear in their mind as towards which direction they have to head and what they want from life. They are expert at preparing strategies and changing those strategies from time to time according to what the time requires.

Having a vision for the future is what separates the leaders from a common man and categorizes them as a special type of people. Such people thus become transformational leaders. Well, managers also come into the category of leaders who not only manage their desk work but lead their teams as well. However, still, there is a difference between a manager and a leader, which is, managers are just concerned about getting their work done whereas leaders take into account the emotions of their people and act accordingly.

Following are the qualities required to become a great leader:

One of the really significant qualities of a good leader is of course courage. Being courageous means a leader has the guts to take risks in life without having an assurance of a positive outcome. Because life itself is precarious, every action that we perform or every commitment we make definitely cannot be without a risk factor. Therefore, courage is the most identifiable trait in a leader because not everyone has the courage to follow leader dreams.

Those who are true leaders always have their penetrating gaze on the possible outcome and are able to anticipate the situation. It is, therefore, the much-needed attribute in a great leader because if not focused, any foundation governed by the leader can come crashing down in no time. Thus, they have to focus on their goals as well as the organizational goals, if they work in that kind of space.

Strategic Planning
Great leaders are also great masterminds. They can do strategic planning and look ahead to fathom the upcoming trends beforehand and make an adjustment of his organization according to the changing industry tastes and preferences. They are born with the ability to foresee future events much earlier than their competitors.

Great leaders are not only strong-headed and decisive but also modest. Being modest doesn’t mean that leader is uncertain of himself or herself or has a weak character, but it means that leader has enough self-confidence that leader can easily realize the value of others and give them the importance they deserve. This is one of the rare characteristics in a person or a great leader because it certainly requires suppression of one’s ego.

The crux of integrity is honesty. Integrity expects you to remain truthful towards your people under every circumstance. It is the founding quality which is required in any leader and for any working sphere.

It’s a great leadership quality to make everyone work in harmony under one roof. If you are able to pull people together for a cause or project, then success is bound to touch your feet. This quality is of paramount importance in a leader because being a leader itself entails making people follow you readily and for a substantial cause.

A great leader is someone who can inspire and lead others. The leader doesn’t have to necessarily force anyone, but his/her influence on people should be so profound that they start following him/her willingly. For this to happen, the leader should have great oratory skills and should be able to move people through the power of own words. The leader doesn’t have to rule over anyone but own personality should be so strong that people easily get swayed by their aura. It is true that these qualities are god gifted to a certain extent in a select few people, but after a point, one has to constantly work over it.

Let’s know, what are those leadership qualities which help a person stand out from the rest of the crowd and make a mark in this world:


Sometimes we fall, sometimes we stumble, but we can't stay down. We can't allow life to beat us down. Everything happens for a reason, and it builds character in us, and it tells us what we are about and how strong we really are when we didn't think we could be that strong.

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