The repercussions of social services in the life of my best friend
Hello community and to those who read me.
When I was in the shelter thanks to social services I met my best friend, she spent more time there than me, I spent 4 years, where I got sick, and where I did not sleep, I was like a girl with lots of doubts that only He wanted to understand why he was in that place far from his family. In these 4 years my best friend developed a fear that up to now she maintains, and it is the fear of abandonment, she was always in search of a figure of protection, this is the repercussion of living 4 years away from her family who really loved her and services Separo social
Finally my friend today is a professional adult but with certain imbalances, seeking protection in any person is one of the biggest instabilities that he has had during this time. For the reason of growing away from their attachment figures and away from an emotional affection shown makes her think erratically about issues of affection. My friend had a daughter and that is why today I tell her story, the father of her daughter consumes psychoactive substances, under her effects she has repeatedly assaulted my best friend, which she never confronted him with afraid that he would leave and leave her she did not want to be alone again.
One of those many days that the father was under the effects of drugs, physically abuse and this time also hit the girl, my best friend did not take her to school in 3 days, however when the girl attended it was still remarkable the blows in the face, the authorities of the school went to social services who made an investigation, the girl had different bruises on the body, the father was referred to the jail, and the mother was declared unfit for his care for allowing the agagression to the youngest of 7 years. This happened 9 months ago, the girl is in a social services shelter and does not allow her mother visits. The saddest thing about this is that even though my best friend has been in an arduous fight for her custody, social services has the look in the girl to be put in adoption.
She is only a 7-year-old girl, the repercussions of physical and psychological abuse can lead to really serious psychological pathologies due to the fact of being isolated from her mother, after witnessing and experiencing physical abuse.
Social services simply does not present the support that this girl needs as much of affection as of psychological help.