Stoke as a deadly disease for many part #1

Today we will be discussing about another deadly disease know as stroke.
Table of contents
- Definition of stoke disease
- Causes of stroke disease
- Symptoms of stroke disease
- Remedy fro stroke disease
- Conclusion
Definition of stroke disease
Doctors with lots of discoveries has considered stroke to be the cause of sudden death in the brain cells, this is due to the lack of oxygen in the body, blockage of the flow of blood and also a fracture in the brain artery. Stroke is also the cause for internal and external weakness, loss of speech, and also paralyzing one side of the body, this are one of the symptoms stroke causes. With the use of X-rays test, strokes can be confirmed positively in an individual. Over the years, strokes has claimed a lot of lives, it was proven that each year stroke kills about 140,000 Americans. With this huge amount of deaths stroke has caused, the government are now providing appropriate medical care, this will reduce the level of death and disability resulting from strokes yearly.
Stroke can also be known as a cerebrovascular accident, in the abbreviated word CVA. This also connotes the loss or reduction of blood supply and some parts of the body being deprived or shortened of blood. In other words, the cause for the loss of blood could be Ishemic because of the reduction in the flow of blood. Strokes are very dangerous because they lead to countless number of disabled individuals and thousands of death.
Definition of NIH stroke scale
The NIH stroke scaled can be seen as seen as a systematic scoring equipment used by healthcare professionals or doctors to record and measure the level of damage caused by stroke.
This scale measures records diverse aspects of how the brain functions, which includes movement, sensation, speech, vision, flow of blood, and language. This scales serves plays a major role in the healthcare organisations. This tool is a dynamic blood thinner that can enhance the income of stroke, but the usage of this tool is limited.
The NIH stroke scale isn't the only tool available to record and measure if a person has stroke. All the same you can follow the numbers health care professionals provide, when they are recording the stroke you have.
Remember, this tool tries to score how rigorous a stroke is, on the other hand, the NIH scale also monitors if the patient stroke is increasing or getting worse by the day when he is examined.
This tool (NIH scale) helps to know if the patient is the following below;
- Is awake/ or dead
- Can follow orders/command
- Has difficulties in coordinating
- Ability to see
- Has feelings or normal body sensation
- Can move their face, arm and body effectively.
National institute of neurological disorders and stroke
Thanks for reading my article, in my next post, i will be discussing about the causes of stroke. So stay tuned
it is very important to exercise everyday or at least 3 times a week to counter stroke, so go out and have some sweaty jogging and push ups it will help prevent us from having stroke because it will circulates more oxygen into our body and it will melt some fats.
Cinnamon. Cinnamon and more cinnamon. Best thing I ever found for natural blood pressure control. People need to be told. A couple large capsules a day keeps my blood pressure right where it should be, and I am 57 and 40 pounds overweight. ALSO, ALWAYS, ALWAYS carry a little baggie of aspirin with you. You could save your life with it, or that of another person. Great article. Kudos!
thank you for advice and solutions him. this useful for others. Thanks
You're very welcome.
Level of consciousness and neuro-circulation checks need not be sophisticated to indicate a problem:
Person, Place, Date, Day of Week?
Pain, Itching, Swelling, Skin Rash?
Namaste, Jaichai
nice and informative post thanks for sharing
Im interested to know how to prevent the clogging of blood vessels in the brain?
Probably i will make in next post
good article, very useful for other people
thanls for sharing bro 👍