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RE: CPS & Foster Care Still Number One Source of Trafficked Children- Police Complicit

It is demonstrable that psychopaths and others seeking power attain to that power by serving in institutions that have the power they seek. Given the traits of psychopaths, they are preferentially able to rise to positions of authority in institutions.

As we read in the documents left by the founders of American government, the effect of governmental power is contrary to liberty. However, the inability of individuals to effect their power against corrupt institutions necessitated government, in their view, a 'necessary evil.'

Over time, as the institution of government is infiltrated by the corrupt, the institution(s) have been corrupted by those psychopaths in order to facilitate the personal aggrandizement they seek. Presently all legacy government is no less corrupt and contrary to individual liberty than the institutions it was instituted to oppose.

This is demonstrable, although it may be a startling revelation to folks that have not been availed of sufficient exposure to interactions with government to discover this for themselves. It is also provable that concerted and publicly funded indoctrination is undertaken to prevent understanding the present situation, and action to resolve it.

The solution to the problem is simple, if unappealing. Corrupt institutions are not necessary, and actually prevent beneficial services from being implemented. The cessation of corrupt institutions - as undertaken by the founding fathers, for example - is one solution. Sadly, the learning curve to grasp these facts results in naive individuals effecting support for institutions while they do not know they are corrupt, and by the time they are informed, a new crop of naive supporters is available.

There is a novel factor affecting the situation however, and this is the eventuation of technological advances that increase individual power versus institutions in meaningful ways. Decentralized DLTs enable uncensorable evidence to be publicly auditable, preventing corrupt agencies from destroying evidence (as recently happened in the UK, for example), or preventing individuals from accessing the information (as is standard operating procedure across LEAs). The proliferation of cameras and mechanisms to secure information and deliver it to such DLTs burgeons. Communications between affected individuals continues also to improve. Recently GAB released Dissenter, which enables people to resume comment on the web, which has been discouraged by many social media and legacy media sites by disabling comments on their sites.

While these alone are insufficient to solve the problems, they are not the only novel mechanisms eventuating. Nominal technology is arising that does provide effective means of terminating corrupt institutions of every kind, at every scale, and will continue to be developed.

I believe that this is a primary motivation of globalists to institute war, as wholesale slaughter and destruction of infrastructure delays the introduction and use of new technology for such purposes, and necessarily diverts the attention and work of survivors. However, that is only a delaying tactic.

Nothing short of extinction can prevent humanity from developing the necessary technology to preclude power from being effected via corrupt institutions. Either we will eventually attain to actual nominal freedom at every scale, or it won't matter at all that we do not.



Yes, it is power they want. Go a step further, though, pls.
Power, what for. It is not (just) for the sake of it. It is to eliminate/kill/destroy the image of God, Human beings, AND to feed their demonic sources by the shedding of innocent blood.

The technology solution is smart, but it takes POWER and political will to implement. With a once Christian Nation being pussyfied, and false tolerance preached from the pulpits of money greedy businesses posing as churches misleading their flocks, times are dire, and it takes the will of the people to recognize and fight this unspeakable evil.

I am confident there are evil people undertaking exactly what you object to here.

I further agree that people should be aware of it, and oppose it.

I just note that opposition is best enabled when it is simply directly decreasing the power of the mechanisms used by evil people, and directly increasing the power of free persons. By the application of Occam's Razor, unnecessary religious, political, and other disputes are rendered avoidable, and the effort that would be necessary to get everyone to agree on such details better spent actually opposing our enemies. You will also certainly agree that it is impossible to get universal agreement as to those details as well.

Zoroastrians, Buddhists, and every Christian sect can all work in perfect harmony to defeat the enemy, because the way to do so is by replacing the mechanisms used by the enemy to harm us with mechanisms we personally and individually control to effect our benefit, at the cost to the enemy of their every potential to profit and grow stronger.

The only expenses in that effort are direct reductions in the power of the enemy, and avoids in every respect the kinds of internal conflicts that destroyed the Occupy Wall Street movement, for example. The Hegelian Dialectic is an extraordinarily powerful weapon, and it has been their weapon for centuries. My tactic renders that weapon useless against free people.

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