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RE: If A Social Worker Interviews You

This is more than a little terrifying to me.

Not because I am easily intimidated by state enforced monkey's (not a damn chance) but because we all know that many people operate under the assumption...

There's no smoke without fire...

We know that these bullies will bring enough smoke and fire to go around and sufficiently besmirch your previously good reputation.
is there anything worse to be assumed to be guilty of than child abuse?

I class myself as a great Dad and my partner is an exceptional Mother but I wonder how long that perception would hold up with our friends and neighbours once the visits began? There are lines that should never be crossed. Intimations that should never be voiced and assumptions that should never EVER be made. All of us in the eyes of such agencies and institutions are presumed guilty until proven innocent, do any of us doubt this nowadays?

I don't believe the perfect family has ever or indeed will ever exist. Much of parenting is trial and error a good friend of mine @father2b has an amazing parenting blog that deals with this assumption perfectly in many of his posts. We all know we are not handed a manual on how to be an awesome parent 5 minutes after our children enter the world and if we were there would be at least 5 chapters on indoctrination A.K.A the education system where our children are taken from us under rule of law and programmed to be a great producer a host for the parasitic state.

I read your post with empathetic eyes and would be horrified if this were happening to me and I hope you reach the right conclusion quickly so as to minimise the disruption to your entire family. I hope initiatives like @familyprotection have resources that can help this process along for you. I suspect as that community grows and becomes more active this will be the case for many people being unfairly and unethically treated!

Many of the questions that they ask are far from relevant and are intended as individual scraps of information that can be woven together to make a very different story than the actuality that truly exists.

Take good care of you and yours from me and mine, thoughts are most certainly with you :D


Thank you so much for your kind and thoughtful comment! It's so true that we are guilty until proven innocent, and we've even been trained to wonder to ourselves what did the parents do? when someone's children get taken away. There is so much ignorance and even approval when it comes to CPS and other agencies, and there's so much propaganda out there about how wonderful they are...

I class myself as a great Dad and my partner is an exceptional Mother but I wonder how long that perception would hold up with our friends and neighbours once the visits began?

It pretty much happens overnight. Some of my neighbors are already giving me the evil eye, and I'm getting less likes on Facebook. Granted some people I've recently blocked for their involvement in setting me up, or their association with the people responsible for this...I belive it was my mom, but my stepdad said it was my grandparents - who haven't seen me in years and live 1000 miles away... and then they were still liking my posts as if nothing was wrong...

I hate the way people network too. Everyone knows everyone else's business, even complete strangers, it's aggravating how people gossip. I dated someone whose best friend is a social worker - this was a couple years ago when my husband and I were separated, and I know first hand from what she told him that there is no confidentiality when CPS is involved, they can talk about us to anyone they want. This same social worker is now the one investigating us, which I think is a conflict of interest, but I'm afraid if I speak up and say something, they will appoint someone worse...

I hope initiatives like @familyprotection have resources that can help this process along for you.

@familyprotection has been immensely supportive, and they have even gave me a donation that enabled me to join the HSLDA. I don't know what I would do without them and the other amazing people here on Steemit!

Thanks again @stevenwood! Much love. :)

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