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RE: DCF/CPS Kidnaps Kids. Be Aware of Their Dirty tricks....My story

You hit the nail on the head nexusvortex. As much as it tortured my ex wife and I, my daughter was much more fundamentally affected. It was obvious to anyone that knows my daughter that it took a severe psychological toll on her that will last for who knows how long. A noticeable thing was that after she was removed from our home she started picking at her face as a nervous habit. A four year old lil princess should not be stressed out over thinking about what she did to cause this and why she cant come home with us after our weekend visit every week. She is home now and the case is finally closed. She is getting better every day but still worries. She is afraid to go to her grandparents because she thinks she will have to stay there again. so it affected that relationship too. The last thing i want is for her to have long lasting issues from this and have it affect her adult life too. I will do everything i possibly can to avoid that very possible possibility.


I am sure it was traumatizing to say the least. I am concerned that not enough people are aware the damages done by the state and government agencies such as CPS. I find it appalling that many people do not understand the importance of ensuring the mental well being of our families especially when it is known that much more abusive acts have occurred in foster care, more often than not from the research I performed a couple of years ago. I found many stories of children being abused in these homes by the ones that were supposed to be care givers, abusive more horrific than what the parents were accused of by the court system. I hope that things work out for the best for your family and especially for your daughter. I hate to hear any family enduring troubled times.