Understanding the FAMILY PROTECTION account: please don't abuse it!
I am a big fan of @canadian-coconut and her various missions here on Steemit.
It was through her that I discovered @markwhittam and the @familyprotection account.
Like the subjects of 'Vaccine Dangers & Failures, Unschooling, Parenting, Natural Immunity, Health - Exposing Corruption & Lies' (focused upon by @canadian-coconut) I felt immediately drawn towards supporting the initiative to build awareness of this shocking & taboo subject.
As a new parent I seek now to understand the world we plan on travelling... and its various crazy rules & regulations!
Knowledge is POWER!
What is the Family Protection account about?
Yes, it is about protecting your family... But no, it is not about (for example) about how to protect your family from GMO foods!
This account is dedicated to a very specific subject:
@canadian-coconut says it very clearly with the following words:
Everyone's story is valid. Good experience with CPS? - valid Bad experience with CPS? - valid
It could not be clearer, so for the benefit of their sanity please stick to some basic rules.
What do the words LEGALLY KIDNAPPED mean in relation to the subject of Child Protective Services?
Do you personally have experience with the CPS? If so, your input will be gratefully & respectfully received.
If you have no personal experience, look for current news stories. There are many! But they are not being covered in the mainstream media.
This is about GOVERNMENT abuse. NOT about how to stop child abuse within the home.
DO NOT under any circumstance copy/paste other peoples' articles and post using the #familyprotection tag.
DO NOT under any circumstance copy/paste other peoples' comments
I know it does not give @canadian-coconut or @markwhittam any pleasure to flag those who abuse the very basic requirements around this initiative, but in order that the important work of genuine content creators not be polluted with endless spammy messages, flagging is essential.
Those who wish to learn about this subject through these articles and the comments under them do not want to waste their time reading the fruitless efforts of spammers.
The account was created to build awareness to protect children from a life of foster care (or much worse!) when the parents themselves are not in any way at fault. The account has also been created to raise money for those who might need it in the future.
There is a discord group (established in Sept) which can be accessed here: https://discord.gg/f8DVtQx
But be in no doubt about why you are joining this group! And read Mark's words carefully:
canadian.coconut is here to kick butt and chew bubblegum. And canadian.coconut is all out of gum.
Lawyers fees
We all know how expensive lawyers are right?
So that's why this account and the investments being made from it are so important right now.
2018 is the year crypto goes mainstream and these investments may well assist 100s of families in the future.
Just a few hours ago, they posted this amazing image to keep us up to date on their progress...
Fantastic to see this dramatic growth of funds!
Digital Lawyers
In this brave new world of blockchain based decentralisation I am wondering if there will soon be an alternative to paying a human to be your lawyer in situations like this?
Hunting around moments ago I found Agrello and feel as if the AI lawyer isn't too far from reality already!
Perhaps @familyprotection will be able to take advantage of this in some way in the future?
You are encouraged to use the #familyprotection tag in order that all related posts can be easily found under one banner.
Please use the tag wisely and do not abuse the generosity of those running this initiative.
Here are some recent examples of posts being resteemed into the @familyprotection account.
In Conclusion
You don't have to be a parent to be involved in this. If you feel it to be an important cause you can donate directly to the @familyprotection account. You will be listed at the bottom of their progress report posts as you can see in their last post HERE
Every little bit helps... so don't hold back on account of only having a few steem to give.
If ever there was a good cause to support... THIS IS IT!
And most importantly of all, being a blockchain based project, there will be 100% visibility at all times what your donations are going towards.
Long live the BLOCKCHAIN!
Many thanks for your time and I look forward to seeing the ongoing success of this account.
Treat others with respect and you will be treated with respect in return.
Click on the images for source links & direct connection to the @familyprotection account
Who is @samstonehill?
Currently based in Bali he travels with his partner & two children. With no bank account he has been living on STEEM & crypto for over six months.
All content created for this account is 100% original (unless otherwise stated), produced by @samstonehill who invites you to use & share freely as you wish.
@samstonehill is the creator of:
@steemshop account where you can buy or sell anything you like using your steemit wallet SEE MORE
@steemmasters which provides FREE TUTORIALS, personal training & resteeming services. Website HERE
Contact me directly on steemit.chat if you want to know more about this
@steemholidays which encourages resort owners to offer holiday packages in Steem or SBD
@steemtv which aims to provide the best in decentralised films, exclusive to Steemit & DTube
The dailyquotes tag initiative designed to encourage steemians to share their most life changing quotes with the community on a daily basis.
The Aspiring Steemit Whales & Dolphins group on Facebook which seeks to help newcomers make the transition from Facebook to Steemit, providing them with detailed notes and personal assistance with their posts... resteeming them when he can.
@teamsteem @timcliff @jesta @good-karma @someguy123 @blocktrades @pfunk @klye @krnel @blueorgy @ausbitbank @thecryptodrive @ura-soul @pharesim
Without them our beloved Steemship would not fly.
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This post has been Resteemed and Upvoted by @familyprotection
are using "Child Protection Agencies"
to take children away from loving families
and place them in foster care or group homes
or put up for adoption.
Thank-you @samstonehill for supporting @familyprotection
It is my pleasure as always to help build awareness around this initiative... and hopefully keep those spammers at bay!
Thank you @samstonehill for continuing to support this much needed cause.
We are very happy with the direction it has taken in such a short space of time and I am comforted in the knowledge that you also recognize the power @familyprotection will have to really change people's lives.
It feels great to a part of such an on point community who frequently show an abundance of solidarity and unity.
Bless us all.
You have both done an amazing job with this. And the lives of many will be improved thanks to your hard work and foresight. Steemit is still in its infancy and I have no doubt your success here will continue as it has begun.
Knowing a thing or two about lawyers fees I am very interested to see what comes next in this field. Blockchains are changing the world and I suspect in time the funds you are accumulating now will be able to stretch even further than the current law system permits.
In 2 days we are doing the big move from Bali to France and my two kids have french passports, so no doubt the school question is coming...
Just hope we get that mobile home fixed up in time to escape before the madness begins!
All the best to you and your family Mark.
Thank you!
I did not know you were all heading back to Europe so soon, would be great to meet up on the road somewhere in your new bus :)
Good luck with the move.
As a PI I've been asked by a few people to help with these initiatives. My main conflict is amber alerts and other issues where it is the parent taking the child against a court order. When the courts are against the loving parent, I cannot support the courts.
I'm all for helping to find genuinely missing children for example, but I am not going to help the government find children who have been "taken" by loving parents who just want to avoid CPS and other bad "services."
Our @familyprotection initiative would more likely hire you as a PI to find where the government is stashing their "legally" kidnapped children, so that the parents can get them back and go on the run with them. A child belongs with his loving parent(s) -- period.
I don't know if that would involve any legal backlash on the PI involved though.
Waiting for the court to finally do the right thing and return the child, may never result in the child being returned, or in a best case scenario -- the child languishes in limbo during a long-drawn out family court battle.
I have been telling the story of a dear friend of mine, Anna. Her daughter was gone for almost 3 years before being returned. During the last year, even though she was showing up at court regularly and jumping through all the hoops -- she was denied visitations for the whole year!! And her daughter was being told that mom wasn't visiting because mom didn't love her. The only reason that they finally returned the girl is because she was trying to kill herself after being told that she would never be allowed to go home.
If it were up to me, CPS would not exist.
A PI....wow, as a journalist I've wanted to hire one many times...I'm glad your on the right side. :)
Two of the main reasons I became a PI was to help people and defend liberty. All investigative and security services should be private. :)
Was not aware of your job till now. You are a good man taking on such a role in life and it sounds like your moral compass is spot on.
Hope all is good on your side of the world. Will be in the UK soon...
Not sure I'm ready for the temperature change but looking forward to catching up with the old crew ;)
Thanks! Yes, I always wanted to do investigative work, and my background includes private security, military police, being a volunteer sheriff's deputy, and also doing Intel work in the Army. Because of that background experience, I fulfilled Virginia's strict requirements to become a PI.
I had to go to a week long course and go through tons of paper work and hassle to get it done too. It is a life long passion finally achieved, and I'm going to keep working at it until I die now. Once I master surveillance in general, I'm going to focus on missing persons.
Good post, as one of the writers under the tag I am very happy with the support here on Steemit from familyprotection.. It makes me stronger and gives me the courage to finally tell the whole story of CPS in Holland. When I threathened to make things public living there, horrible things happened. Now I live in another country but still have to miss the 2 oldest kids.. I fled from the Dutch government, and promised myself to write a book and tell the story as soon as I could handle it. Time has come. Be welcome to check out my latest posts..
Families and children need protection. Although I don't have any blood children in many ways I feel called and lead to speak for families and children when I can through writing and my creative skills. Our freedoms are being eroded and the future of our world our youth is being taken from us. If we do not stand up for them we have no future. Much thanks to @Canadiancoconut and @?Markwhhitman and @familyprotection for all they've done. We have a long way to go yet we have a bright future ahead. We're all out of chewing gum and it's time to kick some ass.
Nice post, can we use this tag for other countries govt too??
Absolutely. They are looking to collect as much information as possible from all over the world on this subject. As long as it is relevant to what is going on with the CPS today, it will (most likely) be resteemed into the @familyprotection account.
Building international awareness will be very helpful.
I will try to share more news as much as i can, Thanks for helping to understand with great detail post about CPS.
So lovely and very big post..but it's looking so good.Thanks
I guess good investigation of the situation within the home is important before taking any action. Taking away a child away from his/her real parent may sometimes do more harm than good. Family protection as you mentioned could be a way to provide awareness of the other side of the story. Hopefully no one abuse this tag but use it to raise the right awareness. Thanks for sharing this info about the other side of steemit that not everyone knows about!
thanks for this meaningful article
@samstonehill your efforts are great, children protection is very key point in country.