Calling those who have had experience with Child Protection Servcies - good or bad - Please help us tell a balanced story

in #familyprotection7 years ago (edited)

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I am currently putting together an article on this subject I feel very strongly about.

And I am looking now for YOUR input.

Yesterday I listened to a very well presented yet slightly shocking interview with veteran Steemit voice @canadian-coconut and @markwhittam hosted by @officiallyfuzzy in which they explained their personal experience with this subject and why they have decided to push forward here on Steemit with the intention of building awareness and helping as many people as they can.

Governments around the world are using 'Child Protection Agencies' to take children away from loving families and place them in foster care or group homes...

They have started a @familyprotection account which I strongly suggest you check out if you want to read the uncensored personal experiences of parents & children alike (not being written about in the mainstream media) and build your overall awareness of this growing problem.

Knowing your rights and exactly what to do if the social services are trying to take your children away from you is very important. And having a friendly and knowledgeable support group like this one is priceless.

My partner Sabrina and our glorious baby Esteban. I cannot even imaging what it would feel like if someone were to try and take him away from us due to our personal beliefs.

George Orwell was ahead of his time with 1984!


And even Hitler understood well the power of controlling the children.


How can you help?

Perhaps you might know of friends or family who are suffering due to situations created by Social Services or Child Protection services which appear beyond their control. You can help by encouraging them to follow the @familyprotection account where you will find many friendly people with your best intentions at heart.

You and your friends can help further by writing about your own personal experiences, using #familyprotection as your first tag. No matter what your experience might be. This is a platform for open free speech and the opinions of mothers and social workers alike are valued equally.

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I know many social workers in London who do a fantastic job (within the limitations of the rule book) and I know without any question they have hearts of gold, so we are not here to judge anyone.

It is my intention to create a well rounded picture of perspectives

encouraging useful discussions from which we can all benefit and move forward with a better understanding of the bigger picture.


Blockchain permanence

On Steemit, articles cannot be censored or deleted from the blockchain, so the @familyprotection account will become a permanent database of personal experiences and solutions for one and all. Please spread the word to those who you feel might benefit following this account.

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For those of you not already aware, companies such as YouTube, Facebook, Twitter & Reddit have full rights to delete your content if they don't like what you are saying and delete your entire account if you persist. Free speech? Hardly!

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You won't find that problem here in Steemit. Even if your comment is flagged to zero, it is still there and readable... locked on the blockchain forever.

Thank you so much to @markwhittam @canadian-coconut for bravely taking on this important and often overlooked subject... for the better good of all.


Calling All Steemians!

By supporting them now with your upvotes, resteems and perhaps even a commitment to telling your own story in a place it where its uncensored permanence will help people for the rest of time! Well, as long as the internet still exists ;)

You will potentially save many young children from being separated from their parents forever leading them to lives or crime... or worse.

And what could be more important than this?


As a father of two I feel instinctively draw towards doing everything I can to help them spread awareness... making sure I focus too on the SOLUTIONS.

Yes, the world is a pretty messed up place right now, but with awareness and knowledge comes the power you need to stand up to this and never find yourself in a situation where your children are being stolen from you. And then you can get back to enjoying the beautiful natural world around you where problems drift like clouds from our consciousness.
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My Goal

It seems to me that something has gone very wrong in the world of child protective services and it is my intention to report as honestly as I can, including all perspectives and a well rounded review.

It is my hope that my 2543 followers will take note of this subject now and follow the upcoming posts on this subject. And perhaps my rep number of 71 may even encourage people to take this issue more seriously. I hope so.

I would like to hear as many perspectives as I can

before putting pen to paper for the upcoming article.

As such, I posted this message on my FB & twitter account moments ago... This will reach over 3000 people and as you can see here, the responses are already starting to come in.

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If you wish to remain anonymous in your discussions with me PM me on @samstonehill or send me an email at [email protected]


Or better still you can speak directly to the two people I mentioned above who are heading this project.

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@markwhittam is currently based In Finland, after fleeing Sweeden to avoid having one of his children taken away by social services because he wanted to homeschool them! He has redirected his energy to the education and assistance of others and with his first hand experience of this subject he has become a formidable driving force of light energy and doesn't seem like the kind of guy who will give up easily. Listening to his interview I sensed his is a powerful soul and a force to be reckoned with!

So great to have revolutionaries like these two with us on Steemit!

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@canadian-coconut is one of the most generous and kind hearted people I have had the pleasure of chatting with here on Steemit. She is a mother of 3 and writes about the dangers of vaccine & failures, unschooling, parenting, natural immunity, health, exposing corruption & lies. All subjects close to my heart.

When my son Esteban was sick a few weeks ago this wonderful lady went out of her way to ensure I had all the right knowledge to make the best decisions. Because that my friends is the energy which transcends money. The desire to help your fellow human without feeling as if some kind of debt has been created. Kindness is repaid with kindness. And the more who walk this path... the more beautiful the path will become

I have no doubt these two amazing people will always do their best to make time for you, giving you up-to-date information and the answers to your questions, always with the deepest respect and humility.


The RISE of Steem & Steem Dollars!

Many thanks to you all for taking the time to read this important subject and just to move your attention now... I hope you are enjoying the current resurgence of our beloved Steem & Steem Dollars? I know I am!

Steem is at $2 right now while SBD is at $9. HAPPY DAYS!!!!

So make sure you hit the 50/50 option at the bottom of your posts and sell that SBD when it pays out ;)

Time to up your game and start writing some killer posts!

I am visualising the value of Steem being at $6 by Christmas

...and I suggest you do the same! This Christmas I won't be giving out IOUs for a change and I will be smiling in the knowledge that in this moment everything is exactly as it should be.

To be in the strongest position to bring joy to the lives of others we much first find the joy in our selves.

The subject of Child Protection Services not doing their job is a particularly heavy one with the potential to build sadness & anger in our hearts, but it is my firm intention to write about it now with joy in my heart, seeking to educate & HELP those in need... without spreading fear.

Awareness is the key!

So please follow the instructions below if your intuition is speaking to you in this moment.

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Many thanks to @chron for the creation of this awesome gif which you will notice is not saying the usual words!

I make no demands on anyone.

Let your intuition guide you. Always.


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Believe in family protection,
Support family protection,
Be a part of Family Protection.


My love to you all from Bali 🙏🏻


Main Image source

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Who is @samstonehill?

He was a London based filmmaker until he sold everything and set out on a barefoot journey around the world.

Currently based in Bali he travels with his partner & two children. With no bank account he has been living on STEEM & crypto for over six months.

All content created for this account is 100% original (unless otherwise stated), produced by @samstonehill who invites you to use & share freely as you wish.

@samstonehill is the creator of:

@steemshop account where you can buy or sell anything you like using your steemit wallet SEE MORE

@steemmasters which provides FREE TUTORIALS, personal training & resteeming services. Website HERE
Contact me directly on if you want to know more about this

@steemholidays which encourages resort owners to offer holiday packages in Steem or SBD

@steemtv which aims to provide the best in decentralised films, exclusive to Steemit & DTube

The dailyquotes tag initiative designed to encourage steemians to share their most life changing quotes with the community on a daily basis.

The Aspiring Steemit Whales & Dolphins group on Facebook which seeks to help newcomers make the transition from Facebook to Steemit, providing them with detailed notes and personal assistance with their posts... resteeming them when he can.

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I receive the equivalent of $3 a day using Genesis Mining

This was after investing around $500 (from STEEM payouts) into 2 year contracts, mining Dash, Ether & Litecoin

Use my referral code to get a 3% discount: wzrAS4

Some say it is a scam but I have found no reason to believe this.

Here is a list of Steemit Witness I have voted for & recommend you do the same:
@teamsteem @timcliff @jesta @good-karma @someguy123 @blocktrades @pfunk @klye @krnel @blueorgy @ausbitbank @thecryptodrive @ura-soul @pharesim

Without them our beloved Steemship would not fly.

Learn what this means HERE and place your vote HERE

The Bali Volcano Crisis

If you have a moment please check out the @charitysteemit account where you will find up-to-date films, photos and information on the erupting volcano & evacuee status.

Mount Agung erupted a 2nd time with force on the 25th November, sending an ash cloud 1,500m into the sky and we will be watching it closely over the next few weeks.

This is what it currently looks like.
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Those of us in Bali are working hard to raise money to buy the evacuees solar power & water filters LEARN MORE HERE and we deeply appreciate any help we can get.

Thank you for your support 🙏🏻

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Your post has been Resteemed and Upvoted by @familyprotection

Governments around the world,
are using "Child Protection Agencies"
to take children away from loving families
and place them in foster care or group homes.

We are raising funds so that in the future we can help families fight the system and stay together. Please UPVOTE this comment to support us

Thank you @samstonehill for supporting @familyprotection

It is my pleasure to bring our awareness to such things. We would be in the dark if it were not for people like yourselves. So, thank you for looking out for all of us 🙏🏻

Thank-you so much @samstonehill for spreading awareness of our initiative and for your kind words.

I admit that I do cringe when people say that Social Services does more good than harm,
because I have only seen terrible, terrible harm done to innocent families and children,
BUT you are right that we need to examine all sides of this coin,
and have discussions,
and get to the bottom of this.

So thanks for reaching out to the public and getting the discussion rolling!

Yup, I also cringe when I hear that. Actually I had a friend who worked for cps many years ago, and I know that she's a good person with a good heart...unsurprisingly she did not last long in that position.
I read the facebook message on this post, and I had to concede that yes, there is probably a small percentage of cases in which it works out better for the child. But those are rare and very severe cases in which the lives of the child truly couldn't get any worse and they were lucky enough to be placed with one of those also rare families that foster because they care about the welfare of children and not the monthly check. But those rarities don't even come close to the amount of damage I've seen firsthand that cps has caused.

My pleasure taking this important subject on. It took me a little while but I had to find a way to present it which felt right to me. Looking forward to hearing from people directly. Personal stories are so very powerful.

I have a friend in London with identical triplets who they are trying to take away from her. But as an East London hard nosed single mum (with 6 daughters & a huge dog) she has been able to hold them off for now.

I will contact her and see how she is getting on...

This is great @samstonehill, as a mother of 3 girls I would go above and beyond for them. I could not imagine not having them next to me. Family is sacred, and I for one would like to see more and more people becoming involved in protecting the rights of all families and children.

I can only talk from where I am at in my life and mostly I have heard of social services investigating the welfare of children who don't live in what they consider appropriate accommodation and are not attending 'proper school'. It's so important for families to be aware of their rights and also to feel empowered enough to deal with any investigations that may arise. And this is where the Family Protection project comes into play.

It's great to see more people like yourself supporting them. I have a huge amount of respect for @markwhittam and @canadian-coconut for starting up this great project.

After 15 months on Steemit I have come across many charlatans and become better at recognising the genuine angels amongst us. Like yourself I have a huge amount of respect for them. And a few others here on Steemit too. Most use this platform for personal gain, while one or two use it for something so much more powerful.

I believe I am going to learn much over the next few weeks as I research this further and listen to the personal experience of others. As a father, I must. Always sharing what I learn freely.

Wow! This post is powerful.

You have really understood our aims and goals with @familyprotection and I am pleased that you also recognized the importance of using the Blockchain to get the truth heard.

I like how you are planning on approaching this difficult subject and I agree that there are some good social workers trying to make a difference.

Thank you for supporting @familyprotection and I look forward to seeing your perspectives on this growing problem.


PS. Your family look very happy and I respect your choice in lifestyle, a lot!

It is a pleasure to meet you Mark. I really enjoyed listening to your voice on the radio show. You did great following your instincts and prepare for departure long before there was no choice. We are heading back to France soon to buy a mobile home as it's also illegal to homeschool there. Well, a horse box and whole bunch of hard work to be more specific! From Europe we intend to make it all way to SA. Can't wait!

Born in London myself but haven't been back to the UK for three years, so your accent was very comforting :) And so too your story of the being the child who didn't care much for rules. My folks sent me to boarding school at 7 where I was beaten regularly to make sure I did care. Thankfully it has only made me more resilient & resourceful!

What a great thing it is you are both doing. I wonder if there is any way in which I can help with my film skills? If the value of Steem & SBD keeps on going the way it's going, I will be at liberty to make films as intended for those who can use them for the better good of all. I would do it all the time if I only could.

Thought Steemit seems to have presented me the answer to that question :)

All the best. Let's keep in touch!

Did you catch my latest project?

I have no experience of my own with the subject of family protection so it seemed logical that I reach out to my fan base and see what what comes back. Hope people aren't scared to share with us. Here in Indonesia they watch our Facebook accounts to see if they can catch us working here on a tourist visa. It's a big money game because most people just pay the bribe.

And they don't take kindly to any form of media which speaks badly of the government. Getting the media visa I wanted was almost impossible, leaving me little choice but to be a tourist!

Anyway... chat soon I hope.

What a great post @samstonehill.
I absolutely support and love that @canadian-coconut and @markwhittam created this amazing Family Protection program to help the families stay together like they should and give the support. I am so inspired by these two amazing people and like you said we all should spread the awareness.
You have a beautiful family and I also admire your life style. I also admire how you are making the difference in Bali, by creating your own project to help the people of Bali.
This is why I love steemit. I get to meet incredible people that I just mentioned and many more who inspire me and make me want to do the same.

Great to hear it makes you want to do the same. I like to believe the more we reach out to help other people, the more people will reach back and help us. Though it won't be the same people!

Happy to support this great project. Knowing who is behind it gives me great faith from the outset. Now I'm looking for people who are willing to speak about their personal experiences....

Let us see what happens.

You are obviously a very concerned parent who cares for your child!

I respect you very much for letting me know about @familyprotection, I have followed them hope they can raise awarness on this very important subject.

@markwhittam you seem like a very honest and passionate man!

Thank you for your amazing contribution for the blockchain.

Thank you Arabian Alien. Do you have child protection services on your planet?

Awesome post @samstonehill, it's great that you did this to get the word out there for @familyprotection and the people who are involved. They do great work. Thank you!

I have seen some of your work in their feed. And it feels like a very important subject to write about. Building awareness is key. Thanks for your great work!

Yes, I feel it is very important. And becoming more so than ever, as I feel CPS and their buddies seem to close in more on people who mean only the best for their families, but just have a different life-style from what is considered 'normal'. I think they'd like us all to conform to their standards and get into the 'box' of normal...Well, I've tried normal and I've seen with my own eyes how much harm it can do, for instance with my eldest daughter who went through the school system until she was 13. We're still feeling and seeing the results of that every day. She is much less confident about herself than the others. My youngest has never and will never (hopefully) set foot in a school and I didn't even bring him to playschool and I can already see the difference between him and the other two younger ones, who did go to playschool. He is a free spirit and I want to keep him that way. Thank you again for raising awareness to this and bringing attention to @familyprotection.

I know people who would be prepared to talk to you. Give me a call.

This post is very interesting. Sam you have my upvote & resteem As always will continue supporting you. keep it up my friend Sam .

Yes, good idea Sam. I want to support all efforts to protect the family. Strong , healthy families are one of the cornerstones of society.

Agreed. Now that I have a family of my own this issue feels more important than ever...

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