California's New Law Governing "Transgender" Children In Foster Care

in #familyprotection6 years ago

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Solidifying their top spot as the vanguard in the destruction of America's families, California has just passed AB 2119- a law that forces foster families to allow the children in their care to get "gender reassignment" surgery... all at the expense of the taxpayer, naturally. In the wonderful world of the socialist utopia of California, they believe that money grows on trees... it's no wonder people are moving away in droves. This latest bit of insanity is likely to cost billions.

I found this while reading through Alan West's blog where he wrote: "A new law recently passed in California allows children as young as 12 years old to receive taxpayer funded transgender treatment and services without parental consent." So of course I had to look up the bill. It begins with...

"Existing law provides that it is the policy of the state that all minors and non-minors in foster care have specified rights, including, among others, the right to receive medical, dental, vision, and mental health services, the right to be involved in the development of their own case plans and plans for permanent placement, and the right to be placed in out-of-home care according to their gender identity, regardless of the gender or sex listed in their court or child welfare records." "Non-minor's" in this context extends the age limit to people aged 26- with no restrictions, co-pay, or any other obligations on behalf of the recipient. It goes on to say...

"This bill would provide that the rights of minors and non-minors in foster care, as described above, include the right to be involved in the development of case plan elements related to placement and gender affirming health care, with consideration of their gender identity. The bill would also provide that the right of minors and non-minors in foster care to health care and mental health care includes covered gender affirming health care and gender affirming mental health care, as defined. The bill would require the State Department of Social Services, in consultation with the State Department of Health Care Services and other stakeholders, to develop guidance and describe best practices to identify, coordinate, and support foster youth seeking access to gender affirming health care and gender affirming mental health care and to incorporate current guidance on ensuring access to Medi-Cal services for transgender beneficiaries. The bill would require the department to issue written guidance by January 1, 2020. The bill would also include a statement of legislative findings and declarations."

The rest of the bill is legalese, I'll post a link at the end, But there is one item that needs to be addressed: "(B) “Gender affirming mental health care” means mental health care or behavioral health care that respects the gender identity of the patient, as experienced and defined by the patient, and may include, but is not limited to, developmentally appropriate exploration and integration of identity, reduction of distress, adaptive coping, and strategies to increase family acceptance."

If "gender selection" is natural, as the therapeutic community keeps assuring us, why are mental health professionals and counseling necessary? The answer is obvious... this is a manifestation of mental illness, not a choice made by lucid adults, but by children who have had sexuality foisted on them since kindergarten. It's no wonder they're confused. But this isn't about helping children- this is about imposing the will of the state for the purpose of destroying the nuclear family. The children, in the long run, are the ones who are paying for this ridiculous social engineering experiment... often with their lives.

The suicide rate among "transgender" children is astronomical- I've seen statistics that show up to 60% of these unfortunate children have attempted suicide... for what? Here's how this plays out. Children are exposed to "sex education" as early as kindergarten (the parents are not allowed to opt out). Transvestites commonly come read to the children in an attempt to normalize their perversion. The kids are taught that all sexual persuasions (perversions) are legitimate and that they can "choose" a gender. The hue and cry to choose a gender (anything BUT heterosexuality) builds until the child folds under the pressure. The parents object and CPS comes along and puts the child in Foster Care where they are likely to be subjected to abuse (70%). When they get old enough for their body to tell them what gender they are, they become confused and depressed... then suicide ensues.

The state is so hellbent on destroying families that they are perfectly willing to sacrifice generations of children... all for their globalist dream. And as always California is at the forefront of the insanity.





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Wow oh my gosh while fair enough for those really wanting to change their gender its good you have the options but at 12 years of age!? I mean I feel 16 is still too young, nobody as really lived enough of their life to really be fully sure this is what they want, not only that but without permission or confirmation from a parent or guardian is needed all paid by the tax payer...wth!

You are born with a gender... there are only two- not 76, or whatever the count is this week. You cannot choose a gender, your gender chooses you. That being said you can choose to be a homosexual, or heterosexual... this business about identifying as a cat or some other absurd delineation is mental illness- not gender!

A person's brain isnt even fully formed physically until the early twenties...

Yet somehow we are supposed to believe a 12 year old has the mental capacity to understand something as serious as hormone replacement and the horrors of multiple (often irreversible) surgeries, based on what exactly?


These are sick people!

It is child abuse - a sexual predator crime.
And by God-you people will be held accountable.

Eternity is a REALLY long time! (and there isn't any time off for good behavior!)

This is why we must pray for them - as difficult as it is.
It may not only save their eternal destiny but may also save millions of innocent lives,

I pray for them all to go to Heaven (hopefully within the next 24 hours)

I want every member of the legislative body that voted for this forced to take a thorough psychiatric evaluation. These ADULTS are the true sick-in-the-head ones.

I think we should grant Cal their independence and let them fund their own depredations!

"Grant" may be a tad weak. May be time to EXPEL everything south of Frisco, including that cesspool its self.

I'm all for that!

I know that Cali still has some good God fearing folks in it but I wish they would all have a mass exodus. That way God could send the big one and have this state sink into the Ocean.

Amen to that. Trump should cut all federal funds!

I think Northern CA should become Jefferson. From what I hear N. Ca is much different from the SF and LA trash. But I'm just a good ole boy from N.C. so IDK.

This post was upvoted and resteemed by @thethreehugs. Thank you for your support of @familyprotection.

Damn, you're like some kind of truth cannon Rich. Keep firing!

Thanks... today the cannon is out of ammo- it's my day off!

Upvoted and resteemed. Couldn't have said it better myself.

Thank you Mike!

There they go again!.
Does this trend of "Bad-ism" never retire?
Even for a second??.

The simple answer is no... they think they're doing good. The Bible says that they call evil good and good evil- it's their worldview.

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