Arizona Foster Care System Revealed as Part of Pedophile Ring

in #familyprotection6 years ago

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Many will recognize the picture above from the "Devani" case... thew young girl who was placed into a foster home run by pedophiles and child pornographers. She was removed and placed in another dangerous situation where she was burned over 80% of her body. Now another victim of the Frodshams has come forward and is suing the State of Arizona for $15 million.

The state of Arizona, which has the infamous reputation of removing the highest percentage of children in the U.S. from their homes and families through Child Protective Services, has now also been exposed as having a very corrupt foster care network that includes pedophile rings where young children are imprisoned in state-approved foster homes and trafficked to pedophiles. 

  Frodsham, a former commander with the Department of Defense in Afghanistan who was discharged from duty due to “sexual harassment” behavior and an assessment by the military that he had an unalterable personality disorder, has been arrested and convicted of operating a pornographic pedophile ring based out of his state-approved foster home. 

 Referred to as “John Doe” to protect his identity, the former foster child imprisoned and tortued in the Frodshams’ foster home has filed a “Notice of Claim” for damages of $15 million and served it to the following parties:

  • Mark Brnovich – Attorney General – State of Arizona
  • Gregory McKay – Director Arizona Department of Child Safety (DCS)
  • Michael Trailor – Director Arizona Department of Economic Security (DES)
  • Deb Nishikida – Director, Sierra Vista Office Arizona Department of Economic Security (DES)
  • Noemi Ochoa – Licensing Worker Arizona Department of Economic Security (DES)
  • James Robinson – Manager Arizona Department of Economic Security
  • among others


January 7, 2019 Print This Post

Arizona Foster Care System Revealed as Pedophile Ring: Former Foster Child Tortured for Years Sues for $15 Million

Join the Discussion(12)25.1K  161  946Share 17Share 22  19  13Share 5  David Frodsham, an Arizona foster parent for over 12 years, was arrested and convicted for operating a pornographic pedophile ring based out of his state-approved foster home.

WARNING! Graphic content – not suitable for younger readers!

by Brian Shilhavy
Editor, Health Impact NewsThe state of Arizona, which has the infamous reputation of removing the highest percentage of children in the U.S. from their homes and families through Child Protective Services, has now also been exposed as having a very corrupt foster care network that includes pedophile rings where young children are imprisoned in state-approved foster homes and trafficked to pedophiles.In a developing story based out of the military town of Sierra Vista, Arizona, the home of Fort Huachuca, David Frodsham, a former commander with the Department of Defense in Afghanistan who was discharged from duty due to “sexual harassment” behavior and an assessment by the military that he had an unalterable personality disorder, has been arrested and convicted of operating a pornographic pedophile ring based out of his state-approved foster home.Health Impact News first reported on the charges brought against David Frodsham and his wife who were state-approved foster parents last year (2017) with the story of the young child Devani, who was seized from her family just days before her second birthday and placed into the Frodshams’ state-approved foster home where she was allegedly raped repeatedly and trafficked as part of an organized pornographic pedophile ring. After David Frodsham was arrested due to a federal investigation, Devani was placed into another state-approved foster home where 80% of her body was burned by scalding water, forcing the amputation of her toes. See:

Arizona Places 2 Year Old Child in Foster Pornographic Pedophile Ring – Foster Mom Burns 80% of Her Body

Local news in Arizona covered this story, but Health Impact News reached out to the biological mother of Devani and told her side of the story, revealing that Devani never should have been taken out of her home in the first place, where she was loved by her mother, who repeatedly tried to report the abuse she was seeing in her daughter, with no results. See:

Arizona Child Removed from Loving Family and Placed into Foster Care Where She was Repeatedly Raped – then 80% of Body Burned

Now, another foster child who was adopted by the Frodshams and put into their pornographic pedophile ring has turned 18 and come forward to reveal details of years of horrible torture and sexual trafficking while suing the state of Arizona for damages of $15 million.

Arizona Sued for Approving Foster Home Operating a Pornographic Pedophile Ring

Referred to as “John Doe” to protect his identity, the former foster child imprisoned and tortured in the Frodshams’ foster home has filed a “Notice of Claim” for damages of $15 million and served it to the following parties:

  • Mark Brnovich – Attorney General – State of Arizona
  • Gregory McKay – Director Arizona Department of Child Safety (DCS)
  • Michael Trailor – Director Arizona Department of Economic Security (DES)
  • Deb Nishikida – Director, Sierra Vista Office Arizona Department of Economic Security (DES)
  • Noemi Ochoa – Licensing Worker Arizona Department of Economic Security (DES)
  • James Robinson – Manager Arizona Department of Economic Security
  • among others

The lawsuit specifies the basis for the claim against the state of Arizona:

John Doe is a victim of the State of Arizona’s failed child protection practices and policies.
John Doe, who is now 18 years old, suffered over 12 years of shocking physical and sexual abuse because of the State’s refusal to protect him.
John Doe was born in September of 1999 and before his fourth birthday was placed in foster care. The Frodshams were approved by the State to have John Doe in their home in 2004 and John Doe was subsequently adopted by David and Barbara Frodsham in 2012.
The Frodshams were licensed foster parents with the State of Arizona from 2002 to January 2015. The Frodsham license was not suspended until David Frodsham was arrested at the DES office for felony drunk driving with toddlers in the vehicle.
The State and its employees ignored actual notice of the abuse of John Doe and numerous warning signs that the Frodsham home was dangerous.
The State did not remove John Doe until ICE, a federal agency within the Department of Homeland Security, arrested David Frodsham for operating a pornographic pedophile ring based in the home. ICE identified John Doe as a victim of Frodsham’s pedophilia.

 John Doe suffered sexual, physical and emotional abuse for over 12 years in this home, despite numerous red flags of abuse and neglect. This abuse was no secret to CPS/DCS and well documented yet no investigations were undertaken. (Emphasis added.) 

Events like this do not happen in isolation. The Frodshams were licensed foster parents from 2002 until 2015- there's no telling how many other children were tortured while in their custody. Thirteen years during which numerous complaints were brought up to CPS and nothing was ever done... this goes beyond incompetence and makes the Arizona Social Services willing accomplices. Because of the terms of his discharge from the Army, Frodsham should never have been allowed a foster care license in the first place. What this shows is a wanton disregard for the welfare of children by the very people tasked with protecting them.

From the lawsuit

 There was additional information about David Frodsham that indicated he was an unsuitable foster parent, much less an adoptive parent.

David Frodsham was assigned as a deputy commander with the Department of Defense in Afghanistan. He only served for a brief period, as he was kicked out and released from duty, and told he could not return because of his “sexual harassment” behavior and an assessment by the military that he had an unalterable personality disorder.

For a deputy commander to be removed from duty in Afghanistan and told never to return for service is glaring evidence that David had negative personality qualities which could easily make him an unfit parent.

The military investigated his behavior and upheld the inappropriate sexual behavior findings. The investigator stated,“I recommend the unit keep Mr. Frodsham resigned out of BSG permanently. Bringing him back to the unit will only cause further tensions. The ability of Mr. Frodsham to be rehabilitated is completely up to him. I believe this inappropriate conduct has been part of Mr. Frodsham’s personality for some time.” 

 “The Army has articulated its zero-tolerance policy. I am convinced that Mr. Frodsham is aware of what constitutes sexual harassment, because he previously held a position in Equal Opportunity, as he stated in his interview. Still he chose to violate said policy.”

“I recommend making this misconduct an official matter of record and take disciplinary action under Chapter 75 of Title 5/AFI 36-704 Discipline and Adverse Actions. I recommend the command administratively punish Mr. Frodsham with reprimand and refer member to home unit.”

A review of these records by a psychologist who does assessments of sex offenders in the military believes that the coded language of the discharge indicates the underlying reason for his removal was sexual abuse of boys in Afghanistan. 

What should have been a huge red flag was completely overlooked by the State of Arizona- the question is why... unless Mr. Frodsham is exactly what they were looking for. We all know that Arizona- particularly the area south of Phoenix- is a hotbed of child sex trafficking. The revelations brought forward by Veterans on Patrol about the sex trafficking camp near Tucson have never been disproved... buried and covered up, but never disproved. There have been numerous allegations of corruption in the Tucson Police Department linked to child trafficking and child pornography. All allegations are quickly buried by the mainstream media whenever they come up.

There is no way that CPS was unaware of the maltreatment of John Doe... Also from the lawsuit:

 The Frodshams forced John Doe to live outside much of the time. While they went to work they locked John Doe out of their home and left him with a bike to travel to a convenience store to use the restroom.

This neglect and abuse was documented by the State and its employees. The foster and other children, including John Doe, were forced to eat hot sauce as punishment, handcuffed to the bed all night, locked outside the home, and locked in closets.

John Doe and the other boys were beaten with fists, brooms, belts and other objects to the extent that medical care was frequently required.

CPS/DCS did not investigate this physical abuse. CPS/DCS just turned a blind eye, and the abuse continued unabated.

The State had access to over thirty-eight police reports from the Frodsham household, from 2002 to early 2016, (all prior to the arrest of David Frodsham for sex abuse). The State should have reviewed these as part of their licensing process of the foster/adoptive parent program.

John Doe complained to CPS/DPS over sixteen times and nothing was done. Even more shocking, there were at least 10 abuse and neglect complaints documented by CPS/DCS between 2002 to 2015. 

In response to the many allegations of abuse surrounding CPS/DPS Arizona Governor Jan Brewer did what any good politician would do... she changed the name of the organization- other than that it's still business as usual in the highly profitable child sex trafficking hub of Arizona.

Thank-you @richq11 for submitting this post with the #familyprotection tag. It has been UPVOTED by @familyprotection and RESTEEMED TO OUR Community Supporters.

"Child Protection Agencies" are taking children away from their loving families.

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This is sickening. I couldn’t read to the end because I became very bothered by the disturbing headlines. This is why we need to stay educated and keep sharing with others so that we can keep our children from ever getting into these dangerous abusive hands. Thanks for bringing awareness.

Thank you... It's time to take our country back. I'm old and dying but I hope I piss someone off enough to do something about it!

It is definitely time.

I can just sigh on these issues regarding minor corruption a nd betraying their trust @richq11

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