CPS And Me, They were Out To Screw Me And My Family Over

in #familyprotection7 years ago (edited)

Hello to all of my fellow freedom willed fighters. I have heard so much about the initiative here on steemit from a friend who introduced me to the steem blockchain. He goes by the name iridescent-pen here, James have been giving speeches here in Michigan in our meetings and he has for a while now been talking about the issues of family intrusion and destruction by MDHHS and talked about @familyprotection.  My name is Philip and my wife whose account I am using to make this post is Regina. 

Last year we had a random knock at the door. low and behold a cps investigator. She demanded entry into my home, I stopped her at the door and told her kindly leave, “I know my rights.” She had my phone number, calls me and tells me she had a call and just needed to see my 1 year old daughter.

At the time we were in the middle of moving, the house was a mess. Did not feel like dealing with her on that particular day because of how messy the house was. I received another phone call stating the police are on their way for her to gain entry. Knowing that it was a lie I Shrugged It Off. About a minute later I get a phone call from the same lady she says to me "since she had been sitting outside of my house for about 45 minutes, can’t you at least hold her up in the window where I can see her"? I agreed. While showing my daughter who was around 11 months old at the time to her through the window she said thank you and that she would be starting an investigation.

So dates got scheduled for her to come and check the welfare and food and all the other things that go along with CPS bull. She tells my wife and myself that the reason she was there was because she had gotten a call that we were mixing jar food with formula and a bottle. My wife and I stated to her that we would never do that, first of all because at the time we already had three children which I still have custody of. Three of them, my wife was pregnant at the time and has just given birth on the 24th. But I’m jumping a little ahead. It went from the allegation of mixing jar food with baby formula and a bottle to my daughter. Mind you, there were and are currently children in my home, never once was I questioned about them.

I’ve had CPS on me four times now in the last year maybe even the last 10 months I’ve jumped through hoops after hoops with multiple workers. Offered to take a swab test for drugs which I passed. Upon her second visit during her so-called investigation of what we were told was mixing jar food with formula and a bottle, it jumped to – my daughter hadn’t had any of her immunizations her whole life. 

My wife and I both looked at each other and kind of chuckled. She signed us up with a program called the Judson Center or something like that which we had to go through 10 weeks of 10 hours a week them coming out to the house for family meetings and getting all of the kids shots records in order. Mind you, we’re now into our new home.

So I was told that if I did not get my daughter shots even though I told them I knew for sure she was almost up to date she was only one set of shots behind and I had records, but were stored in our storage unit. She told me that Michigan has a database, that every time a child has a vaccination it automatically goes into their database. So they offered to pay for the children shots while we were working on getting their insurance back on. I took it upon myself because the only one they said  was not up to date, but not just not up to date hadn’t had any shots!. This look insane, even if those once were not accounted for, what of the ones they had at birth?.I took it upon myself to pay for the shots at the health department.

In the process of moving things from the storage unit to the new house I happened to come across all of my daughter’s shot records. Mind you the case was only opened against my wife not myself at the time. That’s good old CPS for you. So fault lies on them for not automatically putting those records into their database.

I’m then told that I put my daughter at risk for getting her shots if I knew for sure that she had them but every time I told them I was  sure she had them they told me if I did not get them they were going to take all my children. Bottom line she assigns me to my I guess you can call it long-term CPS worker which I believe it is a year program she comes out once a week and checks on their welfare. This development was a total mistake that i would have been able to avoid.

Since then my wife has delivered our fourth beautiful child, a baby girl. My wife is prescribed Xanax for social anxiety and pdts and panic attacks which when we found out she was pregnant her OB said that it would be more beneficial to stay on them just at a low dose which my wife not only abide by but then less than what was given she was also authorized to take her other pain medications but refused to do so. She was on to mg of Xanax 2 times a day, they put her on 0.5 mg once a day. On the way to the hospital my wife was already contracted to A5 having back to back severe contractions and took a half of one of her pain pills because she could not bear it anymore. Now mind you CPS worker number 1 and number 2 were aware and authorized for those to be in her system when baby was born because her doctor had her on them she did not take the pain pills the whole time except for the last 10 hours of birth and took the benzos like I said sparingly.

My daughter was born on the 24th of May 2017 it and they  held our new daughter at the hospital originally supposed to go home with Mom. The CPS worker called the hospital and asked that they put a 96 hour hold just to make sure baby was okay. Which I did not object upon but did not like the idea. MY baby showed no signs of withdrawal whatsoever from anything and also we requested that they took the levels of the so-called drugs to see the amounts my wife was taking.

Back then, the  new CPS worker was saying that because it was Memorial weekend she is off and she wanted to talk to us about filing a court order to take the children because of the drugs in Mom system that everyone including CPS and moms OB were in accordance with her taking. This was the start of the hell me and my family had to pass through. A lot more started occurring along the way leading to serious damage emotionally, financially, and my family was infiltrated by these government confusionists and deceptive workers.  I know there were a lot I would have done to stop most of our predicament, but at the time, I didn't know much I should know. They never told me either. At one point, I just took the lead in my race for freedom for my kids and wife.


This post has been Resteemed and Upvoted by @familyprotection

Governments around the world,
are using "Child Protection Agencies"
to take children away from loving families
and place them in foster care or group homes
or put up for adoption.

Thank-you @reginagraced for supporting @familyprotection

Thank-you for coming and sharing your story here.
I assume that there will be a part 2?

I am so sorry that your family is being put through this hell. This type of terrorism of good families has to STOP!

Nice one ma'am

Its been long i saw a post from you, hope and the family is good?

Yes I will make another post on my experiences. Thank you very much canadian-coconut.

While I am mindful to support the families who experience these autrocities or the people helping those wrestling with CPS I don't always feel the need to comment. This was going to be one of those articles, but I can't seem to help myself.

I am appalled that this agency would have the audacity to threaten to remove your children on their vaccination status. While you were up-to-date, if you hadn't been they still would have had no right to make those threats on the grounds of bodily autonomy. Everyone has a right to their body and what is done to or put in to it. No medical procedure can rightfully be done without consent and vaccinations are a medical procedure. -Aimee

That is what I have come to know along the way. They are always on your neck, you can't please them, this is because they are just after our children. That is all they care about. Thank you canadianrenegade

Thank you for coming out and sharing your story here even after going through all this. It is people like you who give others strength to step out and share their side of stories and spread awareness.

I feel extremely sorry that your family is being put through this terrible and painful experience.

Thank you very much for your concern.

I am so sorry that your family had to to through that. One thing is clear - the CPS system is broken. In my area there are families where the parents are bouncing off the walls from meth and cooking it in the home while CPS gives them warnings but never actually does anything.

Here they continually harassed you even though you were not mistreating your children and were reasonably compliant with their demands. I wish that there was an easy way to make CPS truly beneficial in all cases especially this one where they clearly caused more harm than good. My heart goes out to your wife too, I suffer from anxiety as well and cannot imagine the hell that such scrutiny over her parenting caused.

Children who are actually in harms way are not approached, they go after loving families, they must be stopped and I am afraid things are very bad this moment. Thank you bryarose23

I'm so sorry you're losing through this right now in your family. Families need to be protected, yours included.

This is so heartbreaking...

It makes me so angry. Why are individuals punished when its society at fault? We're punishing people for the state of their mental health when its the society they live in thats probably causing that mental state. Mixing formula with babyfood? I dont even really know what that means? Didnt you say the baby was 11 months? I put breastmilk into my babys first food too to help them acclimatise to food. Why didnt the person who reported you just have a conversation with you about it instead?

I can only imagine what extra anxiety this must be putting on your wife when she already struggles anyway. It leaves me speechless.

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