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RE: 'Stupid parents' win their kids back from CPS!

I am unsure of my thoughts on this. I am going to assume there is some level of IQ that would be so low that it would probably end up harmful for any children born to have these people as their primary teachers/caregivers. Having said that, I am not an expert on the various designations and their actual application when it involves functioning in the world. For reference I found this which still didn't explain things very well to my satisfaction.

Based on my own score as a teen on IQ tests I remain unsettled as to their actual accuracy, as mine scored extremely high, higher than I would have thought personally.

I am going to posit here that if one is intelligent enough to flee to another country to keep their children, that would appear to be functioning at a high enough level that raising ones own children should not be questionable.

Sorry for rambling here, I have never seen a post focused on children being taken based on the mental acuity of the parent and trying to feel my way through this. My next thought is if there is an IQ test required of the CPS workers and any subsequent foster parents then if it is a barometer used on parents.

It's a shame that so many parents will sick the CPS on their own flesh and blood instead of lending a hand with their own flesh and blood.


I don't think it is about IQ at its core. That is just one of many reasons they go after children. Some cases are legit of course, but the system is corrupt so it must be showed to all so we can re-factor and replace it.

They have been at this a long time and it involves more than just CPS. CPS is just the name they are using for now. This battle starts in our schools and most of our up-brining. We are influenced into fear to blind us from the big picture then influenced into accepting violence in the name of something so called good (kinda off but not so bad). Well that "not so bad" perception shifts a great deal over generations especially when people are born into something like tyranny.

James Corbett has put together some history on eugenics. It is no surprised that this is not taught in public school and demonized by the corporate owned press. The more we learn about stuff like this the better off 99.9999% of us will be. Personally if I am ridiculed over talking eugenics I'm not surprised. In fact, if I even fell uneasy about brining it up it just lets me know I'm still have more indoctrination to over-come. Don't get me started on what they do with the children..

Apologies for rambling too ;) .. hope this helps.

Apologies for rambling too ;) .. hope this helps.

No need for apologies, it helps me learn. I have learned a lot since joining Steemit regarding what can only be a large co-op among the rich to use us like cattle who have no rights. I have come to suspect some very sinister things about CPS and their involvement as far as child trafficking is concerned since I initially encountered the familyprotection group here on Steemit. Sadly, it appears that no matter how far down this hole one goes, there is more to go down.

I think what really caught me about this post was it raised the question (for myself) of what is the best course of action if parents who are incapable mentally of caring for children begin having them. I despise what CPS is doing with these kids, but that doesn't negate the very real dangers and learning barriers these children would face. It is exactly this kind of heart play how they justify having such a monstrous organization as CPS, and somehow needs to be addressed as the thought of abandoning children in these situations (not saying the parents quoted in this article fall under this scenario) is sickening to me.

I agree on the faults of public school, having home schooled my son successfully enough that he is more successful than his dad ever has been. I will look more into James Corbett and eugenics as I definitely believe based on research for my articles that they are indeed practicing it and most of us aren't making the cut.

And now I am rambling :D

oh yes spot on.

Yes. The system has an obligation to remove children from potentially harmful, & grossly dysfunctional parents. However lately many children in western countries are being removed from loving parents and put into horrendous foster care situations because the parents refuse to vaccinate their kids or because they disagree with some small aspect of the system. Some of the children are sometimes used in establishment peodo rings. I know that sounds strange & far fetched but I know of a few cases. I believe eugenics is a fact because the "powers that be" are trying to reduce the population. People will always be ridiculed by talking about anything that does not parrot the popular consensus narrative held by the status quo.

As far as CPS workers are concerned, I think it would be interesting to see not the IQ, but how they score on empathy and human decency... Since I've started writing for #familyprotection I've read through so many horrible cases and this is one of the questions I often ask myself - how do this people sleep at night?!
I'm sorry I did not elaborate on the UK stories, which I have followed in their papers - these people were literally hunted like terrorists... worse than terrorists, actually!

how do this people sleep at night?!

I am guessing many of them simply don't care about others, or get some kind of kicks from doling out misery.

I'm sorry I did not elaborate on the UK stories, which I have followed in their papers - these people were literally hunted like terrorists... worse than terrorists, actually!

I knew it had gotten bad in the EU, but it is so easy to forget. So many countries that used to be proud of their heritage and now they are treated like outcasts in their own countries.

I too find this sooo sad what is our world coming too?

It's a shame that so many parents will sick the CPS on their own flesh and blood instead of lending a hand with their own flesh and blood.

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