It is a shame her murder, as well as all of the others has not woken more people up. Most seem to be under the influence of walking asleep paralyses. May enough of us speak loudly enough to wake more from their slumber.
Hope all is well with you this day my friend.
I believe if we carry on her work, perhaps get enough educated parents it will change the game.
Things are going well here friend. Hope you are well!
Doing well despite feeling my age, thanks for asking. The new job is very physical, and I had to let them know I didn't foresee any amount of time at the original position allowing for me to hit their quotas. Yesterday they tried me in a new position, and while it will be rigorous as well I came within 80% of their quota so believe I will be able to meet their standards. It has me pondering quite a bit on issues such as mortality and ability, as I have my younger self to use as a comparison. On the plus side, I imagine over the coming month or two I will drop some of these pounds I need to drop, lol.