in #familyprotection7 years ago

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have been going through articles posted with this tag@familyprotection by @Canadian-coconut. This story reminds me of my childhood, how I was separated from my mum after I lost my dad. so I decided to join this fight.

The CPS as a department was started out of the awareness of acknowledging that children go through series of abuse and negligence in the hands of even those who bore them, and that children have rights and therefore deserve better.

But the very system that was meant to serve this children are the once abusing them. have read of the thousands lives of children being destroyed, others being deprived of a future and even parents being deprived of their basic human right through the hands of this corrupt agency.
you will agree with me that thousands of innocent families have been destroyed by the agency and all this happen just to get incentive from the government.

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how about CPS being held to the same standards that are imposes on parents?

This would have seen the agency lost its right to care for any child, this agency would have been prohibited from even being 200feet of children, they would stopped them from living closer to school or playground.

If CPS were being held to the same standards that are imposes on parents they would have been in prison and perhaps on death row for the thousands of children that have been murdered, beaten, starved, and tortured. This because every child in CPS protection stand a higher risk to be abused. This agency has failed the children and have betrayed families around the world.

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for how long will this continue!!!

how long will we watch this agency destroy our families!

how long will we watch our children been deprived a future!

CPS is not a solution, disagreements and hard times will surely come in families, but please try and stay together in peace for the sake of this children. Child Protective Services doesn't help anyone. All they seek to achieve most times is to separate the child from his/her family.

A system meant for the good of a child yet they don't ask the child what he/she wants.
How can we trust a system that lies and assumes you are guilty without verifying. How sure are we that this children are not been use as commodities.

The poor masses have becomes the target to this agency who are desperately seeking for families to destroy.

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what are we saying


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We are saying this can not be ignored

We are saying that this system create far more harm than it does to protect.

The moment of clarity is in the desperate
The moment to fabricate against taking children from their mothers, their fathers, their bothers and sisters.
This is a wake-up call they can't ignore.
The destruction of families is our failure as a people and as a community. it should be are gold to be firmly rooted in a modded that strengthens families to remain together, not in a modded that tears them apart. we can all admit we have failed each other but let's be determined not to continue in this failure. Let us rise and fight this evil that has been destroying families, let us rise and fight to protect our families.

I strongly believe that one day we will bring down this system that have done more harm than good.

For family give us joy

family gives us hope

family help us believe in the future.

protect this children!

protect the family!


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