in #familyprotection7 years ago (edited)

I am fully committed to supporting the vision of @Canadian-coconut on the familyprotection tag. to stop CPS from destroying families.


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In life there are certain bonds that are not to be tampered with and one of the strongest and most delicate of them is family bond. If a family is estranged or torn apart by what so ever reason we know where the effects concentrates most, there is an African proverb that says "when two elephants fight, it is the grass that suffers" meaning that when there's any conflict in the family, its the children that suffer the most. The bond that exists between a father and his child and between a mother her child is so intricate and delicate and also irreplaceable, this ensures the over all well being of the child.Due to our human over inefficiency an agency was established and saddled with the responsibilty of keeping families in check as it concerns the children, their welfare and wellbeing, that agency is CPS.


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The CPS enjoys unlimited government funding. Billion of taxpayer's money is voted and set aside solely for the ripping apart and destruction of families, this is so appalling as what ever good intensions which hitherto preceded and necessitated the establishment of this agency has turned out to be a a woreful failure in indescribable terms. To further exacerbate the the worsening situation, the family courts provide the much needed spinal cord for CPS to have a field day ripping children from the clutches of their loving parents, this so saddening.
This is not occurring by some foreign entity in some other country, it is happening on American soil and being orchestrated by the American government. Specifically Child Protective Services & Family Courts in every state across .The lives, health, and well being of the children are in clear and present danger as long as Child Protection Services has the power to remove them from their without cause, without warrants or justification. As public service employees in all sectors of government continue to fail to uphold the law or protect those they were selected to serve & protect under The Constitution of The United States. The future of the children and families hang in the balance. CPS and the Family courts are stealing both the and the taxpayer's money through the Social Security funds (signed into effect through the "SAFE FAMILIES ACT" of 1997 by FORMER PRESIDENT - BILL CLINTON).Over $500 million has been earned from adopting children out since the incentivized adoption policy was installed. The time to Act is now to stop this practice once and for all.

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Children in state care are 7 times more likely to be abused in foster care than their own homes. Doctors, physicians, and family care providers who have reported instances where severe neglect and/or abuse is noticeably occurring, are ignored due to the need to continue precipitating funding for out of home placement of perfectly healthy, well-adjusted children.
CPS and those in collusion with these departments and employees, employed within the United States Department of Health and Human Services, no longer PROTECT nor RESCUE TRULY ABUSED CHILDREN, whom are classified as "DAMAGED GOODS" & UNMARKETABLE.
Children are being ripped from their loving families by CPS; without warrants, without court orders, without probable cause, and where no imminent danger exists. These children are being placed in foster care with pedophiles, rapists, substance abusers, having records for assaults, then placed up for adoption to strangers (avoiding family members for possible placement, as they only get the federal bonuses if they adopt these children out to strangers) -$80,000.00 for children who do not have a disability or handicap, and $140,000.00 If CPS can get them diagnosed (with a condition they often do not have) by one or more of their in-pocket doctors as having a condition such as: ADHD, ADD, Bi-Polar, Turrets, Anxiety, schizophrenia, etc.
There is no independent oversight of these departments or their employees and this has fostered a level of unpatriotic behavior unparalleled the United States has ever allowed to exist within or outside of its own boarders, until recently. Child Protective Services is targeting new mothers entering hospitals to give birth to their babies, and snatching these newborns right off their mother's breasts with the aid of the doc tots who delivered these babies.
Doctors/hospital social workers, are detaining these young mothers in the hospital until CPS can come and remove their baby from them where there is no abuse, drug addictions, neglect, etc... Nurseries are being used (not to display the new born babies as it has always been) but as holding tanks to await Social Services removal. Children are being placed with strangers; sold like cattle, into slavery and sex trade, and unfit homes, where they are being abused, starved, beaten, tortured, and even murdered. According to the National Center for Abused and Neglected Children in Washington D.C. Children are 7 times more likely to be harmed in foster/adoption care than they ever would have been with their own families.
Child Protective Services no longer bother with rescuing truly abused/neglected children as they consider these children "DAMAGED GOODS!" un-adoptable, un-place-able, and unmarketable. They know about the children who are being abused and neglected, but do nothing to remove these children and often (if a removal does take place) they are placed back with their abusers in a very short amount of time before even conducting or concluding an investigation into this abuse.
CPS has joined with Law Enforcement, Judges, Doctors, Nurses, Psychologists, Teachers, pharmaceutical companies, etc... correlating together to rip children away from their Bio-families by any means necessary, in order to obtain this Federal Money they continue to funnel into their States and Departments. They are even using the 911 emergency system as a means to target unsuspecting families by alleging that an anonymous call came in against them. Often, it is a CPS worker who made that anonymous call.This funding was put into place by Ex-President Bill Clinton in 1997 under the "Safe Families Act",Title IV, using money from the Social Security Department.
There is a clear misappropriation of funds being carried out by this act, which is not only depleting the funds allocated for America’s working class retirement benefits, but is also being funneled to perpetuate this abuse of power by government employees and has become a conduit for corruption in CPS and the Family Court systems.
Child Protective Services and their staff doctors are even defrauding the Medicaid programs by triple billing them for each of these kidnapped children.

Example: They remove little Johnny, who is perfectly happy and healthy, have him diagnosed with Bi-polar, medicate him with psychotropic drugs he does not need, then renames this child three different times sending out the same billing for each name and receiving four times the reimbursements from medicaid for his treatments and medications as well as for the other fictitious names. So, if little Johnny gets sent for an MRI; $3,000.00, X 4, the doctors get $12,000.00 in reimbursements for only really doing one procedure.

Parents and families are not given Due Process, Constitutional, Civil, Disability, or Basic Human Rights in this corrupt system. Parents and extended family members are not given due process, adequate council, reasonable opportunity for reunification. They are also systematically being denied their civil, constitutional, and human rights on the ‘hearsay’and fraudulent testimony of public officers nationwide.
Violations in the thousands are being recorded/reported, and still nothing has been done to uphold the Constitution and administer any resolve to those effected.
Neither judges nor officers of the court observe parent's Civil/Constitutional Rights. These rights are blatantly ignored & denied by both officers of the court, as well as local and state government employees bound to uphold the Constitution of The United States.Thousands of families have evidence and proof of the victimization by these state agencies, and have reported these issues to:Law Enforcement,Superior Courts, Courts of Appeal State and Federal Supreme Courts DOJ,FBI,Mayors,Governors,Senators, and even to The President of the United States.

Many of these complaints have been dismissed, despite the fact that the DOJ, ACLU, Federal, and State Supreme Courts have ruled that it is in the best interest of the child to remain with their biological parents unless faced with clear and imminent danger. Several Senators and Court Justices have also spoken out against this clear denial of parent’s Civil and Human Rights - perpetuated by officers employed and delegated to serve the United States and all her citizens.
Many parents are facing gag orders if they protest this clear refusal to uphold everything the country was created to defend. There are also restraining orders issued against parents , jailed, threatened, forced to sign documents, treated worse than criminals, fined, and even murdered by the very Government put into place to protect them. The People; have had enough and are coming together to stand against this tyrannical system as it clearly states in the United States' Constitution put into place by her Forefathers in the 1700's as it is the only option left.

CPS from the foregoing has become the the worst nigthmare of any parent. Giving birth to a child, tending to that, having very good thoughts, dreams and aspirations towards that child gives the fulfillment of parenthood, but the sudden removal of a child from the parent's life is better imagined than experienced because it sometimes leads to serious depression. With its attendant corruption, selfish interest etc, of CPS employees the agency has succeeded in ripping many families apart and I reccomend that:

  • Funding and promoting these crimes against the child and against the family should be stopped.

  • A nation wide investigation should be opened to look into this agency.

  • Corrupt CPS agencies and family courts must be dealt with decisively.

  • To ensure an immediate return of the children that were stolen to their families.

  • CPS and the family courts system must be scrapped immediately as they have failed us.

we will not rest until every family is safe

protect families !!!

protect the children !!!


Thank you for reading,

Until next time,

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