Foster Child Placed With Man Who Would Later be Arrested on Child-Sexual Abuse Charges

As you read this horrific story, what you need to understand, is, that, once the state steps in, you have no control over being able to protect your child as this story points out.

"She was placed with David Frodsham, a man subsequently convicted of child molestation, who investigators suspect repeatedly sexually assaulted her and other foster children while he ran a pedophilia ring."

"Devani’s adoptive mother put — and kept — the girl in a bath so scalding that it gave the 5-year-old third-degree burns over 80 percent of her body and clotted the blood in her veins, according to police reports."

"For months, Devani struggled to recuperate under round-the-clock care at Banner University Medical Center in Tucson. Among many other surgeries, doctors had to amputate some of her toes. For more than a month, they expected her to die, according to police reports."

"Devani, meanwhile, has been assigned by DCS to another foster family"


All you have really done is copied a small part of an existing story and posted it. This is not what familyprotection is about. Therefore please do NOT post again using the family protection tag.

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