
Social Workers are now blaming Austerity for the rise in forced adoptions in the UK, if you don't know what a forced adoption is, put simply, it means that a child is removed for adoption WITHOUT parental consent. They are blaming local authorities for years of budget cuts, especially to services which support new parents.

Often, I read or get told stories about young pregnant women, who may have had problems through their childhood, being told by Social Workers that their child will be taken from them at birth! More often than not, these young women don't want to give their babies up for adoption but it has already been decided by the "Powers That Be" that they don't have the necessary parenting skills to raise a baby!!

Correct me if I'm wrong, children don't come with a manual!! Parenting skills are something we acquire with experience, I made all the mistakes with my first child, which allowed me to get it right with my second and whether you are rich or poor, black or white, gay or straight, young or old, it's hard work raising a child!!


It's starting to feel like a Nanny State, if you don't tick the correct boxes, then you don't fit in!! Social Workers pick on the poor, the vulnerable, the young and for those people who haven't got the means to fight for their kids, they don't stand a chance. I never hear of them harassing the rich, the politicians or celebrities, they wouldn't get away with it for sure!!

My parents didn't have much money when I was growing up, I didn't have the latest fashion or the newest gadgets, I did have a roof over my head, food in my belly, clothes on my back and most importantly I was loved. That was enough and that is all a child needs today. Good old family values!! My parents weren't perfect, neither was I, so why are babies being snatched at birth by these predators?

Power and Money!! You do what we say or else!! 25,000+ children are taken from their parents every year by the secret courts and given to strangers, many for no reason, or they are at risk of emotional abuse, any parent who go to the media to protest face jail.

No amount of services for new parents or young pregnant mums, will give them the skills to become perfect parents, like anything in life, which includes your job, your hobby, sport, education, you only become good at it through practice, a lot of practice. Austerity is not to blame, Social Services do it because they can get away with it!!


We should all be given the right to be parents, if that's what we choose. I think Social Workers believe, if they remove a child from a parent who doesn't have means and give that child to someone with means, the child will have a better upbringing!! That is utter rubbish, a child raised in a loving home without much money, will grow up just as happy knowing they were wanted and loved.

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Removing a child without parental consent is called kidnapping. Transporting them to another facility is child trafficking. It's disgusting that it's legal. @ironshield

Absolutely @ironshield couldn't agree with you more!!

I would like to know when did these social workers become the final authority. I mean when did God die and give them the right to b god over these parents? Why did society let these social workers walk all over parents and families? If there was a way we could humiliate these CPS/social workers into doing the right thing that may be an idea. That is what we used to do in school. Some called it peer pressure. But embarrass and humiliate them might be an answer. Thanks.

That could work @enjoywithtroy - For sure something has got to be done!!

This is absolutely absurd, to take away the child from the mother, because she had no skills to care for children. I don't get it, do social services tell a woman, that they're gonna take the baby, when she's still pregnant? If Yes, then how do they even know how she is going to care for the child. Or do they work ahead of schedule? The first child is always the first child. Everyone makes mistakes, but it's not the point. More importantly, no one can love a child than his own mother.

Yes @naditinkoff - Sadly these cases are all too common in the UK, the Powers that be, decide while the mother to be is still pregnant, that the baby will be taken from her at birth, it's something I really struggle to get my head around!! Thanks for reading my post and leaving a comment :)

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