Why do doctors report information to the guardianship authorities?

Hello everyone! Recently, my friend told me, that her son fell on the street, broke his nose. After visiting the hospital the CPS came to the family. I decided to understand in more detail, why this is happening. To date, in all regions of the country there is a Directive, under which doctors are obliged to inform the police and the CPS about each case of a child with an injury, even the most minor. But childhood can not pass without bumps, bruises, abrasions. It turns out, that now even caring, responsible parents will think three times whether they should go to the emergency room or better to try to help the child on their own. After all, seeking medical help can cause inspections and interrogations by the CPS.


In such cases, medical institutions, police, CPS require parents to give an explanation on the fact of minor injuries to the child, guided by guidelines and interdepartmental instructions. Such documents are not legislative acts and are not obligatory for execution by citizens, and, actually, do not have ordered character and for employees of the specified bodies. However if the citizen has the right to ignore such requirements, the employee of medical institution - hardly. The question is, what is the information required from parents? After all, in case of serious injury to the child, the guardianship authorities have the right to take measures to bring the child's parents to administrative responsibility, up to the deprivation of their parental rights, and the police to initiate a criminal case. So why do they spend so much time gathering information about such a minor incident, such as a dislocation of a finger? Formally, all this is done to protect the rights of the child.

However, I think, that as the Russian legislative practice of juvenile justice progresses, the accumulated information will allow to raise the issue of the removal of the child from the family on the grounds, that parents improperly perform their duties on his education. Thus, article 77 of the Family code of Russia, that in case of a direct threat to the health of the child, the guardianship authority has the right to immediately take the child away from the parents. A dislocated finger is a health hazard, isn't it? After all, if the child is injured, then the parents have overlooked. And please note: now take the child and put him in an orphanage guardianship authorities have the right without a court decision.


One of my friend's eleven-year-old daughter, playing volleyball at school, carelessly took the ball and hurt her finger on hand. The next morning she complained of pain in the finger, but her mouther carefully examined the site of the injury (she is a medical worker), found nothing serious, bandaged finger and sent to school. After school, the girl went to her grandmother, whom she also reported that the hand still hurts. In the clinic to see the surgeon after lunch, they have not got, so went to the local hospital in the Department of traumatology. The doctor said, that there is no injury, only a stretching of the finger. All evening they waited for the district police officer. Then they went to the police station, where they were questioned, made a Protocol and so on. CPS came to the family. As a result, it turned out, that the girl just wanted exemption from physical education for one lesson to get. She just didn't expect what the fuss over one bruised finger get.

Parents began to be afraid to go to doctors only because the family then come to the police and CPS. What can be more important for parents than the health of their child? Anxious moms for any sneeze of the child are already running for a consultation with the doctor. In General, this whole system of juvenile justice is done, rather, not for the benefit of children, but as a means of influencing parents. On those parents, who need to act in one case or another. Take the children, limit communication with them - yes, any adequate parent will do everything possible to only return them. It is known, that dysfunctional parents or alcoholics in the emergency room will not go about a slight stretching of the finger on the hand. Ignore and all, and the finger in a couple of days will heal without treatment. But in a normal family run to the doctor. So why pull the CPS staff on any occasion, if there is no threat to the life of the child or the case is not out of the ordinary?


Read a few more examples (here is a link to the parent forum https://annatubten.livejournal.com/520177.html)

" we actually had a case, that I with a newborn baby came to a private clinic. My daughter was 1 month, scheduled inspection. And the doctor asked me about vaccinations, whether we did and whether we are going to. I replied, that I was strongly against them, at least up to 3 years for sure. The doctor began in a loud voice for me to express, that my actions are not legitimate, and I violate the rights of the child! And that me for this can state to punish!!! Can you imagine?"

"When my daughter start to visit the garden, she had no vaccinations. The Director asked why. The daughter was sick very often, not to vaccination...and the same thing :" I'm in custody you declare as a bad mother." I have such stress was!"

"My friend was pregnant, and the youngest daughter was 4 years old. The girl found a package of pills Valerian. Of course, parents should hide such things, but anything can happen. The girl put them in her mouth. My mother noticed and pulled it sooner, but to be safe - went to wash out the stomach. As it turned out, one she swallowed. It was a nightmare! CPS accused mom, that she wanted to poison an older girl, that want to get rid of because two kids are hard to raise! The woman almost gave birth early..."

If you translate all the cases from the article on the link, you will understand, that we are talking about domestic injuries, refusal of vaccinations, disputes with a pediatrician. But we can't give up doctors and hospitals. However, forewarned is forearmed.

Thanks for reading!

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