Eugenics, racism and CPS...the history is clear. The elite's war against the undesirable/expendable.

in #familyprotection6 years ago (edited)

What goes around comes around...and sometimes it never quite leaves. The modern "child protective" "services" (CPS) systems of the western world are a stepchild of the notion that governments have the right to intervene directly in their populations for whatever purpose and by whatever means to cull the undesirables and/or undesirable traits and to create a "perfect society."

Check this out:

Here is a key excerpt:

"But the concept of a white, blond-haired, blue-eyed master Nordic race didn't originate with Hitler. The idea was created in the United States, and cultivated in California, decades before Hitler came to power. California eugenicists played an important, although little known, role in the American eugenics movement's campaign for ethnic cleansing.

Eugenics was the racist pseudoscience determined to wipe away all human beings deemed "unfit," preserving only those who conformed to a Nordic stereotype. Elements of the philosophy were enshrined as national policy by forced sterilization and segregation laws, as well as marriage restrictions, enacted in twenty-seven states. In 1909, California became the third state to adopt such laws. Ultimately, eugenics practitioners coercively sterilized some 60,000 Americans, barred the marriage of thousands, forcibly segregated thousands in "colonies," and persecuted untold numbers in ways we are just learning...

Eugenics would have been so much bizarre parlor talk had it not been for extensive financing by corporate philanthropies, specifically the Carnegie Institution, the Rockefeller Foundation and the Harriman railroad fortune. They were all in league with some of America's most respected scientists hailing from such prestigious universities as Stamford, Yale, Harvard, and Princeton. These academicians espoused race theory and race science, and then faked and twisted data to serve eugenics' racist aims."

(Margaret Sanger, one of the Rockefeller's chief purveyors of eugenics. Image courtesy of

Eugenics was basically Darwinism run wild. Culling of herds, of course, had been ongoing on for millennia to remove mutations and imperfections and to create a stronger breeding stock, and there is some evidence that some ancient societies also culled their human populations in similar ways. But the modern practice of eugenics began with Darwin's devotees (the concept of "survival of the fittest" taken to extreme--and natural culling "enhanced") and was first developed to the level that the Nazis eventually took it by ELITE AMERICAN ULTRA-RACISTS.

If you think about the way elites still foment racial conflict, and you study the history of modern eugenics, it quickly becomes clear that "transference" is CONSTANT and CONTINUOUS within elite circles. The elite ARE the real racists in most western societies, and yet they seek to "transfer" that crime onto the general population, and to use their hate to declare others hateful, and thus render them bereft of moral capital and easier to "divide and conquer."

(Image courtesy of the BBC.)

The Nazis simply learned from and expanded upon American eugenics practices, and took them to the next level. The more we hear about Nazi atrocities, the less we hear about non-Jewish people who were also equally persecuted and even liquidated by Hitler's henchmen. The idea of racial purity is not unamenable to Christianity, of course, but the Nazis conveniently de-emphasized all the Old Testament dicta about the proper treatment of "aliens," and confused human populations with animal herds to the extent that they justified slaughter in their desire to achieve racial goals.

Here in the United States, it was abhorrence of Nazism and the decision to go to war once again against the "hated Hun" that made the eugenics movement here go underground; and, thankfully to eventually lose steam and public acceptance. But the same "planners" who pushed eugenic goals did not just disappear. They turned to other means to interject their values into western governments, and to still cull the population's undesirables and undesirable traits by other means.

(Image courtesy of

What eventually developed was another "philanthropic" scheme that eventually morphed into our modern CPS. Early on, the churches and private charities did much of what little was needed in terms of carrying for truly abused children in far more stable and broadly Christianity-infused cultures. We've covered some of the major aid societies that dealt with homeless children and those few who had suffered from abusive parents in earlier articles in this blog, and how modern CPS began to gradually take over those functions--often, again, via the vehicle of bogus "philanthropy," linked with an elite/planner set within government...(i.e. the beginnings of the real bureaucratic "swamp" that is so universally decried today.)

Much of the way that modern CPS operated was copied BACK from the Nazis in the wake of World War II. Yesterday, we spoke briefly about the similarities between the Nazi Lebensborn program and modern Germany's Jugendamt (CPS) system. But, there is an absolutely outstanding article which takes a very detailed look into the way the Nazis race-cleansing agendas influenced CPS system across the Western world.

(Image courtesy if

Have a look here:

Here is an excerpt:

"We are all aware of the Nazi eugenics programs. What we aren’t aware of are the chilling comparisons between the Nazi Lebensborn program and contemporary American Child Protective Services (CPS) programs. Simplistically, it can be described as follows: In the U.S. parens patriae is the legal principle used to justify state sanctioned kidnapping of children from their families in order to ‘protect’ them. In Nazi Germany, the Lebensborn program was legally used to justify the kidnapping of ‘Aryan’ looking children from occupied territories to be Germanized’; to be raised as good Germans (younger children) or designated as breeders for the German race..."

(The Roman Fasces...from which the term "fascism" is derived.)

Ancient Rome, of course, was the progenitor of the "concept of parens patriae" and it is instructive that both the fascists of Europe AND the American Republic adopted various symbols of ancient Roman fascism...the Eagle and the fasces (bundled sticks) being among the more obvious ones.

(Fasces symbol on both sides of the U.S. flag in the U.S. House of Representatives.)

There are so many similarities between Lebensborn and modern Western CPS, that a future article may be needed to further elucidate the connections. One more excerpt from Suzanne Shell's outstanding study will suffice for today's purposes:

"'Doctors specializing in ‘racial knowledge’, all members of the SS or the police, were out in charge of racial testing at the reception centers. . .The children’s heads, bodies, arms and legs were measured, as well as the pelvis in the case of girls and the penis in the case of boys, and they were then divided into three groups: a – those representing a desirable addition to the German populations: b – those representing an acceptable addition to that population, and c – the unwanted. . .More than 200,000 Polish children were thus declared . . to be ‘racially useful’.

(Image courtesy of

In the United States, the state cannot legally evaluate a person based on their race, or use physical or racial characteristics to judge them. CPS agencies use something much more subtle, but no less specious than Nazi racial hygiene measurements; they use psychological measurements to determine how defective (dangerous to his own child) a parent has been or is likely to be. Under the mechanism of court ordered or coerced ‘voluntary’ psychological evaluations, many parents are being ‘diagnosed’ as a ‘risk’ to their children based on psych eval findings from service providers who are paid for by the state; who conduct their evaluations based on a tainted family history provided by the state; and who, by their own admissions, stand to lose their contract with the state if they submit any findings that are contrary to what the caseworker has ordained."

Read that again, and let it sink in. The tight bonds between CPS and the psychiatric "profession" in the Western world is an under-explored cause for some of the most egregious injustices perpetrated against innocent families on a daily basis across the "developed" world. I chose the term "developed" here in an unabashed attempt to display the irony involved. Families in the third world are in paradise by comparison to all the "advanced" ways Western governments have devised to persecute and unfairly intervene in the lives of their subjects and citizens.

Much more could and should be said about the "planning milieu" (largely invented and funded by the Rockefellers and other ultra-elites during the 50s and 60s) and the armies of bureaucrats which have arisen to eat the sustenance and soul out of previously just and decent societies. But make no mistake, modern CPS did not arise organically and internationally to the point that so many commonalities are manifest. There has indeed been an elite "guiding hand" involved in all of this, and it is important to realize that the entire milieu of CPS abuse arose from the eugenics programs of the generation before them.

That is the true legacy of ultra-wealthy technocratic hubris, and it shows absolutely no sign of slowing. The push for mandatory vaccination of all peoples, the "open borders" agendas of these elites (who fund all the leftist protestors of national sovereignty and border protection) and the preferment of truly morally unsuitable (even blatantly evil) people for the adoption/placement of the "products" of modern CPS's Lebensborn-style "skimming" of the cream of seize-able children all point to a "Brave New World" that is far closer now than when Huxley wrote to warn us what the goals of his compatriots really were.

CPS truly is the Brave New World writ large. The final and total control of government over every facet of the lives of its citizens in a truly empowered global police/surveillance state would not be possible without CPS-generated twisting of the nature and scope of governments v.v. its peoples.

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"Child Protection Agencies" are taking children away from their loving families.

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Brilliant article. I have been on this journey of injustice in the family courts as well as have been victim to it. I understand well the ugenics programs and the continuance of the secret nazi programs that followed to America. I also am aware of the corruption of the family Court system and all its administrators affiliates, agencies and foreign agents. But I was not as much aware of the origins of the eugenics programs being decades before Hitler or that they began in California. Disappointed and sad, yes. Not surprised, sadly. Thank you for raising awareness and being part of the difference.
Warmest regards,
Chelsea Summer

Posted using Partiko Android

Thank you, Chesea, for your kind comments. God bless you and your family. I will be following you shortly, if I haven't been already, FOR SURE!

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Another good one!
They started in Cali...!?
Probably we can trace it back to old Babylon
and my "friend" little nimrod...

LOL...yea I alluded to that. But, it isn't too much of a stretch to say modern eugenics originated there.

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