CPS practice and parlance: More echoes of Nazi Germany.

in #familyprotection6 years ago (edited)

We've been covering some more of the sad and treacherous history of the emergence of the "child protective" "services" (CPS) in the West over the past couple days, and today we will delve a little deeper into the eugenics-based, Nazi-style world view that pervades the super-governmental leviathan and what we can all do to reign in the beast. For point of reference we will again be quoting from this amazing article by Suzanne Shell:


Yesterday we examined the relationship between modern psychiatry and the CPS system, and how the faux science of the one infuses, empowers, and excuse the activities of the other. I just want to add, before moving on from the topic, that the entire realm of modern psychiatry is bereft, intentionally and from its inception, of any connection whatsoever with Biblical Christianity or Christian principles. Instead, it is the elevation of man's reason to the pinnacle of all decision-making, and to being the final arbiter of all disputes.

(courtesy of theartsyfilmblog.com.)

Without a totally CPS-subservient psychiatric profession, and their definitions, bogus tests and assessments, and their facade of impartiality and intellectualism, caseworkers would have a very difficult time "justifying" any of their actions to the gullible public. Cloaked in technical parlance and bogus "risk assessments" based on that highfalutin academic speech (i.e "psychobabble") and backed up by legal mumbo jumbo, and acquiescent courts even the best of parents, unless they are very smart, and/or wealthy, can become subject to their flim flamming and the loss of their children.

While not strictly-speaking "lying" many in the psychiatric profession who deal routinely with CPS know their inputs are designed to support predetermined decisions, and because they occasionally do "help" others with their personal problems (the same way any sympathetic ear might--even without the 8 years of higher education, and half a million dollars in tuition costs,) they are able to convince themselves of their own efficacy, worth, and "good intentions." On the other hand, CPS has been proven, repeatedly, to use lying as a matter of standard operation procedure.

(Courtesy of barnesandnoble.com.)

Consider this excerpt from the link above:

"We must remember that an important element in brainwashing anyone involves trauma. It’s pretty easy to traumatize a youngster simply by denying him his mom and dad. From 'Of Pure Blood – When children were taken for Germanization,' . . .Psychological methods were used to make a child forget or even hate its parents. He would be told they were dead, and there was nothing honorable about the way they died. The mother would be said to have been of doubtful morality and to have died of tuberculosis, drink or other shameful disease, while the father had died of cancer or drink, or been killed by Polish bandits. The object was to give the child a sense of inferiority about its origins and of gratitude to the Germans who had rescued it from the degeneracy of its home environment. "

CPS does the exact same things. They will tell children anything to get them to assent to being interviewed separately from parents or council, and then they will take whatever the child says and twist it to sound however they want it to sound for the judge who (already being sympathetic to CPS seizure agendas) will usually rubber stamp whatever CPS says. Lying is so ingrained in CPS culture that it is an unwritten first tactic for establishing an "at risk" condition justifying intervention.

(Image courtesy of bluntforcetruth.com.)

Of course, in earlier times in all Western nations (i.e "Christendom,") lying was always unacceptable, and was especially harshly proscribed in official proceedings of any kind. PERJURY, of course, has always been the official term when those lies reach the courts, and it always carried harsh penalties. Now, Western society has been so traumatized by the Nazifcation of the social services milieu that it is not uncommon for even proven/provable perjury to go unpunished. What is "good for the goose is good for the gander," and high profile cases of government high-level officials lying repeatedly (like James Clapper about NSA "not spying" on Americans, or about Hillary Clinton's clear lies about Benghazi) and getting away with it, Scott free, continues to contribute to the overall societal decay that keeps the most corrupted elements of society from exposure and retribution.

Taking children from parents is therefor a big part of the modern psychiatric field's raison d'etre, and keeping them is the lying-infused responsibility and practice of CPS. Once seized, CPS and its affiliates, subcontractors and financial dependents will say almost anything to get desperate children "pacified" in their new surroundings, and that frequently involves the most outrageous lies about those who truly love them that anyone can imagine.

Quoting Shell:

"They describe being told that their parents aren’t able to take care of them because their parents are ‘sick’ and need help. That it isn’t safe for them to live with their parents. Many children are told that their parents aren’t trying hard enough to complete the case plan and the children live in uncertainty as to what their future holds for them. They are actually told that their parents don’t want them or can’t afford to keep them. Children report that they are told their mothers are prostitutes, or drug users when they know it is false. They are psychologically manipulated until they begin to believe. They begin to resent their parent’s failures and imperfections that prevent reunification. "

(Courtesy of dailymail.co.uk.)

The similarities, again, between Nazi Lebensborn parlance and practice and modern CPS couldn't be more obvious.

The next similarity is in the way both systems largely employ/ed women--often single women, most lacking in maternal sympathies-- and pay them well, also applying the tools of public thanks and praise in order to get them to do the "skimming" of the most desirable (and those least able to resist) for state purposes.

Quoting Shell:

"The women charged with kidnapping children in Nazi occupied territories were called the 'Brown Sisters.' ...To those who suffered under them, these fanatical Nazi women, totally dedicated to the Fuhrer, were perhaps even more loathsome than the killers of the SS or the SD; stony-hearted robots was one description. The sight of these women... brutally snatching from its mother’s arms a baby who was smiling at her remains an intolerable memory to those who experienced it. The special training of the ‘Brown Sisters’ included intensive courses in which they were taught the racial criteria by which Nordics could infallibly be distinguished, and they were instruct in how to observe a child without being noticed themselves; they were also taught ways of abducting it in the street, at home or at school."

Liberal/left universities (i.e. nearly all of them) in the West make similarly hardened "social workers" who while publicly steeped in the "need to protect children" are really hardened statist ideologues who are now frequently being taught that children belong to the state, that parents are typically incapable and, at worst, "the enemy." The caricature of your average bully CPS caseworker lines up almost exactly with the caricature of the Nazi "nurses" and "Brown Sisters" that are familiar to WW II movie fans.

(Courtesy of dailymail.co.uk.)

This training of these extremely radical anti-family soldiers of the state-centralizing family "revolution" in western universities would be so recognizable to survivors of the holocaust and common Germans of the era. Much of the parlance used within CPS has the same bureaucratic, statist feel to it. The justifications used are similar (minus the open racism,) and the way the psychiatrists and the courts back up "the system," are identical.

The other clear comparison between Lebensborn and CPS is the rampant abuse of children while is state custody that characterizes both systems. One last time, we lean on Shell:

"In one indoctrination home, where children were taken before being sent for adoption to Nazi families, there '...is a cemetery in which most of the graves are of ‘victims of Nazi barbarism’. Tadeus Martyn, a member of the Polish commission for Hitlerite Crimes . . .told about the authors about a child named Zygmunt Swiatlowski: ‘He was taken from his parents against their will at Poznan and brought here. . .He felt himself to be Polish and would not be Germanized. . .One day, after refusing to greet a German in German, he was killed on the spot by the woman in charge of the invitation, Johanna Sander. The children who died in the home were buried anonymously, but the German who buried Zygmunt revealed his name to the Polish woman caretaker of the cemetery. "

(Courtesy of atlantablackstar.com.)

Children abused in modern CPS by caretakers are most commonly violated for similar reasons. The new "caretaker" becomes overtly frustrated when strong-willed children refuse to acculturate to their new setting, and/or when they fail to show affection of any kind for their new overlords. Separation anxiety can cause children to act out in ways that bring out the worst in people who are typical PREFERRED for placement in the modern CPS milieu BECAUSE they already have very questionable moral characters...i.e. "birds of a feather flock together," incidents of abuse are climbing in frequency also because many moral and decent people have forsaken a foster care system that has become increasingly corrupt and anti-Christian in all of its modus operandi.

We've mentioned before that the Nazi apparatus for "social work" was largely an offshoot of Darwinian eugenics as practiced in California and the American South in the 20s and 30s, and while modern academia and "scholarship" has worked hard to ignore and obfuscate these connections, the proof is definitely "in the pudding."

CPS is evil, BECAUSE IT WAS ALWAYS DESIGNED TO BE EVIL. There are ways to educate people about the importance of a proper relationship between families and the state, and all of them are needed now more than ever. That is because governments, "the sciences" and the amalgamated corporate media in the West are all going to remain firmly in locked goose step with the national socialists who run the CPS milieu.

Exposing what CPS is really all about--i.e. anything BUT protecting children-- is truly THE KEY element in doing anything substantial about "human trafficking" and "child abuse." We are truly in an information war, and with the current crackdown on social media of any and all topics that don't jive with officialdom, the time is short. We are literally on the edge of an abyss and only an informed and angered public can save us now from a global Nazi regime a hundred times more powerful, invasive, and technologically empowered than Hitler and his henchmen could ever have dreamed of being.

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"Child Protection Agencies" are taking children away from their loving families.

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