CPS in Germany…the Nazi Lebensborn program in modern disguise. Sieg Heil!

The Nazi Lebensborn program was a horrific Nazi program that was involved with seizing children from conquered nations, and from unsympathetic (to Nazism) German families to be raised by “proper” Aryan families within the Nazi Fatherland. Often, the children who were “skimmed” because of their perceived “Aryan characteristics” were taken under the pretext that their parents had died or had disowned them. Most never saw their parents again.

Apparently, the modern “child protective” “services” (CPS…called “Jugendamt”) within Germany has learned a lot from their Nazi progenitors. Minus the blatant racism, the modern “Jugendamt” system still seizes children from families in modern Germany under false pretenses, and as in much of the CPS milieu in the developed world, does little or nothing, despite the public rhetoric, to return children to families from which they never deserved to be seized in the first place.

(Courtesy of reischdeppenrundschau.wor.)

Consider this article:


Here is a very familiar sounding excerpt:

“’The recent CBN report noted the Jugendamt dominates Germany’s family court system and it appears to take children ‘when it wants, from perfectly normal families.’ …’There is a system of persons, of social workers, of teachers, psychotherapists, who live on children being taken out of the family,’ German psychologist Carola Storm-Knirsch told CBN. The report suggested some 80 children per day are taken from their parents. CBN reported the case of the German 7-year-old generated $8,000 a month for the state foster agency to which he was delivered.”

(Image courtesy of medienredaktion.wordpress.com.)

It sure does seem that no matter where one looks—from nation to nation—the situation is always much the same. In fact, I think this brief series I’ve done on “CPS” systems in Europe v.v. North America might be used to suggest that the entire CPS milieu of the Western World was adopted, almost verbatim, from the Nazi Lebensborn regime.

Even the financial incentive was already in place during/in war-time Germany. Much of the psychobabble used to seize children by CPS, globally, even seems to have been born there. This is not that surprising, of course, considering that Germany is where modern psychology was basically first promulgated as an aid to (godless) State propaganda and enforcement.

(Image courtesy of familefamilienrecht.wordpress.com.)

“Operation Paperclip” was well-documented to have brought the Nazis’ best scientists in the fields of rocket science and theoretical physics to America. But, the circumstantial evidence seems to suggest we may have also brought their “best” psychobabblers, propagandists, I.G. Farben/Mengele-styled pharmaceutical practices, purveyors of anti-church “higher criticism,” and Nazi statecraft v.v. families, as well. Certainly, the descendants of that “modern” group of state-subservient, faux-intellectual “professional” sycophants are still operating within the modern Germany’s Jugendamt to this day.

Germany, in particular, has a longer and deeper association with the pseudo-scientific elements of psychiatry and psychology at their disposal to support rationales for state seizure of children than perhaps any other Western nation. It is clear that they certainly still employ them to very “deadly” effect against families.

Here is a further excerpt from the article cited above:

“A German law, enacted during the regime of Adolph Hitler whose tactics for brainwashing children were used throughout Nazi Germany, outlawed home schooling as being detrimental to the child’s social development. That is to say, it’s considered “child abuse” to home school. …State schools were used to indoctrinate children, even to spread anti-Semitic ideology that was responsible for the Holocaust, and to this day has led to the development of modern extremist groups who still commit acts of murder and terrorism. Considering this brutal history, it is appalling the home schooling law has not been abolished. It’s use has led to further acts of intimidation and harassment against the German people–it is responsible for the deliberate destruction of families, whose children are taken away simply because they choose to home school. Stories from families who home school have alleged that the Jugendamt has placed parents in prison, put children in foster care or psychiatric facilities, and fined the parents thousands of dollars.”

(The Romeike family, courtesy of charismanews.com.)

The famous story about the German couple who fled to the USA to avoid prosecution for the crime of homeschooling several years ago (The Romeikes…story here: https://abcnews.go.com/US/home-schooling-german-family-allowed-stay-us/story?id=22788876) is often told here in the States while OMITTING the fact that this poor couple was facing the loss of their seven children to the Jugendamt, simply for not submitting to state schooling. Sadly, even the U.S. Supreme Court failed to grant their right for asylum on that basis, and it took extreme legally maneuvering by the American Homeschool Legal Defense Association to keep them from being deported back to the body snatchers.

But homeschooling is only one of a plethora of bogus “abuse” factors that the Jungendamt employs against innocent families. Perhaps the saddest recent chapter in Jugendamt abuse involves the moderately Amish-like Christian sect in Bavaria known as “The Twelve Tribes.” Germany’s CPS conducted a no-warning/no-prior-hint raid of the children of the sect while they were in school back in 2014, and took forty-two children into state custody based solely on the crime of their parents religious beliefs.

(A Twelve Tribes group photo, courtesy of juicyecumenism.com.)

The Jugendamt was actually brazen enough to tell the parents they could only get their kids back if they rejected their religion. Of course, nothing of the kind has ever been conducted against radicalized Wahabbists and others who have recently come to Germany at the behest of Germany’s globalist destabilizers in the Chancellor’s Office, and elsewhere.
(Here’s a link to an article all about this sad story: https://www.osce.org/odihr/186856?download=true.)

There is also some evidence that Germany is intentionally being destroyed as a separate nation and culture, perhaps in retribution for its anti-Anglo-hegemony stance of the past 100+ years, but also for the racism of the Nazi era. Germany is one of a few nations whose native-born population is actually in decline. An interesting book has been written than makes the case that this is not accidental, in full.

See here:


It seems that Germany’s lack of any real free speech guarantees (and corresponding, well-publicized crackdowns on unpopular, or anti-government speech) is forcing people to take various alternative means to get out the word of the abuses of the Jugendamt. Here is the description of the book cited above, taken from the above link and translated from the German:

“At present there is a shortage of children in Germany due to the demographic development, in particular the migration of skilled workers abroad and the strong birth decline. According to a study by the European Statistical Office EUROSTAT, this deficiency will have such effects until 2030 that Germany's population will decline, become outmoded and, despite immigration from abroad, lose its economic and political supremacy in Europe. The book seeks an answer to the question… and has made the youth welfare offices as one of the main culprits. The youth welfare offices in Germany have been sued in the European Court of Human Rights in Strasbourg and have been repeatedly convicted of human rights violations. Again and again, they take care of children who are not in need of care… However, for convenience, youth (Jugendamt) workers typically opt for taking care and disregard outpatient alternatives…”

Again, the similarities within “CPS” systems across national and even “Superstate” boundaries are clear and undeniable. When combined with what we know about the United Nations views about who owns children v.v. traditional families, it is safe to say that Germany’s Jugendamt is simply another proof that global elites have very set designs on bringing Aldous Huxley’s “Brave New World” alive, in vivid and living color.

This global crisis demands a global resistance. Let’s hope the good people across The West see this in time and join hands to do what is obviously necessary to truly protect children and families.

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"Child Protection Agencies" are taking children away from their loving families.

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the nazis and stalinists are alive and well in socialist USS of A
what happen to you at flags you left a comments asking why its so quiet and then dissapeared lol
have a good day steve havent been reading a lot of your stuff lately have to get back to it
beanie hammered me down again lol

I only brave the freezing hallway if someone else is there right when I type and run...lol...

that cold eh lol
cheers man winters almost over
will be back on here tmrw should be charged up again and thanks for the upvotes
cheers bud

LOL..my pleasure.

No spring here until May...

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Another great article. Keep telling that truth! You are amazing. You write great and you are well researched. So glad you are out here.
Sincerest wishes,
Chelsea Summer

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Thanks, Chelsea. You made my day!

Keep smiling. Good triumphs in the end...

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