Whistelblower Melanie Shaw, Imprisoned for Exposing Abuse.

in #familyprotection7 years ago (edited)


For those that are not familiar with Melanie Shaw she is a brave soul. Raped and abused from the age of 3 years old by members of her family, she was then passed to the 'care' of a foster family who also abused her.

As if that wasn't bad enough she was then taken into the care of Beechwood children’s home Nottingham where she was abused until she was finally allowed to leave. Without receiving any help or support she quickly succumbed to a life of drugs and the streets.

Many years later Melanie came forward with evidence of systematic Child Abuse & murder in the Beechwood children's home. But instead of receiving a medal of bravery for standing up and speaking out, Nottingham police harassed, threatened and bullied Melanie Shaw. Threatening phone calls, being followed by police cars, false arrests, to having a mob of police smash their way into her home. Why? simply because she had come forward to expose what was still happening to children in Beechwood child home.


After going through hell in 'care', being harassed by police, having her child legally kidnapped by the state, they then bring false charges against her and convicted Melanie in a secret court.

This only goes to show how deep this problem runs, so deep that even the police won't touch it, so deep that whenever a story or some evidence comes to light it quickly evaporates into thin air. who ever's behind these horrors seems to be untouchable and way too powerful to ever be brought down.

Incarcerated in Sodexo prison, denied medical treatment, pushed into solitary confinement, bullied and denied her basic human rights, blocked from receiving telephone calls or letters from those who can help her. she is very scared and alone as you can imagine.

I'm guessing most of you have never heard of Melanie Shaw?

I'm guessing you have never seen this story on the news?

Why is that?

When you put 2 & 2 together it's not hard to figure out whats going on here, the people behind these crimes against children are protected by the system, because they are a part of the system, please show me some evidence to prove me wrong but why is it that we only hear about the Jimmy Saviles and the Ted Heaths once they pass away?
is this because when they were alive they were protected by the corrupt system they helped build?.

The simple fact that you are reading this shows that the cracks are starting to appear, the cover-ups are becoming harder to cover up. With the increasing use of platforms such as Steemit we can really start to expose these stories without fear of censorship, once on the blockchain it cant be hidden, manipulated or censored the way it does in the centralized world.

I know reading stories like these can be distressing but the only way we can start to do something about these problems is to talk about them, the only way we can put a stop to these atrocities is to shine a bright light on them for the whole world to see.

I grew up in foster care and I know way too many victims just like Melanie, this is the reason why I can't sit back anymore and watch things like this happen without trying to do something about it.

Here at @familyprotection, we are dedicated to spreading awareness about the corrupt and dysfunctional 'care' system but this story of Melanie Shaw would never be known if it wasn't for alternative news outlets such as UKcolumn who have been covering this story for many years now.

Below is the latest update on Melanie's situation.

If you think you are powerless to help, think again!.

By supporting @familyprotection you are helping.

By supporting Melanie Shaw you are showing solidarity.

By watching shows like UKcolumn you are getting the real picture.

No matter how big or small our actions are, one day they will all add up!


Sad sad sad, so so sad. But I am glad she is one brave lady, who refused to be broken. Melanie, we Love you and we are behind you, you shall have your freedom soon. They all shall answer to their crime against humanity.

So sad, after everything Melanie has been through, then this!
I have been following this story for a few years now and I hope she has her day.

Thanks for sharing your thoughts on this situation.


Please, let us all take a moment to RESTEEM this story,. People need to know. ResteemIt.

F man, this is just horrible...

Agreed @bubke, poor Melanie!

The group I represent have supported this cause. Great to see this posted on here. I live in Nottingham and am ashamed of our Police Force. I will like, Re-Steem and follow :) Thoughts are with Melanie and the many other victims of our Police-State. Hope She is staying strong.

Wow, great to hear of people supporting such causes, usually cases like this get brushed under the carpet so it's good to see she has people behind her.

One day they will be held accountable.

Quite shocked to discover I've never heard of this case, although I read the British papers daily. Well, that's MSM for you. Obviously this case must be more sensitive even than the Saville one.
Still, it's hard to believe - I mean a normal person cannot really conceive such kind of abuse and yet it seems to be widespread and it involves people with tremendous power. Makes you feel quite sick...

Yes, you have to look deep to find these kind of stories, luckily I've been following alternative news for over 10 years now so I've known about this and other stories for some time now.

Mainstream media makes us fear each other when really it's the people with suits and clip boards coming to protect us that we should be wary of.

Mark, your story of Melanie Shaw was very sad and unfortunately probably very prevalent in our society. You are right in that the only way to deal with this corruption is to bring to light what is really happening in these structured systems that protect their own. One day I hope all the people of this world will wake up and do something to overcome these horrible people in power and expose all the ugly. You remain an inspiration!!!

I am sorry but I sometimes miss a post because I don't go onto Steemit as frequently but my voting bot will keep voting for you. I'm trying to cut back until I get a little better. Keep up your wonderful fight against injustice for the people! I commend you Mark!!!

Yes, this is a another sad example of how the system works today, anybody who speaks out against it is silenced immediately.

But now we have the Blockchain, positive times are ahead :)

I really hope you make a full recovery and are back on form in the near future, your lovely comments and words of encouragement are always appreciated but your health is more important.

I hope you can get all the rest you need and that your family are close by.


What a tragedy that these things go on. The sanctity of life means nothing to these people.

Yes @tamaralovelace it seems most people are completely unaware, or suspect something but can't quite believe it actually happens.

The more it is brought out into the open, the more the populace lose their blinders. They have to see it to believe it and they don't see it on the evening news. Keep up the good fight, others are joining!

Maybe part of the reason these people are not exposed until after their death is to throw the people a bone. Oh look, he was dastardly, but he's dead now so everything is ok, children are safe now he's gone.

This whole thing is so deep and so dirty.

Somethings up! right?

I do believe the tides are changing and soon the scum will rise to the surface.

such a brave girl, people must support her for better environment for child living surround.

OMG, is this a civilised world. What a shame full secret behind the scenes of the so called develop nation's.Melanie you are not alone, don't think you're unfortunate, please think possitive and go against the inhuman activities. We are with you. My dear friend Mark you are doing the greatest job by helping the victims I am with you.

Yes @maya7 we are slaves that think we are free, stories like these are evidence of a corrupt system with secret societies.

But we shall overcome.

Yes really friend ,very true. With out knowing the true character of govt,people are running after it. The story like that are very heart touching and shameful. Thanks for the nice reply, hope you are doing great there and also are you in trip of steemFest?have a great time friend.

Really sad and shocking story of Melanie Shaw. I thought such things only happen in Africa, am surprised this is happening in a European country in this day and age. Thank you for writing about it and letting people know. I truly hope justice will be upheld and her situation resolved.

It happens here all the time but we never hear about it because we are fed with fake news and terror attacks to keep us a looking in the wrong direction.

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