@familyprotection Is A Scam! And We Are Russian Agents! The Real Face Of @familyprotection!

in #familyprotection7 years ago (edited)


This is it!
The Truth About Me And My Little Scam!

It's time to set the record straight
and let everyone know what we are all about.

Why Did I Start Family Protection?

@familyprotection was started because I was sick of the way things were, I was disgusted with the way government child "protection" agencies were tearing families apart with such ease. I had grown up in foster care and knew all too well the level of CARE that was offered to children trapped in this system. Many years later me and my partner was threatened by the state because we chose to home-school our children. We even had to leave our country of fear from having our children legally kidnapped which led me to investigate and uncover a world of hate being dished out by the state.

I came up with the idea of having a support group, but I knew that I would need some help so I went to the person that I trusted and looked up to most on steemit. @canadian-coconut had it all, she was a very well respected and long standing member of the steemit community, she also had the power to really make a difference and with her upvote, we knew these stories would get the attention they so rightly deserved.

@familyprotection has been going for around six months now, and up until this last month we have been praised for trying to spread awareness on a problem that most people have no idea exists. We have done our best to make sure these stories get heard and at the same time we have raised crypto, that will one day be worth a pretty penny.


The Critics Came Marching In!

Recently, we have received some criticism for the way we do things, some people called us an outright scam, one said that we were Russian agents, two have even gone as far as to suggest that we are working alongside cps lol, and others thought that asking for donations was wrong. Among other things we have also been flagged and accused of being a voting ring and that we had no right in asking people to remove the #familyprotection tag from their unrelated post, these spammy posts clog up the tag that we invented so that the really important stories could easily be seen by people who care about this situation.

You're Dammed If You Do!

I know that for the most part, we are very well respected and that 99% of people appreciate the hard work we are doing to build and shape this community into a genuine support network. We know that we are doing the right thing but when we get the other 1% of people who are throwing shit in our direction it becomes hard not to notice. When someone takes a shit in a room full of roses then the smell of flowers disappears.


We never thought that trying to help
people would cause so much stress.

How Do We Put An End To The Accusations? How do we deal with people that claim to be fighting the same fight who are questioning our integrity and motives? Personally I think we shouldn't give these people the time of day, but at the same time my reputation is very important to me and I would like to eliminate the threat of any future attacks from people who seem to have a problem with @familyprotection.

Of course, we will always get some people who think cps are angels that were sent here to protect us. I'm happy to ignore such people but is there a way that we can eradicate the word scam from ever appearing around our community?

In the near future, when cryptos go to the moon, we WILL have the power to really start making a difference and when that day comes you will really get to see, that we are here to help, and that we mean what we say. I believe actions speak loader than words and I look forward to the day when all the nay sayers will be proven wrong and once again Mark Whittam will prove to the world that he never gives up or backs down from a fight worth fighting.


Please Prove us Wrong!

I would love for any of the haters out there to prove us wrong, show me evidence that we are scamming the steemit public. The fact is that @familyprotection is costing me and @canadian-coconut both time and money:

  • Since starting @familyprotection I no longer have the time to do my usual one post a day, which means I earn less.

  • I have also been renting steempower (which is not cheap) so that I can help support fp posts.

  • On top of the donations to @familyprotection from my FP posts which are in the hundreds of SBD's, I have aslo donated 200 x STEEM to @hickorymack and an additional 100 x SBD to FP which was not a percentage from my FP posts.

  • 7 day's a week, me and Ca-Co are going through a huge amount of posts that don the fp tag, checking for authenticity, quality and reletivity. We are getting help from @eco-alex and @misslasvegas but it's still taking up most of our time.

  • @canadian-coconut earns 25% less in curation since she started upvoting mainly fp posts and has less time to do her own posts.

The great thing about our cause is that every penny we raise is transparent, anyone can easily check what comes in and what goes out. The fact is, that the only funds that have gone out from @familyprotection are 100SBD, this was for @hickorymack who was being hounded by cps because of her living conditions, she was homeless, but partly thanks to the steemit, and the fp community, she now has a home for her family.

We have never once taken a penny to pay ourselves because we really want the funds we have raised to grow, as we believe that 2018 is going to be the best year for crypto, ever!


Why Am I Writing This Post?

I am not trying to convince anybody of anything, and to be honest, I really couldn't give a damn about the haters but my concern is what our members feel and think about our @familyprotection community?

We really want to hear your opinions, and if you have any doubt about us and the way we do things? we WILL continue to raise awareness and funds but is there anything that we could do better so that we are all in agreement?

  • Do you think all the funds should be powered up, or should we continue to invest in other cryptos as well as steempower?

  • What do you think of the comment we leave on every post we resteem?

  • What do you think of the quality of the posts we resteem and should we be more picky in our selection?

  • Should we just completely ignore the haters and not waste any more time or effort in trying to convince these simple minded narcissists that we are the real deal?

  • Should we really spend money on a fancy website or just keep things strictly on the blockchain?


The fact is, That we are here to stay
and we'll still be here helping people in years to come.

No amount of negative feedback
will stop this train from ploughing full steem ahead.


Watch This Video
To See The Real Face Of Family Protection.



I LOVE the video that you did Mark, and posted at the bottom!
There is no way that anyone can accuse you of 'hiding' or not being transparent. I'm glad that you are the 'face' of FamilyProtection!

I know how much you and the community here appreciate me, so therefore I will try not to let these newcomers who arrive intent on causing trouble get to me any longer.

Having said that, I am so glad that you did this post and this video.
In the future we can always simply drop this link and stop wasting any more time. When we give in to the chaos that some people purposely attempt to create, it only takes away from our ability to continue doing the good work that we are doing.

Thank you @canadian-coconut!
I really felt the need to get this off my chest! I am a man of my word and NO ONE can take that away from me!
I agree that after this, it feels like we can move on and not waste any more time and energy on the trolls and when they raise their ugly head, we can just send this post in their direction.

Time to get back to what really matters, onwards and upwards!

Thank you for believing in me and also for all the time and effort you have put into @familyprotection.


You both are incredible. I admire souls like you two. Nothing, no negative feedback is going to stop you in helping people. That's why I follow you.

Here's a few of my thoughts:

Do you think all the funds should be powered up, or should we continue to invest in other cryptos as well as steempower?

I believe that powering up the FP account will continue encouraging Steemit users to generate useful content for the topic. It is frustrating seeing people trying to exploit the tag for upvotes, but for the most part it's transparent who is doing this. I would suggest having FP muting them. Inform them that FP has muted them.

What do you think of the comment we leave on every post we resteem?

I don't mind the comment. Mentioning that it's curated by a human might be good. When people see the automated comment, they assume it's an automated bot associated with the "magic" tag. Like when people use the tag "busy" to get a free upvote from @busy. FP is not like that at all. The upvote is from a human, the comment is the result of a human curation.

What do you think of the quality of the posts we resteem and should we be more picky in our selection?

I think the quality of resteems are fine. I think it's obvious which posts are not deserving of a resteem.

Should we just completely ignore the haters and not waste any more time or effort in trying to convince these simple minded narcissists that we are the real deal?

Don't give them the time of day. People who have been on Steemit for any length of time knows the FP is the real deal.

Should we spend money on a fancy website or keep things on the blockchain?

Keep it on the blockchain. I don't think a fancy website is a good investment - at least not at this time. Keeping it on Steemit encourages new users and keeps things transparent. Just my opinion.


Yes, thank-you for your feedback.

Wow! Fantastic feedback @ironshield!

I really appreciate you taking the time to digest my post and give us some solid and well thought out answers =)

It's funny, I agree with everything you said which never usually happens. And yes our comments are not automated.

It's great to have you on our side.

This post has been Resteemed and Upvoted by the @familyprotection community.
Governments around the world are using "Child Protection Agencies" to take children away from loving families and place them in foster care or group homes, or put them up for adoption.

Thank-you @markwhittam for supporting our community.

If you @markwhittam perceive this comment to be spam or a scam we will remove it at your request, Every penny we raise will go to helping families in need as all the funds we raise are transparent and accounted for.

Keeping your options open and sharing content across many media channels will be as important as raising the funds to help people. There are a LOT of new chains/platforms in development that will be launching over the next 6-12 months, Steem forks and EOS-based. Having a presence on as many as possible will help maximize your visibility, exposure and earnings. The BeyondBitcoin dev team has recently release MASDACS.io (currently in testing phase supporting Steem, Golos, and Medium) that will allow you to create a post 1 time and publish it across multiple chains at once. This reduces the risk of censorship, flag war crap, and maximizes your earnings power across the chains that accept and deserve your support. Good things are coming, keep up the great work - haters gonna hate!

Wow! Thanks @steempowerpics.
Now you have my attention!
Definitely no need for flashy websites with all these new developments =)

I am actually looking forward to when steemit has some competition, like @nanzo-scoop said, everyone will be bringing their a game =)

Thanks for dropping in Bro!

Absolutely! We are optimistic that the coming competition to Steemit will help curb some of the misguided behavior at the top here and keep this platform in play to compliment the others, but time will tell.

Oh! Not another spammy comment from @familyprotection ;)

if you think it is spam @markwhittam, then we will remove it! ... rotfl ..

wtf! A scam? Perhaps the .gov CAS members are on STEEMIT. Whoever thinks it's a scam deserves a run in with these folks.

Yesterday I had it out with one of these social workers and told her I'm just a phone call away from the National Post. I told her straight out the agency is bias, prejudiced, and politicized.

I mean what bullshit accusation is that! Forget the haters.. just keep posting. Always gonna be haters.

Thank you @bearbear613
Yeah I'm starting to think that maybe these people who question our motives are not normal members of society and perhaps they are just here to try and stir things up.

I have never met a social worker who could think for themselves, they go by the book and that book is pure evil.

Thanks for showing some support.

I completely understand the frustration from dealing with scammers and folks who wish to cause you crap. It would be so much easier if we all could get along, hold hands and sing Kumbaya. Honestly because of selfishness, greed, narcissism and sin, that does not happen. There are those that want to take advantage of situations and people. We may not be able to stop them but they will have to answer to a higher authority one day. it is a shame that they pick on such worthwhile cause that we are all involved in. I would ask a question. As Mark and Linda put countless hours into reading posts and promoting @familyprotection, the two of you deserve something for your time and devotion. Are you able to at least get compensated for your time? Again it is a shame that folks will cause others havoc but as you all know, I learned that this crap goes on here and sadly in a decentralized environment it is harder to control. Blessing s and kind wishes.

Thank you @enjoywithtroy!

Yes, it's a shame and I think there will always be people who take advantage or take a disliking to what we do, but we are a solid community who regularly show solidarity!

Great to have you on board Troy!

i asked a question in the body of my paragraph above. Will ask once more. Are you and Linda at least financially compensated for your time or is your time non compensated and volunteered?

In this post I have explained that everything we do is voluntary, and so far it's costing us money.

We have never touched a penny

Thank you for explaining that.

Mark let me first say this. I have followed you since you first joined Steemit because right off I saw the passion and love you had for your family and for others. I have been on Steemit long enough to discern the real people from the fake. I have never second guessed you or had to question your intentions. That is why it was easy for me to jump right in and support this idea of a family protection account. I also wanted to support this movement because I too am a concerned parent tying to protect her children and make sure we don’t fall into the hands of the legal kidnappers. This initiative has helped my husband and I gain valuable information on how just to do that.

As far as entertaining the naysayers...don’t do it! I agree with everyone in that it’s time to continue forward and focus on the goal at hand and continue building up this community. They will always come and they will always be watching but as you have stated you have nothing to hide...everything has been transparent. If they have any more questions they can look through the posts and transactions.

I think you all have been doing a very good job with resteeming relevant and helpful posts. I agree with @ironshield that if the same people keep abusing the tag it’s time to mute them and let them know why. That will cut out on all of the extra work you are doing. I am glad to hear you and Linda have found some more help. I’m so sorry I couldn’t step up to help at this time but who knows what the future may bring.

I don’t think the comment you post is spammy at all. There is nothing wrong with thanking someone for their efforts and letting them know their post has been Resteemed.

@markwhittam and @canadian-coconut you ARE appreciated and the work that you do does NOT go unseen. Thank you for sacrificing your own rewards in order to build this family account to help families in need. I am so glad to be apart of this team, I wouldn’t have it any other way. ❤️

Thank you @crosheille!

Your support has been very noticeable from the get go! I feel so blessed to have the backing from such honorably members of this amazing platform!

Thank you for always being there and cheering me on!


I am going to start by answering the questions you asked and than I will tell you how I feel.

  1. I honestly could care less how you handle the donations. You know way more about how all the powering up and crypto investing works. I am still new to all that and know very little.
  2. I personally LOVE that comment and wait for it to show up. It shows me that not only you read my post but it is up to par with what you want to add to the collection. It means a ton to me that you take your time to read it and want to share it with others.
  3. I think the posts you choose to resteem all have their contribution even if they are huge posts or small ones. they all have value if they stay on topic. I have had a few of mine be told that they did not meet those requirements and I was OK with that. They were not the topics that FP wanted to deal with.
  4. Haters and trolls come out when a group is getting noticed. They go with the growth. Just that FP has them means we are doing something right. How we deal with them will mold us for future attacks by much stronger agencies. Make no mistake CPS will attack when they notice we are becoming a threat to them. I think we should acknowledge they are there and make a plan on how to deal with them. We can hope they simply go away but that is not always the case. Just make a note not to feed them.
  5. Why spend money on a fancy website where there are so many free ones out there. We can have a Facebook group if we want but keeping the money on the block chain keeps it open and accountable.

Ok now for my opinion.
I want to start by stating that I appreciate what you have started and I am honored to be apart of it. I will continue to stand behind FP as I fully believe that one day it will become all I hope it to be. I am also glad that you are willing to ask the community what they want instead of jumping in doing things because of emotions. This is a very emotionally charged topic we are trying to defeat. And we need our leaders to not be prone to letting their emotions get the best of them. Again it shows just how strong you really are. And it gives me more faith that you will see this through.

Again Thank you for all you do

Excellent! Thank you @curlfamilyvlog!

I know that you speak your mind which is why I am extra happy with the feedback you have just given.

I have never wanted a fancy website, the Blockchain is for people and it's a world that the state can not control so keeping fp strictly Blockchain is the way it should be. I had to ask because we have been questioned for not having one.

I think you're right! The fact that we have trolls means that we are doing something right!

Thank you for believing in @familyprotection as much as I do, your input and support is hugely appreciated.


I checked out your YouTube channel and I subbed. It is nice to see the person behind this. As I have discovered that videos get deleted here after a month I will be posting less videos on here. So when you get a chance go check out my YouTube channel. It is the same user name I am on here.

You sure know how to bring it nice @markwhittam :) You made me laugh, although this is serious business of course. But kudos for you stepping up and showing your face and even passport (although this should really not be necessary don't get me wrong!) I believe in the work you do with @canadian-coconut and I have no doubt that when the coin prizes will be mile high you will help lots of families in need! I think you should not change a damn thing (pardon my language) as you stand for your believes, and you should not let haters get the best of you. And it sure seems like it takes a lot more to take you down, so that won't be a problem I guess ;) Both of you (and many people in this community also!!!!) are amazing people, and I am very thankful for your support, and I will stick with you guys raising awareness no matter what they say, this was my goal and intention anyway .. So better do this all together, as we have a much bigger reach like this. I am convinced that I will learn even more here in the time before I give myself finally the green light to start the procedures around my 2 oldest children again, and that @familyprotection will be the first to read my post about how we all did this together. Because that is how I feel, you give me the possibility to publish here, and therefor many read my posts, and because of the community I learn and engage with others too, that may have very very valuable info for me to use when my time has come. And I feel like when a child comes back home from a member in this community all of you deserve some credits, even if it was only the support with friendly words not to give up. Keep up the good work, and please don't feel like you need to show all your personal stuff like passport again :) Because you don't ..

mark, i think you need to edit your post and change it to

we are very well respected and that 99% of people appreciate the hard work we are doing to build and shape this

I cant find anything but positive comments on this post! Im happy to see @familyprotection has such fantastic support.. and So deserved!

It funny, I was thinking that just before sending, it felt like 5% because it all happened in the same time frame but really, with all the support I'm seeing, its probably even less than 1%

Good call @eco-alex! Post has been updated =)


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