Tick Tock Twitter
Project Veritas launched a new video verifying what I thought happened to me. "Project Veritas has released undercover footage of Twitter Engineers and employees admitting that Twitter employees view"everything you post" on their servers, including private "sex messages," and "d*ck pics." The engineers also admit that Twitter analyzes this information to create a "virtual profile" of you which they sell to advertisers.
As I thought with Twitter they go through everything about you and your privacy as seen up above this is what Twitter thinks of me (wrong btw lol). They sit there and claw away and sell your info but whats more shocking is them going through your dm's and private images trading them around like they are baseball cards. Now whats even worse is the amount of younger kids that use this platform. Are they vulnerable to this?! Id say so for the sole fact when I email or report negligence and sexual harrasment as well as child porn I get blocked,banned and IP tracked and I am sick of it!

I am pissed and fired up

Take this young girl I was trying to help months ago she was harassed left and right (sure kids shouldnt be on social media though its inevitable with how society is) and instead of either banning the guys or banning them and her they banned her and kept her attackers roaming free to hunt for more! See below as these people still exist even though I have reported them for months on end.

This is a constant thing and I cant work on this alone as theres constant abuse on Twitter's side and the abusers on Twitter itself so it would really help out to those to share this and help push me and others to make a change for this site or help burn this bridge down to the ground! Thank you everyone!!!!!!