January-National Slavery/Human Trafficking Prevention Month
So President Trump proclaimed January as National Slavery and Human Trafficking Prevention Month and with that not only will it help with awareness but also with the fact of making it easier for these arrests to occur. " An estimated 25 million people are currently victims of human trafficking for both sex and labor. Human traffickers prey on their victims by promising a life of hope and greater opportunity, while delivering only enslavement. Instead of delivering people to better lives, traffickers unjustifiably profit from the labor and toil of their victims, who they force — through violence and intimidation — to work in brothels and factories, on farms and fishing vessels, in private homes, and in countless industries. And this month, I will sign into law S. 1536, the Combating Human Trafficking in Commercial Vehicles Act and S. 1532, the No Human Trafficking on Our Roads Act. These bills will keep those who commit trafficking offenses from operating commercial vehicles, improve anti-human trafficking coordination within Federal agencies and across State and local governments, and improve efforts to recognize, prevent, and report human trafficking."
This as I hope and we have already seen it will help a lot in regards of stopping the darkness thats taken over the US. We have seen strides of this as there has been over 7k arrests last year along with that Hollywood has started to crumble.
Here are some red flags for people to look out for as we all are one big community and the US has a huge issue towards this as this tops drug trafficking.
Now with this month being as big as it is I myself am going to increase the attack I do on social media whether it being reporting or spreading awareness all around and I encourage those to speak up and do action for your community as well.
The worst sites for kids are Twitter and live stream apps like YouNow etc as they are preyed on there and the companies simply look away and dont help. I know as there was one girl who spoke up and in doing so she got banned and the guy continued on harassing and potentially making meet up spots.
Those wondering the worst states I made this chart last year in regards of missing kids and its shocking for the numbers!
Oddly enough where the most amount of government is is where the most goes missing. VA has eight times more than the average missing every year and NCMEC wont bring this up nor acknowledge it.
Overall the US has a dark spot people would rather not look at and ignore the fact it exists. I wish to share more though I need time and resources before putting anyone or companies on blast, I just hope people are more aware and push to end the suffering that exists here.
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Human trafficking awareness is so important, especially with internet being at its fastest and most sneakiest time of all going into 2018. We need to work together to ensure that there are not continuous victims at the hands of mankind. I look forward to you posting more about this issue
Thank you I appreciate it as this is a huge issue and a lot of people dont talk about it even though about 1 in 10 kids will be a victim of this before they are 18. Also with parents being unaware of the content available and also whats capable of those online. I am working on multiple things with some people and police in regards of those online and the content. And when I mean I need time and resources I mean the fact that twitter has in the past tracked my IP and locked things I do via IP for reporting so between gathering data and having to avoid companies like Twitter trying to stop me its a true pain.

So are you being penalized for reporting possible trafficking?
Twitter is stopping me as they log IPs and will either stop you from reporting,shadowbanning etc. Makes certain tasks difficult as a VPN etc has to be used for something very simple