The Musa Trial: how I became an activist for the protection of the family

in #familyprotection7 years ago (edited)

(Disclaimer: I'm reporting these events as I remember them and my impressions of them. This source offers factual and accurate reporting on the Musa case.)

It was summer 2012. I had just moved into the Highgate house that is known as London's “conspiracy hub.” I was never an activist until then. I was to live there a year.

“Will you be able to accompany our group of activists to Crown Court over the next few weeks?” asked my “landlady” BM one morning, “It's good to have a show of support in the public gallery.”

“I can be there for two weeks but after that I'll be away,” I said, “What's the trial about?”

“A mother who is having her children stolen by the State,” said BM.

“Sorry? What d'you mean?”

“The government steals people's children,” she explained, “Didn't you know?”

“No!” I said, “How?”

“Social Services. If the government likes the look of your children, Social Services will concoct a case and steal them. Once they're in Care, the whole family is destroyed, their lives are ruined and God knows who or what can get their hands on them. It's a gravy train.”

“I can't believe I'm hearing this,” I said, “I've studied internet conspiracy for the past ten years - I can list ten SRA cases off the top of my head but nothing like that!”

“That's because parents are gagged,” said BM, “It's like Aaron Russo said - they're destroying the family unit. And we all know the worst of it. But you won't read about it in the media. Most of it happens in secret, in the Family Courts - Tony Blair set them up. There's only Christopher Booker who writes the occasional article about it in the Telegraph. So no one knows it's happening.”

“Oh. My. God. I'll be there,” I said.


What followed was a very famous trial. I could only attend the first couple of weeks and I never studied the facts but those two weeks changed my life beyond measure. I had never even seen the inside of a court room before but the corruption I witnessed that first time (and God willing the last - although I am surveilled and continue to receive death threats for my activism) was so breathtaking, so enormous, that there was no way I could sit back and do nothing. As long as that level of very real (and growing) corruption existed on this planet, corruption that conspires to split up good families and tortures parents and children, breaking the most precious bonds in a society, devastating our future, I had work to do - work helping to expose it. And by exposing end it.

And that is how I have lived ever since. As some kind of activist. Exposing it. I have had to become a kind of outlaw - I have given it my all.

That trial changed the course of my life.

I wasn't the only one whose life changed. The victims had it a million times worse. That trial had apparently been the mechanism by which the UK government had schemed via Haringey Council to remove seven well-mannered, well-educated, apparently balanced and healthy children from their Nigerian mother Gloria, a Bishop, and her partner Chiwar. They tried to make out that Gloria was a prostitute but she obviously was not. They tried to make out she was fiddling some benefits but even if she was (which she probably wasn't) did that merit losing seven happy children?!

I watched those children give video evidence in court - their innocence was used against them. As I recall, they had few criticisms of their parents. We were supposed to believe that one of the children had dropped a letter appealing for help out of a bedroom window and that they had been beaten with brooms and wires but there was no sense of that in the testimonies I saw. I vaguely remember some of the questioning going something like this (this is just an example):

Crown: What does your mum cook for you?
Child: Um - chicken.
Crown: What's the chicken like?
Child: Nice.
Crown: What do you eat at your foster carers?
Child: Um - chicken nuggets and variety pack cereals.
Crown: What's that like?
Child: Lovely!
Crown: So do you like your mum's cooking? Do you like it when she cooks chicken for you?
Child: (now in junk food versus home cooked dilemma), not always. It's boring.

Then the Crown tried to make out that Gloria had poisoned her other baby with morphine: its obvious desperation to push that lie was embarassing. At least by the time the “celebrity witness” - a local soap star - had been dragged in to seal the children's fate, I had had to leave to take the holiday abroad I had long booked.

Celebrity Witness Michelle Collins


But I wasn't the only supporter shedding tears the day we heard that 9 police had burst into Gloria's hospital room with a crew of Social tear away the newborn baby who was feeding at her breast. Of course, that poor mother had wrestled to keep her baby but those thugs had been so determined to snatch it, they had badly damaged her hip.

Yes - a large gang of police officers and Social Workers, in the pay of the UK government and taxpayers, had night-raided a maternity ward like it was a crack house and torn a newborn away from its mother, still recovering from the birth, as if she had been a criminal!

Permanently disabled. With no redress.


To add insult to injury, Gloria had been beaten up by prison or police officers. She was in agony. She had to be wheeled into the courtroom to give evidence - and even then there had been a debate about “whether the accused was going to be allowed to sit in a wheelchair”! I could not believe the inhumanity of the “justice” system: this lame woman had been cruelly chained into a wheelchair as if she was in danger of making a run for it! And she was crying. Without pain relief. All on her own. In front of a full court room. A prisoner having committed no crime! I was sitting in a UK court room for the first time and this is what I saw.

God help us.

What have we come to as a society when we have to witness this corruption in our police, Social Services and judiciary?

(And the whole bloody rest of them.)

This is not conspiracy theory, this is real. And for anyone to pretend that it is not real is either deluded or a liar. And if they are lying, we have to ask why they might be doing that.

And I stand up to be counted. I am someone who tries to do something about this. I've been deep in the new age in the past - I know very well the esoteric party line that “you can only change the outside if you change the inside”......and each to his or her own but even Jesus lost his temper in the temple. So I've left sitting on my arse meditating until the next lifetime. Because if we don't all support parents and children who are going through this now, I believe, there won't be any next lifetime on earth worth living. Not for humanity.

It is at this point that I will accept being called a “conspiracy theorist”. None of us knows what is going to happen in the future or when we die - but the Crown stealing children is third dimension here and now.


It was also terrifying to have to watch the Crown Prosecution stitch up Gloria's defence. I never realised how dirty they could and would play it in court! On an innocent woman. Like Gloria's lawyer having a bundle of around 600 pages dumped on him by “The Crown” last thing Friday afternoon.....and ordered by the judge to respond to it first thing Monday morning. Or The Crown referring to documents that only the defense happened to be missing. There were all sorts of other inconsistencies - that trial must be down in legal history as an example of the most extreme corruption.

Gloria and Chiwar Musa were sentenced to seven years in jail. Gloria went to Holloway, where she was cruelly mistreated. For nothing. God knows what happened to those lovely children; as I recall, one even disappeared for a while in the Care system! Gloria and Chiwar were eventually released to go back to Nigeria. With no family.

Not in my name.

That is who I am. And that is how I became an activist for the protection of families - the human family.

Because it's real.

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Governments around the world are using "Child Protection Agencies" to take children away from loving families and place them in foster care or group homes, or put them up for adoption.

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Great job!!! There is a journalist in the UK that covers these events. His name is Brian Gerrish of UK Column. He's been fighting for years to expose systemic abuse there despite many attempts to silence him!

Thanks @richq11. You are right - Brian is a brilliant journalist - the UK Column is well loved. I'm chuffed that you know them, too :)

I just want to clarify, that you actually attended these trials of the Musa family yourself?

That would have been quite the introduction into the corrupt and crazy world of CPS abuse.
What a nightmare story that you have shared here.

Yes @canadian-coconut - I was there every day for two weeks. This is a true story. Before, I had been a researcher into the online world. But seeing that trial moved my focus onto what was going on in the "real world". I had had no idea up until that week that these things were going on. It was shocking and unacceptable for me to see the depth of the corruption in real life. Not all cases are the same, of course, but this one went down in history. I pray that everything worked out for the Musas and their children.

Wow this is so devastating
First time am hearing of this corruption in the law system of UK regarding child protection
It so sad to hear that the services setup to protect children are now being use to deprive this children the joy and happiness of a family.
Cases like this need to be take up and followed
Just imagine how Gloria will be feeling now, the abuse and sadness from being seperated from her kids.

This are acts which leads to terrorism, very sad. Something need to be done.

Thanks @tormiwah. Sorry I only just found your comment. Yes, this corruption is endemic in the UK and everywhere else, it seems.

a good post I really like it

Thanks for sharing the publication, we certainly never cease to be surprised by the acts of the CPS

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