Barnevernet - Norway Social Services - steal 12 year old homeschooler from Canadian mom - heartbreaking video

in #familyprotection7 years ago (edited)

Another cut and paste:

(100% of earnings from this post to go to @familyprotection)

Source - view video here

Barnevernet‘ took 12-year old Canadian/Norwegian Boy away from his parents like a criminal

Yesterday, a 12 year old boy, without any good reason, without any cause and without any legal ground, was brutally taken away from his mother and father.

The parents had removed their 12 year old son from school and wanted to homeschool him as a temporary solution, because he had received death threats from classmates.

The school informed Norway’s Child welfare service (known as ‚Barnevernet‘) that the boy didn’t come to school. Three Barnevernet employees then showed up at the family’s house. They were accompanied by six police officers who came with three police cars. But instead of helping the family to find a solution with the bad situation at school, the authorities brutally removed the boy from his parents.

As can be seen in a Facebook video of the Canadian mother, the son runs away and the two case workers chase him and finally they topple him. Then one of the men sits on top of him to prevent his escape. The boy is screaming in total despair. A 12 year old boy!!! A boy who was teased and threatened at school is now being brutalised and attacked by Norway’s authorities. The parents were not allowed to leave the house and had to watch helplessly how their child was removed like a criminal.

Norway’s Child Welfare services ‚Barnevernet‘, with the help of the police chase a 12-year old boy. It doesn’t seem like they can comprehend how totally traumatising this will be for the child. Apparently this is what Norway’s „best interest of the child“ sadly looks like. Just because he didn’t go to school, and the parents were now homeschooling him instead, Norway’s Barnevernet consider this as a form of neglect.

Evil is not a strong enough term to describe Norway’s child welfare system. The cruelty towards families and their children in Norway must stop. Even under communism, family was still held far more in esteem than it is today in Norway. This sick experience this family has experienced is similar to thousands of others in Norway, but the world continues to stay silent.

This is the Facebook video:

Scource: Facebook

UPDATE per Feb. 11th 2018:

The verdict from the county board has accepted the CPS emergency placement order. The only reason given for the removal of the boy according to those papers is that the parents were homeschooling him. No violence, no maltreatment, no sexual abuse, no narcotics, nothing of those elements that would support the terrifying actions that were done.

Right now the parents can only see their son once a week for 2 hours under supervision.


This post has been Resteemed and Upvoted by @familyprotection

Governments around the world,
are using "Child Protection Agencies"
to take children away from loving families
and place them in foster care or group homes
or put up for adoption.

Thank-you @healingherb for supporting @familyprotection

Thanks, FP - I forgot to mention 100% of profits back to you on this cut and paste.

Oh my God ~ how you are opening my eyes.

I weep.

Poor boy and family.


This is happening to parents in all countries.....gutting :(

Jeez.....this is abominable. What is this?
They have gone too far. Those of us speaking against this practice must increase voice and intensity. This is the reason for the creation of Child welfare services,they are now something else.
Thank you @healingherb for this info.
You should check out my post on a mother who committed suicide because her children were taken from her.

Thanks @conquersamson - I just read your heartbreaking post. It gets worse and worse! Yes, we need to try to increase voice and intensity in all countries affected. So many people are not aware that this is happening or if they are they believe that it can't happen to them.......when it can. But @familyprotection seems to be doing a great job of raising awareness - the idea is genius thanks to @canadian-coconut and @markwhittam. I'm just someone who writes the occasional article for them (although a 100% supporter) but notice that awareness is spreading as people wishing to make a reasonable payout from a good quality, relevant post check things out and realise how much pain has been hidden from them. It's an eye opener. Let us all know if you have any ideas for raising awareness .

@healingherb -- if you go back and look at conquersamson's article, he plagiarized and embellished it. You may want to remove your vote before I flag it.

OMG, @ canadian-coconut - I am sorry. I've been working so fast I haven't had time to check! I think I've removed my vote now. Flag away.

I think I'll stick to writing posts - too naive - sorry for wasting time.

no-no, don't worry! It took a bit of digging for me to figure it out.
There are a LOT of people trying to use our tag just because they are hoping to get my vote. This is wasting a lot of my time, and Mark's, to try to figure out who is genuine and who isn't.

Thanks - I was worried, then. I see what you guys are doing as serious genius and am grateful to be able to submit good content (I hope) in an effort to support us all AND help families. I do have something to contribute, which leaves room for others' expertise and experience, I hope.

But some of that experience does extend to trolls. Unfortunately. And as you can see in our comments and replies me and @conquersamson got chatting initially about "holy anger" - imho he is a good guy.

But steemit has to be kept clean and I didn't spot the plagiarism - my bad. Apologies. I'm off to write my next one - just found something interesting :)

Whatever, peace, everybody - love and good vibes to all.

Yes it is an eye opener, i also applaud @familyprotection and other writers on the issues on the issue. I believe the awareness is spreading and increasing. I have been thinking out strategies to help in this issue. Moreso, i have been praying for parents who are going through this challenge ,that they be strengthened and press on. I also thank @canadian-coconut and @markwhittam for raising this awareness.
Personally, i have desired to take up this course.

@conquersamson Don't worry - this is a lesson about steemit. If you'd written that yourself 100% or re-written your research to improve and add on to the original you might have had an upvote.

Channel holy anger: why not write something to re-submit, something authentic e.g about how you never knew what was going on in your country until you came across @familyprotection? And do you have ideas about how it could be stopped? (Not that I can guarantee an upvote.) As long as it's real and adds something it might get an upvote.

Point is, steemit takes content quality seriously. And these posts take a long time to read. So MW and CC have a lot to do, making sure that they're not upvoting scammers. Obviously, it looks like you are one if you plagiarise text. Peace, friend.

I never knew all this, all i wanted was to protect my blog from cheetah again. Anyways i have learnt my lesson. Thank you

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