"Child Protection Agencies" are taking children away from their loving families.
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We’re a family who also wants to be with our children 24/7, without fear of government interference or aggression. After days of scouring IC.org we came to the conclusion that other like minded families must be posting elsewhere. I keep trying to download bitnation to join @familyprotection on my iphone but it takes me to github and I am lost from there. 😳
iPhone app was just released yesterday. It's still in testing mode. I think you download "Testflight" on IOS then wait for invitation. If that fails, sit tight. Stable version on its way.
I downloaded test flight but I need that invite code? I have used testflight to test the SNT Status app too but they emailed me an invite. How do I get on the invite list for Pangea? I am on the bitnation mailing list but that's it. So excited to use it nonetheless @andrewed :)
They will release access code soon. Best to join Telegram group @PangeaBitnation. If you can't, let me know and remind me every week if I don't post something here.
Hello, great to see more like minded people on steemit, there are many homeschooling families here so I'm sure you will be made to feel welcome.
As for the bitnation app, Its seems to be very new and has a few bugs, I'm sure they'll sort it out. This is very early days but I believe it had huge potential in the near future.
I love the mission because I can very easily picture us as being one of the many families you stick up for... mainly because I am perpetually paranoid about agressive people/institutions who disagree. Therefore your proposed solution for other like-minded families is so exciting. We look forward to seeing where it all goes 😊
We’re a family who also wants to be with our children 24/7, without fear of government interference or aggression. After days of scouring IC.org we came to the conclusion that other like minded families must be posting elsewhere. I keep trying to download bitnation to join @familyprotection on my iphone but it takes me to github and I am lost from there. 😳
iPhone app was just released yesterday. It's still in testing mode. I think you download "Testflight" on IOS then wait for invitation. If that fails, sit tight. Stable version on its way.
I downloaded test flight but I need that invite code? I have used testflight to test the SNT Status app too but they emailed me an invite. How do I get on the invite list for Pangea? I am on the bitnation mailing list but that's it. So excited to use it nonetheless @andrewed :)
Hi, did you get a code? If not, I have one for you.
hi, no i haven’t yet. that is nice of you to pass it on. my email is [email protected] thank you @andrewed 👋🏻
They will release access code soon. Best to join Telegram group @PangeaBitnation. If you can't, let me know and remind me every week if I don't post something here.
Hello, great to see more like minded people on steemit, there are many homeschooling families here so I'm sure you will be made to feel welcome.
As for the bitnation app, Its seems to be very new and has a few bugs, I'm sure they'll sort it out. This is very early days but I believe it had huge potential in the near future.
I love the mission because I can very easily picture us as being one of the many families you stick up for... mainly because I am perpetually paranoid about agressive people/institutions who disagree. Therefore your proposed solution for other like-minded families is so exciting. We look forward to seeing where it all goes 😊