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RE: Fighting Government Child Kidnappers in Court (FamilyProtection Series -- Anna's Family Story Part V)

Reading these stories takes a lot of energy out of you. I am sure living them is 100 times worse emotionally. It makes me mad as hell why these folks play these games. They are evil. They are paid by commission? Obviously they do not give a damn about the child or the family. A hard copy printed book needs to be distributed to families to teach them how to deal with these assh**.. if you have a moral fiber in your body you do not treat folks like that. It is good she went to the court dates. But when the system retracts potty training and vocabulary it is totally screwed up. GOD HELP US! Thanks for sharing. It is my prayer that something can and will be done for these parents and children. They have suffered long enough. Help them Lord. In Jesus name. Amen.


Yes, exactly! These Social Workers that were dealing with Anna do not care one tiny bit about children. It is all a game that they play with people's lives, and destroy precious children in the process.
Thank-you for your comment and I am glad that you are reading the whole series.

This is all very sad, children should be protected!But in life anything can happen...

Took the words right out of my mouth!

I cannot believe these social workers are not jailed, or at the very least fired, when they are discovered to have taken children without just cause. I am glad these stories are spaced apart because my heart aches every time I read the next installment. I cannot even begin to imagine the suffering these families go through day after day during their battles. I will continue to support this cause as long as I can. Bless your heart @canadian-coconut for helping families in need. Your emotional strength definitely outweighs my own. -Aimee

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