Why you don't hear more stories about CPS (social services) in the UK? The untold story of gagging orders and abuse of Children with disabilities.steemCreated with Sketch.

in #familyprotection6 years ago (edited)

Down the rabbit how we go again and this time I would like to share with you what I recently learned about the British social services system! Sometimes I read stories that make me angry, sometimes i read stories that sound so terrible that I wonder if they are really true. Well today there is NO debate about the facts that I am sharing, and they are heart wrenching horrific. The UK has laws in place that breach even the most basic human rights, and yet it persists. This needs to change urgently, please read on to see how bad things have gotten!

Is it any wonder why we don't hear more from abused children and families, at least in the UK, when they are simply not allowed to speak up? Did you know that children in child care in the UK are not allowed to make any kind of complaints of mistreatment? Even more scary is that the natural parents of foster children are also not allowed to make any complaint against CPS? Any parent who is seen to ignore a court gagging order is threatened with imprisonment or actually sent to prison, but many parents are now prepared to go that far because many have lost their children and have nothing else left to lose. It has gotten so bad now that the truth is coming out, despite all efforts to stop it.

I am going to focus on a specific type of child removal that isn't talked about much, but is proving to be one of the worst kinds of abuse against totally innocent children and parents. What I am talking about is the forced removal of children with disabilities such as autism, who are kept in totally inhumane conditions, out of any public view, and abused in ways that really defies any kind of reasoning or understanding. A few months ago I wrote that the UK is now going through a massive change in awareness, and the truth is starting to come out. The scandal of the autistic youngsters locked in solitary confinement and routinely abused has come to light, and involves thousands of children with no voice, and no way out. They are imprisoned involuntarily and stripped of all human decency, and the tax payer is spending around $15,000 per PERSON per week on this atrocity!

Can you even imagine if this money was just given to the families who need support instead!?

The main points of cases that I have looked at are:

- Devastated families are having children and young adults taken from them against their wishes and locked away – in one case for an astonishing 18 years.

- A shocking investigation found that confused teenagers are being fed through hatches in seclusion, forcibly injected with powerful drug cocktails to sedate them, and violently restrained by up to six adults at a time behind the locked doors of secretive units.

- The number of children in ATUs doubled over the past three years – yet powerless parents are routinely gagged by courts and some have been threatened with having homes seized if they speak out;

- US hedge funds have muscled in on a sector worth almost half a billion pounds annually – while one charity operator gave its departed chief executive a pay package worth almost £1 million over two years.

- Norman Lamb, the Liberal Democrat MP and former Care Minister in the Coalition, said there had been a total failure of the system, adding: ‘This is inhumane, immoral and breaching people’s human rights.’

Case Studies

Stephanie Bincliffe left school at 16 and lived alone with support from a carer, despite a difficult form of autism called Pathological Demand Avoidance. But two years later she was sectioned, locked in a private mental unit and put in solitary confinement, compounding her anxieties and alienation. For two years, she had to use wet wipes and a bedpan since there was no bath, shower or toilet. She was 15st stone when shut away. After seven years, her weight had soared by more than ten stone and she died in 2013 from heart failure and sleep apnoea caused by obesity.

There are many more cases coming to light of autistic children being routinely abused. In another very disturbing case two care worker have been documented beating a severely autistic boy after being tasked to care for him. The boy's cries and screams can be heard in an audio of the altercation. His cries are muffled by the sound of laughter before the two carers see bruises. They then scramble to create a plan and blame the boy for causing the bruising:

"I just wanna beat these kids without risk': Carers are caught bashing a 14-year-old autistic boy they were supposed to be looking after - before discussing how to cover up his bruises."

This is only the tip of the ice berg. A few of these people work in the disability sector because they can get their kicks. Can you imagine how many children suffer at the hands of mentally ill care workers who have almost no threat of chance of being caught and both children and parents are gagged? An autistic child cannot even speak for themselves even if they were not gagged!

In another disturbing case, a UK Autism charity has been accused of hiding horrific abuse at care home right under their noses. The charity ran a home in which residents were forced to eat chillies, repeatedly thrown into a swimming pool and forced to crawl around on all fours, a review has found. Mendip House in Somerset was run by a male “gang” who threw cake at residents and forced them to fund staff meals out. The report, by the Somerset Safeguarding Adults Board (SSAB), noted that the NAS conducted internal investigations and had plenty of evidence of “degradation” but had failed to report its own staff to the local council or the Care Quality Commission (CQC). Eventually, 13 directors, managers and carers were convicted over the mistreatment of vulnerable adults at care homes in Devon and Mendip House was eventually closed in 2016 after an anonymous tip off triggered an investigation. Can you see how widespread this is? This is not one person, this is an organised group of sick depraved mentally ill people, put in a position of incredible power and responsibility. Shocking as it is, it is going on all over the country and world.

I could unearth a dozen more stories that reveal the extent of this problem. It is NOT an isolated issue, it is an entrenched, deep perversion of justice that runs through the entire care system.. and especially so for vulnerable people who are weak and cannot defend themselves.


The REASON that these stories are coming out today is because we are able to document these atrocities like never before. Everyone has a high resolution camera in their pocket, and that is what can make or break a case. Gone are the days when it's their word against yours, now we CAN record things straight to the cloud and have it safe and preserved for action!

One example is a case that would never have come to light had a mother not simply recorded the actions and words of a 'carer' in her home:

Piss off out, I’m on the phone”, explodes a foster carer at a woman for whom she is providing a mother-and-baby placement. “When you are on the phone chatting loud in your Pakistani language I don’t say anything, I just grin and bear it yeah ... so piss off out and leave me on the phone,” she shouts.

This is just a few seconds from a recording made covertly by a mother who was at risk of losing her newborn baby to local authority care. It was presented in court and contradicted the foster carer’s own assertion that she had been rudely attacked by the mother and had responded in a mild fashion.

The woman had no option but to live in the mother-and-baby placement provided by Medway council children’s services if she was to stand any chance of keeping her child. She had already protested to social workers that the foster carer was unsuitable. When nothing changed she began covertly recording the woman’s outbursts to in an attempt to prove the level of abuse she was facing. Judge Mary Lazarus said in her published judgment this month that “having listened to the recording, the mother was calmly and fairly meekly pointing out that the conversation was noisy for the baby”.

In today’s world, we are not scared of people but we are petrified of social media exposure, and being recorded. SO, if you are visited by a social worker and you are concerned about their behaviour, RECORD THEM! Don’t be intimidated by their threats, or warning that it is not allowed.. the MOMENT you press record and point the camera you may well avert anything happening in the first place. Failing that, at least you will have evidence to present in court if that day comes.

Things used to be different with regard to to recording, but today things are changing:

Although there is nothing in law to say a parent can’t record their social worker or needs official permission, up until a couple of years ago a council solicitor would write to the parents’ lawyers and say “this is unreasonable, we are not able to go ahead with the assessment on this basis, and we are now regarding you the parents as being uncooperative,” says Pack. With the stakes so high, the parents’ lawyers would usually advise them to stop. But attitudes are changing. In a number of police forces in the UK, body-cams are now worn as a matter of routine following smart-phone footage taken of law enforcers assaulting citizens. Pack’s advice to his council social work teams today is phlegmatic: they need to understand that recording daily life is now normal in society, and get on with their job

This problem is at epidemic levels, and we have to take action, not only for our own children but for all the other children who are being abused and have no voice. The UK has a disturbing list of legal blocks that have allowed this problem to proliferate. Incredible as it may sound, these are the facts:

  • The UK is the ONLY country in Europe (apart from Croatia and perhaps Portugal) to tolerate the practice of forced adoption. The severing of all contact FOR LIFE between children and their birth parents .

  • The UK is the ONLY country in the world to GAG parents who wish to protest publicly when their children are taken.

  • The ONLY people in the UK who suffer this injustice are parents whose children are taken away after so called "experts" make predictions of the future such as "risk of emotional abuse".Most mothers would receive better and fairer treatment from the court if they killed their children (and benefited from the protection of criminal procedure)

  • PUNISHMENT WITHOUT CRIME !!! The nightmare begins when social workers act like a second police force PUNISHING PARENTS who have NOT committed any crime. They do this by obtaining an emergency protection order "ex parte"( in the parents' absence)to take away children into foster care. They claim these children have "suffered emotional harm"or worse still are "at risk of emotional harm" ! On this basis an order is nearly always granted without any problem by a "friendly" magistrate.

  • "Legal aid lawyers", usually advise clients to "go along with social services"earning their fees the easy way ! Those few parents who succeed in winning and recovering their children are nearly always those who represent themselves.

  • Social workers only too often, go round schools and friends of parents and, by their loaded questions spread harmful rumours about the parents. The unfortunate parents however are warned (quite wrongly in fact) that they are forbidden to talk to ANYBODY about their case (they actually CAN talk to individuals for advice and support) .Those bold enough to protest publicly, or otherwise break gagging orders are jailed in private for their impertinence.

  • In most cases, the parents never see or hear from their children for the rest of their lives!



    - Social workers in "child protection" must be ordered to pass their enforcement functions back to the police, who should only remove children if crimes have been committed by parents that could adversely affect their capacity to care for the children.

    - The family courts should adopt the rules of evidence that govern procedures in the criminal courts where fair and just rules of evidence now prevail. That is how it used to be before the Children Act 1948 when police and criminal courts(not social workers and family courts) dealt with removal of children from cruel or neglectful parents, and it worked much better.

    - Parents would have the right to question their "accusers",demand final hearings by juries, and would no longer be gagged.

    - Parents should no longer threatened with jail if they complain publicly when their children are taken, and should no longer be threatened with having their contact sessions with their children in care stopped if they dare to discuss their case with them.

    - The Children Act 1989 should be amended to remove all gagging of parents wishing to discuss publicly matters concerning their children or to talk about their case with those children.

    There would then at last be an excellent chance that most of these injustices would be eliminated.


    - https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-6324515/Hundreds-children-held-appalling-conditions-routinely-abused-secluded-cells.html

    - https://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/2018/02/08/autism-charity-accused-hiding-horrific-abuse-care-home/

    - https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-6216973/Carers-caught-bashing-14-year-old-autistic-boy-supposed-looking-discussing-cover-bruises.html

    - https://publications.parliament.uk/pa/cm201213/cmselect/cmeduc/writev/1514/cp09.htm

    - https://www.nhs.uk/news/medical-practice/winterbourne-view-failures-lead-to-care-system-review/

    - https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-1323545/Blundering-social-workers-autistic-son-elderly-couple-amid-abuse-fears.html

    - https://www.theguardian.com/society/2015/jun/17/social-workers-under-scrutiny-parents-camera

    - https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-6324297/Girl-15-conceived-son-rape-held-sex-slave.html

    Thank-you @eco-alex for submitting this post with the #familyprotection tag. It has been UPVOTED by @familyprotection and RESTEEMED TO OUR Community Supporters.

    "Child Protection Agencies" are taking children away from their loving families.

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    OMG, this is scary, sad, atrocious, so horrific. Spare the ones at-least who do not have enough senses. To look at it they are the easiest victims. It is so sad to keep reading these stories every day. How do these people ever get sleep after committing such acts. The systems are only corrupted, who can the common man go to. The other day I read a story a lady after 25 years got the courage to speak up of her child abuse. She was so much traumatized by the incident.
    For these children after going through so much of a hell not even sure for how long they would survive, but imagine what their state of mind would be on growing up :-(

    It is very scary and so sad yes! These people are mentally ill and need serious help! The truth is coming out now and some changes are coming, at least in the uk.. it takes sooo long though!

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