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RE: If A Social Worker Interviews You

It's like they all have the same "training"...oh, wait...
What difference does it make where you got your GED?
And, boy, how they LOVE to come after us homeschoolers. And asking "do you go to church?" That question alone is convoluted, no matter the answer. Any answer to many of these questions will be perceived as negative, and will be used against you. I posed the question recently that "case workers are constantly bitching about having to big a caseload, and how they're too under staffed, and underfunded to handle all their cases, so why do they continue to add to their workload, by harassing those of us for whom they have to "build" a case, as we're innocent of charges, rather than focusing their manpower and resources on obvious open-and-shut cases? Hmmm.. Seems to me, they stand to lose something they hope to gain. Wonder what it could be.. (hint: $)


I think the purpose of the pointless questions was to make us feel at ease, like they were just making conversation or something. Pretty sure the church question was to gauge how much support we have, the less support, the easier the target...

You know, I never thought about it before but you're right. They are stretched so thin, yet they waste their time on us. SMH

I think that they want to know what church or groups you attend and where else you used to live, so that they have a list of people that they can go to to fish for more dirt on you.
That's what they did with my friend, Anna. They talked to all her neighbours and even had her neighbours spying on her and reporting back to them.
I hope that you didn't give them too much information.

They dig that deep?? Oh goodness...I don't know if it's a good thing or a bad thing, but ever since Jared's depression, we've been hermits, so there really is no one to point them to. We haven't been to church since December, and the only place I really go is the grocery store, other than that I take the kids outside sometimes. It's just where we're at right now...

I think it may be a good thing. Did you give them the name of the church that you used to attend? Hopefully it wasn't too mainstream of a church where they all love the government and cooperate without thinking of the consequences.
They may or may not decide to dig that deep with your case, but it is certainly one of the tactics that they have used to sucessfully get children away from their parents.

They did ask the name of the church's just a little bible church, and I doubt anyone there would have anything bad to say about us...

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