The law has been promoted by the Liberals of the party of the Canadian Prime Minister, Justin Trudeau, to which the governor of Ontario, Kathleen Wynne belongs. The regulations themselves recognize that "major changes are made in terminology". In this case, it consists in the introduction of the elements of the gender ideology, which can have serious consequences both in families that intend to adopt and in those with children, since there is already a legal mechanism with which social services could withdraw them. custody in case of not following the postulates of the gender ideology.
The spirit of Law 89 is fully reflected in the statements of the Minister of Children and Youth of this state, Michael Coteau, responsible for the law. In his presentation of the regulations spoke of the conflict that can occur in a family in which a child or adolescent is declared LGT B and parents do not follow the current or promote this situation.
"A child can be removed from that environment"
"I would consider a form of abuse when a child identifies with a gender and a father says no, he has to do this differently," Coteau said. And he added the key: "therefore, if we talk about abuse, and if it is within the law, a child can be removed from that environment and placed under a protection where that abuse is stopped."
In this way, this law contradicts the scientific literature that ensures that for example in cases where a boy or girl identify in the opposite sex, between 75 and 95% of them accept their biological sex once past puberty . But with this regulation you can persecute parents who prevent their children from undergoing hormone programs to change their identity.
The child's opinion could prevail over that of his parents
The voice of the child may have more value than that of the parents in matters related to the gender ideology. The new law ensures that "the issues to be considered when determining the best interests for the child change" so "the views and wishes of the child will be taken into account depending on the age and maturity."
Therefore, the social services could give the reason by law to an 8-year-old boy who says he feels like a girl although the parents want to provide him with an education in which his biological sex is respected, while the child's opinion remains that of his parents.
Enter the "gender identity", the "religious faith" comes out
In this new law are added both "gender identity" and "gender expression" as elements to be considered and taken into account for the "interest of the child" while eliminating the "religious faith" in which parents have educated the child.
In this way, it establishes as elements to consider "the race, descent of the child, place of origin, color, ethnic origin, nationality, family diversity, disability, creed, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity and gender expression".
These elements can prevent families from adopting a child and those who already have them are exposed to violate key elements for the law such as "gender identity", which could make the authorities take action on the matter.
In fact, the law passed with the sole position of the conservative deputies states that if a child "is at risk of suffering" mental or emotional damage and his parents do not provide "treatment or access to treatment" to avoid it the minor would be in need to be protected by the State.
"Era of totalitarian power"
Therefore, the new law allows government agencies to deny adoption or foster care to families that disagree with some of the aforementioned points, such as those related to gender ideology.
Jack Fonseca, of the Compaign Life Coalition, warns that "with the approval of Law 89 we have entered an age of totalitarian power on the part of the State as we never saw before in the history of Canada."
In addition, he warns Christians that "it is a grave threat to Christians and to all people of faith who have children or who hope to increase their family through adoption."
The situation that this law can generate reminds us of the novel La última escapada (Free Books), by Michael O'Brien, already prophetic, in which some parents refuse to let their children be indoctrinated by the State in an apparently democratic regime and he decides to flee with them before being reached by this "kind totalitarianism". This is how Canada can become today.
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