What Is The Motivation Behind Medical Neglect?

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From my post earlier this week you might be asking yourself WHY are Doctors calling CPS and claiming Medical Neglect on parents when clearly these parents are trying to do what They feel is right for their children. Well just like anything they are motivated by money. Most people that decide to go into the medical field decide to because they want to help others. Yes you have to have a caring heart to be a doctor. But sadly while they are in medical school they are taught that there really is nothing more you can do other than prescribing a pill or removing a body part. You see the medical field itself has created a situation where doctors are nothing more than drug dealers for the pharmaceutical companies. So we will take a look at this recent article on the cost to becoming a doctor. https://www.thoughtco.com/how-much-does-medical-school-cost-1686309
Two points I wish to highlight are the following: Untitled.jpg

Now that is a hefty debt to be leaving school with and starting your new career. If they are paying on that for 10 years it is safe to assume they are paying an average $2000 a month for their student loans. So just how much is a doctors yearly salary. Well for that we turn to https://www.medscape.com/viewarticle/878129?faf=1
And this is a yearly survey done in April each year so these numbers are from 2016. but it states the following
"According to this year's survey, specialists earn $316,000 a year and primary care physicians (PCPs) earn $217,000."
So in essence a doctor can not earn their debt load in one year. To me that is not a reasonable investment. So you can see the financial strain placed on these doctors. Now they have a choice they can either go to work at a hospital, join a group, or start their own. Each choice has different issues and challenges.
They are bound by what the hospital says to do. They are pressured to get people to sign those consent forms. Remember if you do not sign those forms they do not get paid. There is no drug reps they have to deal with here that is handled in hospital administration. They just have to follow what the hospital policies and procedures are.
These are when a few doctors get together and start a business. They might have different locations but they are all bound by the main contract of the group. They do this so they can share the costs associated with running the business. These doctors tend to be more pushy and quick to get more people in and seen. You see most of the time in their contracts they are required to meet a certain financial threshold to be able to renew their contract the next year. These doctors are also bound to the policies and procedures their group sets. Drug companies love to visit group doctors as they know these doctors are more likely to push their drug when they are given kickbacks. As these doctors are highly financially motivated.
Private Doctors:
This is the privately owned offices that a doctor will start on their own. These are much more expensive to start and can add close o 100,000-200,000 debt to the new doctor. These doctors once starting their practice are the ones that will usually stay in their same practice throughout their career. They are the ones that at first will see the financial benefit of getting kickbacks from the drug companies as a way to pay down their debt. But as time goes on these doctors tend to stray away from mass prescription writing as they see the long term effects of their use. So at first drug companies hound them but after a few years they are not around their offices much. I know how this sounds but I want you to understand that a private doctor sees their patients and forms a lasting trust with them. And a private doctor makes their own policies and procedures. They are in that fine line where they need to make the money to pay their bills and at the same time want to keep you as a patient for as long as possible and maybe even your children. These are why they do not have a specialty. They are not classified as adult, senior, pediatrician. They are family doctors or primary doctors.

So now we know the 3 different routes a new doctor can take once they leave medical school. So why is it in the last 5-10 years we now have this term Medical Neglect. Well with the added use of the internet people have chosen to self diagnose their illnesses. Some go to the doctor and ask for certain drugs and when the doctor does not agree they leave and go to a different doctor. And that is their right to choose what they feel is in their best interest. Right? Do doctors call the law and have you arrested when you leave their office under these terms? NO. Say say good ridden to you and hope you do not return.

So why is it different when a parent chooses to get a second or third opinion when they do not agree with the doctor and their treatment plan? Well because doctors have figured out that if they call CPS and claim Medical Neglect, than CPS will step in and always side with the doctors. After all doctors have a degree they cant be wrong. So what happens when a child is removed for Medical Neglect?

Lets take a look:

  1. Child is removed and placed in state custody.
  2. The state now makes the decision on the medical needs of the child. And who do they turn to? They do not want to spend the extra money or time to get that second or third opinion so they go with the doctor that called in the report.
  3. The child is assigned a guardian. This person is the one who signs the medical release forms the hospital needs to do whatever they want. This person can not be help liable as they are signing in place of a judge. It is faster to have a person sign these consent forms than it is to have each procedure go in front of a judge. Sometimes and most times it is the foster parent that signs, others it will be the case worker. But if the child is lucky it will be a Guardian Ad Litem. ( I will tell you more about this group of people in a future post. )
  4. You child WILL now get that procedure you fought so hard against. And there is NOTHING you can do to stop it. And if something goes wrong no one is help liable.

So What is a kick back you ask?
Simply it is money given to the doctors for EACH time they prescribe the meds that the drug companies are trying to sell. Many time the doctors do not read the insert of the pills and take only the word of the drug reps as they are safe and effective. If you are prescribed a drug and read the insert yourself and than go back and ask the doctor questions about the drug 9 out of 10 times they will tell you to hold on as they leave the room to go read it for the first time. they have no real clue what these pills actually do. Thy had no training on it only training on what pill treats what symptom. And when you return with a new issue (most likely caused be the first drug) they give you another drug to help that new issue. All the time never really solving the real issue. This is the way our medical system has become. And many are not trying to find alternatives to this. This is a major threat to the doctors and for this is the real reason they are fighting back against YOUR free will and RIGHT TO CHOOSE

So How Do You Know If YOUR Doctor Is Getting A Kickback?
Simple If they give you a sample to try this is a great indication they were recently visited by the drug rep and they are now going to push this drug on you and get a kickback.

So in the end the doctor that started it all gets to do the procedure they wanted and they get paid. So there is your motivation for calling in a report for Medical Neglect

This needs to stop. In all of the cases I told you about the other day none of them just went home and let their child die they ALL went for a different opinion and were actively seeking medical help. This is a fine line that need to be drawn and cases like these will continue to be told if Doctors are allowed to use CPS as a weapon against parents. These are our children that are being used as pawns so doctors can make money when the parents do not feel the actions are right. We all have this gut instinct when something does not seem right we need to act upon it.
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Why Is This So Personal To Me?
I know all about this gut instinct as my own daughter Brianna was diagnosed in July 2017 with Pseudotumor Cerebri. The doctor wanted her to take a very powerful diuretic which when I gave her 1/4 of it the first time within 5 minutes she felt ill and slept the rest of the day. I researched the medicine and found that it not only causes heart, and kidney troubles it can cause severe dehydration. She had a low pressure headache the next day that would not go away so I called her primary doctor and he told us to take her into the hospital. Her eyes were purple and her skin was standing up when pinched. She was extremely dehydrated. The hospital gave her 2 bags of IV fluids before her headache started to go away and she was becoming her active self again. I went back to the doctor that prescribed her this pill and she said that this was common and said she needs to keep taking it and just push her to drink more fluids. I than told the doctor that there was no way I was going to give her the pills and I could see her face change and she got very upset. I also told her that during my research on this pill I found that the dosage needs to be constantly upgraded as it looses it effectiveness. And than eventually she would need a shunt. this was not the route I wanted to take my daughter on. The doctor than informed me that if we do not give her these pills than she would become blind. This is a true risk and one that I have talked to my daughter about a few times. You see she is 11 years old and I feel she is fully capable of having a say in her life. After all it is her that has to deal with the consequences either way. Brianna is blind in one eye already but has been since she was 5. She started loosing her sight in that eye when she was 6 months old and it got progressively worse. So the blindness would be in her good eye. When the doctor threatened us with the statement that she would go blind. Brianna stood up and said "I would rather be blind than feel the way I did that day. I felt like I was going to die." I am in tears typing this because she is my child and no mother wants to be faced with the reality their child felt like they were going to die all because of a pill I gave her. So at the end of the day I am in fear that I will get that knock on the door. But if I do I will stand my ground and fight for my child's right to live as she chooses. The risk is real that she will go completely blind, however the risk to her heart (which she already has a murmur) and her kidneys is far greater. So all we can do is take her to the eye doctor that sent us to this specialist and monitor her pressures. And hopefully one day they will find the cause of this disease. As it is now they do not know what causes it so all they can do is manage the symptoms. And the way they manage it causes more long term damage than it helps. Every surgery only helps for a few weeks and causes much pain for months after which is why after the first one my daughter has refused to do it again. And she refuses to take the pills. Even if I wanted her to, which I do not because of the pain it causes her. At the end of the day I will stand beside my daughter and fight for her right to choose. So I know how these parents feel when faced with a tough decision about their child's medical care. And than to make it worse they have CPS taking their children away because of it. It is not right and this needs to STOP

For those of you that have not seen my videos on DTube this is my daughter Brianna. She is 11 years old and she has a passion for gymnastics. Even with all of her struggles she continues to do well in the sport.

As I fully support the #familyprotection movement 25% of ALL the SBD generated for this post will be transferred to #familyprotection.
As always Thank you for taking the time to read this post. It means the world to me to finally have a place where I can speak openly and without fear or repercussion.

THANK YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


This post has been Resteemed and Upvoted by @familyprotection
Governments around the world,
are using "Child Protection Agencies"
to take children away from loving families
and place them in foster care or group homes
or put up for adoption.

Thank-you @curlfamilyvlog for supporting @familyprotection

UPVOTE This Comment & DONATE a portion of the SBD rewards from this post,

You have been through SO MUCH!
First, being a foster child yourself,
Second, being a foster parent yourself and seeing the corruption,
and Third -- your daughter being ill and fighting with a doctor who could report you to CPS for trying to protect your own child!

I am so sorry to hear about your precious daughter's illness.
You are an AMAZING mom!

Good job..you are right & i am with you.. @canadian-coconut

thank you for your kind words.

We really value your presences in this community.

If anybody ever had any doubt about what cps are like, they just need to read one of your stories, and if that wasn’t enough you could tell them another and another until they finally got the picture!

And one day, we could take your stories to the very top and demand they take a long hard LOOK! no one could deny there is a problem after 10 minutes in a room with you!

You are stronger than anyone I know!

Be very proud of who you are, I know I am.

The stuff I have said here is just the beginning. I know I will be a target once they know I am speaking up. It has only just begun.

You're 100% right. To hear from the child such words is very hard for me to read it. I'm even afraid to imagine myself in your place. I wish good health to your daughter, strength and patience to you!

Thank you I still get upset every time I think of it. I thought by giving her the pill I was doing what was right by her. They scared me into believing it was better for health. And to not only see what it did and than to hear her say how she felt tore me to pieces.

This post has been upvoted and resteemed by @thethreehugs.

thank you

You are most welcome!

The answer is to discard government and follow Jesus.

Hello friend, that's what all Venezuelans are living in these times of crisis, medical negligence. My mom and grandmother are diabetic and hypertensive and their remedies and treatments are incomprable due to inflation. Steemit I like it because everyone helps, greetings! I'm new around here!

what country did this happen in?

Loss of money. Vindictiveness. Loss of case study. Pride. Retaliation.

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