California Plans On Attacking Homeschoolers And Using CPS (Child Protective Services) To Do It!!

Lets start from where it all begins.

California just like every other state has laws on child vaccinations. Most states require that by the time a child reaches school they need to be vaccinated against certain diseases. Most states have an exemption for those that can not or will not vaccinate their children in order to go to school. So why is California in the spotlight lately about home school? Well SB-277 Public health: vaccinations. started it all. If you wish to read the whole bill you can do so here
Basically it removed the parental right to choose to have their child go to school unvaccinated. There is still a medical exemption. And you had a chance to still be under a personal exemption but you had to file a form by the deadline and that would only stay active until the next checkpoint which was ok for older children but not for elementary children as it would only cover them until grade 7.

So what happened when this new law went into effect. SB 277 Mandatory Vaccine Law Does Not Apply To:
Students in home-based private schools.
Students enrolled in an independent study program who do not receive classroom-based instruction.
​Access to special education and related services specified in an IEP (Individualized Education Program) can not be denied. Below is a screenshot of a research paper that can be found here

It is fair to say with all the people moving out of the public school and into a home school or other form of school that the states are getting scared. You see for each child that is in a school that school gets funding from the state. Your tax dollars do not go down if you choose to not have your child in a public school. But the school does not get the money if you do. If they got rid of 10000 personal exemptions and the number of medical exemptions went up by only 2000 where did the other 8000 children go towards. It is safe to assume some of them graduated. And I will be conservative when I say maybe half got vaccinated while the other half chose to home school. I was not able to find accurate stats on this as the studies are still being done. So I am going to go with half.

Now all is well in the homeschool world for a few years until this happens.
The headline reads as follows"The Turpin child abuse story fits a widespread and disturbing homeschooling pattern" Please go read the article it is a very sad story about some children that were abused by their parents and now they are blaming home school as a reason they did not know about the abuse.

In my last post I stated that I home school my children and I know many other families that home school. And all of them do it for different reasons. I can honestly say that there is never any signs of abuse only great love and respect for our children shown by the families that I know. I am sure if you look hard enough there are families using this as a way to go under the radar and abuse their children. But the majority do not. Enough of that let get back to the reason for this post.

In a not so shocking turn of events California has decided that they need to take drastic and unconstitutional actions against homeschooling families. According to this article Titled "California overreacts and presumes every homeschooling parent is a child abuser" This comment is a straight copy and paste from the article It goes into more detail but I left it the way it is because this is VERY important to keep in mind. It states the following


So what does this mean exactly? In plain terms if you choose to home school your child you will have CPS involved in your life. They will be going into your home solely because you home school. They will not need a warrant or a cause or a complaint or concern that you are abusing or neglecting your children. This is not only intrusive but it is unconstitutional. And IF they are allowed to get away with doing this in California other states WILL follow.

As we already learned that the use of the term Neglect is the most common term and it includes Educational Neglect I fear that more children will be ripped from their families if this is allowed to happen.
As I fully support the #familyprotection movement 25% of ALL the SBD generated for this post will be transferred to #familyprotection.
As always Thank you for taking the time to read this post. It means the world to me to finally have a place where I can speak openly and without fear or repercussion.

THANK YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


First, I want to say thank you for raising awareness with your blog post!

Didn't see that one coming... rolls eyes

I am glad to see others are figuring this out. When you've become accustomed to instantly recognizing the system for what it is, and the patterns they usually follow... You just instantly see what they are up to. I think I've tried telling people about this ever since before the mandatory vaccine garbage went into effect in CA... because I experienced the beginning stages of their nasty plans being rolled out, for my self from the time I was about 15... and again when I had my child.

I thought telling people what I learned would help stop them from hurting others before it got this bad for the whole world's children and families... all it did was make me look like a paranoid idiot to those who had not experienced it for themselves. Lol. An attorney told me "You are not paranoid if they are really out to get you. Believe me they are out to get you! I've never seen anything like it!" Somehow I doubt he'd never seen anything like it. I am SO glad to find more people are seeing it, but not glad that it is still happeneing and they are getting so bold as to do it on a mass scale so openly. Sometimes we have to learn from experience I guess.

ALL of these things they are doing are connected and are part of THE 'one big plan'. U.N. Agenda 21, Agenda 2030, or whatever numbers they want to put on it. What's happening in other countries is the same plan and just as bad. It's good to see a post that's tied together so many facets of this part of how the plan is being rolled out! Thank you to everyone who is telling their stories and doing the research.

My suggestion is, they can scare you all they want with their made up "laws", but if you don't let them in, and you don't talk to them they'd have a difficult time having any way to make up something to get a judge to make a court order, therby forcing you to deal with them. You have to agree to let them in without a court order. That's the Constitutional part of it. If you just let them in and have a chat, that is your CONSENT to playing their game in their system. It can be risky depending upon how corrupt your local area is, but if you don't your family will be ruined.

They have no intention of helping people at all. My friend was a caseworker for a while, and she said "You have to be evil just to walk in the door to work every day." She quit. She did the right thing and can't find a job. It's all by design. It's going to take a whole lot of courage for the U.S. to stop this plan. They have people so lulled into a false sense of security and trained from day one to obey, that by the time many people see exactly how serious the situation is they are in far too deep to stop them. CPS is nothing but a criminal racket. The doctors they work with are also part of the problem. If they make you switch doctors... fight it with everything you've got. Those are their doctors and they will lie.

When people tell you they are being targeted by these monsters... Please listen to them.

As it is we have the right to refuse them to come into our homes. But if this law is passed you will loose that right. And than other states will see what California has gotten away with and they will do the same. If this law passes they can enter your home to do these visits, and if while they are there they can twist anything out of proportion. I know a lady that her ex called on her during a child custody dispute and in the court records the case worker stated the house was filthy and she took a picture of it and the only thing you could see were the grocery bags on the counter and a dirty hand print on the sliding glass door. Keep in mind many that home school do so because they already have something against the government schools. Many do not vaccinate (not saying all) and they go against the norms of society. This is a threat to the government and their numbers are growing. They will do whatever they can to give these people bad names and try to claim our children. All one of these workers have to do is say that "they" do not feel it is in the best interest of the child to continue to home school"and than that family will have o fight it in court. And we all know how most judged are about siding with the state. This is a very real scenario if this law is allowed to pass.

I know this is an emotional issue so I am trying to figure out how to say something in a manner in which it won't be taken wrong in a way in which I don't intend it to be taken.

They did tell me I had to let them in. Even my lawyer (one of the many I went through) said I had to, even though it wasn't constitutional. The Constitution is supposed to be THE presiding law of the land (whether we agree with the origins of it or not...) no other law supercedes that... UNLESS we as a people permission them to continue breaking the most powerful set of laws there is in this country.

Willing compliance with a criminal 'elite' has become too comfortable and many people have forgotten that others have died trying to preserve human rights. (I am not assuming that anyone here has done so.) My point is, I guess, that it (this agenda to enter homes and take all of your parental rights) is going to be pushed by these criminals until people are left with one final choice... "Do I agree to go along with being ruled over by criminals when it leaves the rest of the future children and families imprisoned and enslaved?"... OR "do I stand firm, and say, no more!"?

Some more people will have to have a physical confrontation with these agencies and the militarized forces sent in to back them up. I've done that. I would not tell another person what to do because it has to be an individual choice that each will make regarding how far they are willing to be raped by this system OF child abusers... But make no mistake, it will have to get ugly before it stops because humanity is dealing with people who are willing to cause a lot of harm to keep their power and control over society.

Unfortunately the previous generations have been lulled into allowing this UN agenda to come this far to fruition. I'm aware of what they (the whole system) will tell you, and all of the methods they use... the battle over my child and my right to protect her went on for 10+ years, and that included physically being taken down by criminals in my yard while I did nothing other than try to comfort my child while I was being forced to hand her over. She was clinging to my neck and screaming not to let them take her.

They were placing her in the care of a VERY well documented violent dangerous person where she had already been hurt. They don't know I know they were planning to remove her from there later on after they had pushed me out of the picture so they could put her into another place I won't discuss for now. But I know. The next time those (excuse my language) fuckers came back I closed the door and refused to let them in. The first time they had the court order... Yes the judge was acting against what he should have... He later reversed it. After I got a very expensive lawyer (expensive for me anyway lol!) with the help of someone else. I never could have afforded it on my own. I had already spent around$50,000 on the frauds (bar card holding attorneys acting on behalf of the court, while taking my money and posing as a lawyer working on my behalf) working with the agencies and the corrupt doctors and psychologists.

So even though my Lawyer (the good one, there is such a thing... Lol) was afraid they would take her from me again f I refused to allow them into my home again, they didn't have a court order and I refused them. They banged and banged but I told them to leave... through a closed door. They were angry but they stopped. They later pulled some things they think I don't know about through back door channels, but because I ... what was that word they called me...? Hypervigilant? HAAAHAAA, because I was wise enough to see that they would try, I prevented any futher encroachment.

I consent to no vaccinations after seeing what they are doing to people, I consent to be ruled over by no pedophile network, and I don't feel permissioning govt to have any say in people's education is a good idea. I would suggest looking into the Prussian origins of the school system then you will see what the intentions of schooling have been from day one. This has been a long range plan and undoing it is likely going to be Very dangerous and uncomfortable for a lot of people. But I guess there is no where in the birth contract that guarantees we have a righ to be comfortable for all of our lives.

The govt does not give people rights... people have given their rights over to the govt. I feel very much so, for the families in CA right now, believe me. That agency also had a rogue caseworker and other people involved perpetrate more than 10 years of an organized gang stalking plan against part of my family and family friends, for years, before I even had a child. I almost got shot by my former caseworker. I can't even begin to get into that here. But I don't consent to any part of those people having any form of authority over me at all and I never will again. I won't live on my knees under pedophiles.

I know how all of this sounds. I just hope it could put things into perspective when people are mulling over in their minds whether or not this is a genuine concern, what you have laid out in your post. I assure you it is and people need to refuse to comply with them en masse. That is the only choice I see. Sorry this is so long.

Do I agree to go along with being ruled over by criminals when it leaves the rest of the future children and families imprisoned and enslaved?"... OR "do I stand firm, and say, no more!"?

That is about the size of it. Well said.

They did tell me I had to let them in.

They will say anything they can think of to get you to "consent" to what they are doing.

However, most of them know very well that if they continue over your clear objections then they will be liable to federal civil suits.

If you show that you know your rights and are willing to stand on them they will often go away rather than risking expensive lawsuits that they will likely lose (potentially with huge penalties AND a hike in their liability insurance... if it doesn't simply get dropped).


If CPD is called in with a report of child abuse they can enter with our without consent, in most states. Weird that it is voluntary in Calif.

This is not true.

They might well do so... but unless they have a sworn affidavit signed by someone claiming that you abused your children (and providing specifics) AND can justify that their forced entry was necessary because the child appeared to be in immediate and serious danger then you can sue anyone/everyone involved via civil suit.

Read the annotated statutes for your state closely and then take a look at the rulings of the highest courts.

The ONLY way they can enter your home over your objection without a warrant is if they can justify that it was absolutely necessary to do so OR if they can hood wink you into letting them in.

No warrant = no entry

Ignore the cops that are with them and refuse to let them enter without a warrant.

And if they break in (unlikely) then be sure to document/record everything, file any necessary complaints with the appropriate agencies and/or attorney general, and then file personal civil suits against anyone that committed a tort against you in federal court.

The primary reason that these things are getting worse is because almost everyone is ignorant of their rights, their status compared to public employees (government officials), and how to go about holding agents accountable for their crimes.

I agree 100% with you @toni.jennings. That is exactly what I found in more than ten years of dealing with them over my own child.

Unfortunately I was completely unaware of what the entire situation would be and what the exact laws were when they showed up the first time. I ignorantly assumed tey were human beings in the forst place, when I already should have seen the bigger picture with them. I was raised with a lot of brainwashing 'pro system' and thought that they would see that everything was fine and would have to go away.

I can always see all sorts of things ahead of time, but somehow, this thing I missed. It cost my child and myself over ten years of our lives, and almost got us both killed. By the system.

Another thing is that there are various levels of MK Ultra programs which have been run on most of the public for so long, and they can come into play when you become targeted by the creatures in nice outfits that show up a knocking at your door. They look like people, but inside there is an ugly that no one could adequately describe if they tried. They revile in the torture. They have doctors and nurses and Physician's Assistants and psychologists all lines up and ready to go tied in with senators and others.

I am purposely not naming names, because to do so would not be a wise choice for me at this time. There's a black project called Pegasus and that was a name in one of the things I was court ordered to go to with some very 'evil' people involved. I know some who would say that is not a coincidence, as difficult as it may be to believe.

I know I am very heavily monitored so that is all I can say about it. I cannot say it is exaclty the same with every family going through this but if people start to become aware of the bigger agenda it may help them to call it out when they see it and stop them. But you must be careful not to allow them to make you appear as if you are not in control of your thoughts and emotions in any way. You also have to be just emotional enough that they won't say you are not reacting 'normally'. It's a tough thing to deal with. Tough is not the word for it but I have to approach this topic with caution as it is not totally resolved because I am still dealing with the disaster it made of my life. I cannot discuss it unless I am in the 'right' space.

The bottom line is they cannot legally enter nomatter what they say, if they don't have an order from a judge. (That includes if they have the police with them.) If the judge is acting improperly, you can try to do something about that, but in my experience they Judicial conduct board is there to protect the sytem, not the people. (big duhh there I know, lol) There is also no financial oversight of the agencies and what they do with the funding they get. The police are unable to successfully serve search warrants on the agencies. They(HHS & CPS) know exactly what they are doing and how long they can drag it out and how much damage they can do before you will ever get them out of your life before they even start.

The state laws would not hold up against federal precident, on the right to feel safe and unharrassed in your home as per the Constitution IF the system works as it should. BUT I would say they will back off long before that in many cases because most counties in the U.S. are hiding pedophile rings and child sex trafficking networks that they don't want to be exposed if the light shines on them too brightly, over one single family case.

They drive some parents mad on purpose and send them into rehab programs where they will also get back door profits illegally. The system is long past F@&%ed and it is not there to help anyone but the handfull at te very top.

On the ability of the govt to take away your rights... I suppose if you @karl-haynes feel that you were born here to have a bunch of corrupt self proclaimed 'elitists' tell you what your rights are because of some made up nonsesne that they forced on the world one step at a time through brute force and slaughter... If you accept them as the bestowers of your rights, then I don't really know what to say to you. I suppose it is what you believe it is.

In my case, I don't consent to that. And when we all stop consenting to them forcing us to give up our rights (you are born with rights period), our families, and everything our lives produce... then they will be stopped dead in their tracks. But we will have to stand up to them just like you'd stand up to any other bullies.

I don't believe I was born into this world to bow to pedophiles and war mongers. I feel I have the right to live my life unmolested by criminals and their corporate fictions because they have fantasies of ruling the planet because they are apparently sociopaths. I'd like to see others wake up to the same. I'd like to see others realize they are here for more than to be beaten down by these monsters.

Alas, aother novel... SMH

The State of California has gone WAY WAY too far lately.
My dad was born and raised there and am I ever glad that I do not.
I hope that Californians can somehow organize and put a stop to this.
Thank-you for sharing this.

California has been making headlines for some time on different topics. it seems they want to live by a different set of rules. This is just another one of those crazy rules. But if they are allowed to pass this others states will follow as many states do not like the fact that we can homeschool. And it is just another way to get the government involved with your life.

I agree with you @canadian-coconut
The state of california has gone way way too far lately.
because California is a beautiful city for me

Thanks you so much @canadian-coconut
I always wait for your next post, because your post is always a motivation for me @canadian-coconut
I will always be your loyal followers in every post you

Thank you @curlfamilyvlog!

Both @misslasvegas and I can vouch for the fact that if you choose to homeschool, then they will come knocking.

And it will keep getting worse until we unite!

when we first decided to homeschool we had them at our door the next morning. But this is a whole different level of intrusion. They are talking about coming to your home and questioning your children once every quarter. This will only lead to having open CPS files on ALL homeschooling families. And you know that once they get involved they want to know EVERYTHING. they will ask you to take your children to psychologists monitor your medical records and want to make sure they approve of your teaching methods. This is very dangerous. And will lead to many children being removed from their families.

That's the whole point. U.N Agenda 21, Agenda 2030 etc... They have planned this for a very long time. There never was an agenda to help children with these agencies. Those who created the agencies knew that. They had to sell it to the people to implement it on such a large scale. Whenever you hear any govt agency say "It's for the children!" you know it's exactly the opposite. That is the tool they use to pull on people's heart strings so they will keep paying taxes that support this criminal system.

This is the reason I have chosen to make these posts and try to get people aware that CPS is not in the business of doing what is right for the children. they are in the business o taking our children for their profit. Until people see them for who they really are and stand united to stop them this will continue and even get worse.

I agree with you. I also thank you, and everyone else who is speaking out about the systemic corruption especially where CPS is concerned. That organization need to be completely shut down.

This post has been upvoted and resteemed by @thethreehugs

Thank you for your support of @family protection

Oh wow. It's getting crazy if you're a homeschooling family. I just wrote an article and the lawyer who wrote the article I was talking about said that the CPS workers DO have to have a warrant to enter your home. If you let them in without, you are throwing away your rights. You can request that they bring a warrant before they enter your home and you should request one. They are not above the law, even though they act like they are. Anyway, I think that California is seeing that they are losing money over kids not being in the school seats and so they are going after homeschool families to get the kids back in school. Money talks.

I agree with you on almost everything you said. I would just add this: Control of everyone is the real agenda. So, they push, and pull, and tweak at every opportunity they see, to figure out what kind of outcome best suits their needs. In this case I believe they are trying to force people to cry out for more "legislation" so they can tell people they are taking more of their rights away.

There are a lot of rights they are going after, and they are using the Hegelian Dialectic. They cause a problem, People beg them for the solutions, they provide ready made solutions.

That said, I think people pushing back against them in greater numbers is causing them some issues lately which is why there's so much in the way of distractions being pumped out of the establishment. Thus, for some of the little men it's about money, but the guys above them in the structure, they have other reasons for what is being perpetrated against the people. I just wanted to share my thoughts for consideration.

It is true they are trying to control everyone and I understand and agree with what you're saying about how they cause problems, people ask for solutions and they provide the ones they want the people to have. Makes total sense for their agenda.

Good writing for me who is not a resident of california. So I can know the information abroad. @curlfamilyvlog

thank you keep in mind if this passes other states and countries will do the same

Yes, at least I see this article I am more familiar with such things.

I left California in the 90s cuz it was becoming such a police state. Looks like it got worse?

and it will get even worse if the people do not stop it. Remember the government only has the money and the power the people give them.

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