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RE: A Few Ideas For The @familyprotection Cause Initiated By @canadian-coconut and @markwhittam

mindhawk, people are lazy and not prepared to do their own research. I spent a lot of hours looking into her case before learning the truth and was shocked how many sites slandered her based on a random article that supported their cause . Robert Franklin, Esq of National Parents Organisation is one example. He's on the board of National Parents Organization's and 'featured columnist' Their mission according to the website states -

''Improves the lives of children and strengthens society by protecting every child's right to the love and care of both parents after separation or divorce. We seek better lives for children through family court reform that establishes equal rights and responsibilities for fathers and mothers''.

This statement couldn't be further from the truth, they are only interested in supporting the men and will do or say anything that supports this cause. Articles by Franklin on Lori were disgraceful, his last titled ''Serial False Abuse Accuser Fired by University'' is the worst example of so called journalism i have read. The mother and child's safety are irrelevant for these organisations and must be closed down.

Reading comments on here also concerns me. They might mean well but the consequences of their ignorance is devastating for the victims, especially the children. Anyone here that sides with government over Lori are actually supporting child rape. Taking a child from a loving caring mother and handing her over to the very people you claim you're protecting them from is insane.

Doesn't it bother you that her ex Igor married again and his wife became pregnant almost straight away. She divorced him 18 months later because both her and the baby were abused. Waxman (lawyer that took Lori's baby) won Igor sole custody of their child, giving this monster two little girls. Director of Computer Crimes in Maine Lt. Glenn Lang received scanned shots of proof that Igor's computer had been on child pornography sites, and his email that says, “what are you offering?” He refused to investigate. In the case of Kennebunk, Zumba Prostitution Scandal, Child Porn was found and covered up. There were approximately 178 Johns discovered. Lt. Lang said he “lost the computer” that had all the evidence. There are many more examples if you do a little digging.

I haven't given it enough thought how you could fix the system but it's certain not government, they are the problem. Those saying government is our saviour need to be reminded what happened to Nancy Schaefer. I believe Nancy Schaefer was murdered, the following is a short reminder of her story

After Nancy Schaefer lost her State Senate seat (due to her report on CPS), she began talking to other State Representatives and Senators around the country who were also being confronted with CPS issues in their district, they told her that if they did anything , they would lose their jobs just as Nancy Schaefer had.

March 26, 2010, Nancy Schaefer and her husband were found shot dead in their home. Just before she was ''murdered'' Nancy was gaining traction in abolishing the CPS’ branch in Georgia. She was also about to present new explosive evidence she found regarding CPS to the International Criminal Court.

After Senator Schaefer’s death, former Representative Bobby Franklin (R), also from Georgia, became involved with the issue. He drafted a bill that would abolish the Georgia Department of Family and Child Services. On July 26, 2011, he was found dead inside his home. The autopsy report said he died of “organic heart failure.”

Senator Robert Brown (D), also an outspoken Georgian critic of CPS and co-sponsor of SB 415, was found in December 2011 with a gunshot wound in his head. It was ruled a suicide.

Fox News investigative reporter Martin Burns, who led the award-winning TV segments Lost in the System about the CPS, was found dead on a hiking trail on Aug. 25, 2013 in the Angeles National Forest. Media attributed his death to a fall caused by a potential heart attack. The L.A. County Homicide department didn’t see it necessary to investigate.

A documentary called Innocence Destroyed was supposed to become a full-length feature. In 2011, Bill Bowen, friend and associate of Nancy Schaefer, filmmaker, author, former firefighter and federal law enforcement officer, was in the process of raising money to finish the film died just 5 months after the passing of Nancy. He was found on a golf course, cause of death was heart failure. Bowen, unfortunately, never did finish the documentary. But three segments were pieced together using existing footage by other filmmakers after Bowen’s death.They are worth watching and posted link below.

In 2009, Bill Bowen released a trailer for a documentary film he was producing exposing the corruption within Child Protection Services across the United States. The film is called Innocence Destroyed. On why he undertook the project to produce this film, Mr. Bowen said: "I decided to dedicate my life to the exposing of one of the worst criminal activities in the history of this country, in my opinion. This criminal organisation specialised in destroying families and children and over a thousand children died due to neglect or are outright murdered every year in this country alone, while in the 'protection and control' of CPS. What is really needed here is an expanded public awareness of what CPS has degraded into and the sick criminals that run it. I have decided to produce books and films that will bring these horrific crimes and the criminals responsible for them, to light. That is what I do and I do it 7 days a week, about 12 hours per day."

Before coming up with ideas how you would like to fix the current system, wouldn't it be a good idea understanding what you are actually fixing? I would start by looking into every aspect of Lori Handrahan's case. This will take a lot longer than you think, at the same time it will be the most valuable lesson you will ever get. You can't fix a problem if you are ignorant of what actually needs fixing.

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