Corruption and human rights abuses in my case

All through out this case their has numerous dishonest practices done by those that work for Child and Family Services and their lawyer Kris Janovcik as well as others in the system in regards to my case.

My son was stolen out of my life off of a lie. After taking my son away for a few days they had returned him but I had to remember what I had seen when I was in care and how everything got worse then when I was a youth in care. For a long time I had wondered why those that preyed on the boys in my city had always been kept out of the news. Most regular people in Winnipeg didn't believe me when I first told them about what has happened in my city.

And yet as the case against me kept having signs of corruption many could see I was not only telling the truth but that I was paying for it. I will list many of these "signs of corruption" and we will see if these CFS workers try to continue to act un accountable.

  1. Krysta Shaw, Sharon Cheung, Rob Rogala, Kris Janovcik, Jeff Kryger and both people named Renee Feldschmid (the visit supervisor and Jeff Kryger's boss seem to share the same name) and others have all taken away my rights to record them as I am allowed to record any conversation I am apart of. This is one of the few laws that can prove lies beyond any doubt. Yet Kris Janovcik would argue otherwise, but I feel Kris Janovcik could argue all sides of an argument so his input is jaded.

The lawyers that work CFS apprehension cases should not be concerned about winning or losing the case. The entire case should be based entirely off truth and facts with ever possible witness interviewed. The legal battles should not go on record as wins or losses. Otherwise the ugly sides of legal hurdles come out as great lawyers often set aside their morals to argue from a position that is factually false. We need a system that works with policies that heal families and protect families. Also manipulating rules and using laws that were designed to protect families and their rights should not be used to protect those that take away these rights. Otherwise it is very damaging. It is fucked up to hear people say my rights are subjective. It is fucked up to see these people who have stolen my child from me act above the law. Everyone is accountable from the rich to the poor. From the criminal to the police officer and politicians. Corruption is only encouraged by those who do dishonest things.

Even police officers know you can record them, the employees at CFS are not above the law. The policies that are written by them do not remold my rights. To often we find were abuses of the law are left unchecked and had the victim of these abuses had used the one party consent law to obtain information that shows they are truthful the outcome would be just. They cannot tell you "you can't record me" as the one party consent law means only one person needs to have knowledge of and give permission to the recording of the conversation. If anyone does this they have abused your rights, which can be so damaging to a person and when those in government do this to protect themselves it is blantant corruption.

  1. Krysta Shaw and Sharon Cheung took my son of a lie. They seemed to have integrity at first after following the corrupt advice of Kris Janovcik they would not allow me to record my conversation or even speak to me if they thought I was being recorded. They would not allow me to see my son if I was recording them. They are not above the laws designed to protect families. Also only 1 out of 5 people other then myself were present when my son broke his arm this should have not been ok to base some of the actions by Krysta Shaw and the agency. You cannot steal children off slivers of intel leaving huge gaps in potential understandings.

  2. The police officer was sent my file and the result was inconclusive. Yet little was done to work the case as you would think a police officer would know to interview all possible witnesses before coming to any conclusion. Lazy police work is not only damaging but it's a corruption of justice and in this case it could have saved me much dispair and trauma of having everything I hold dear being ripped from my life.

Also this was agrued as a potential truth in court despite every CFS employee saying to me and my mother that they "did not believe I abused my son", this is very dishonest and not genuine.
This only fermented the idea that they must be recorded yet none of them seemed capable to put themselves in my shoes.

  1. Rob Rogala (Sharon Cheung's and Krysta Shaw's boss) tried to get me stop recording of the scandals and horror stories of the youth in care in my city. I told Rob of what happened to the boys in in my city and how it was enabled and protected. He despite working for CFS discourged me from standing up for the youth in my city. He treats me with the most dignity yet does not hold his staff accountable as a boss this is unacceptable.

All CFS employees should encourage people to protect their wards. The sexual exploitation of children taken from the government must end.

  1. My son had missed soo much school and this was ok to not only all the names above but also the staff at my sons school. It isnt ok that my son spent much of the time away from me not going to school.

If a parent had done this and was not actively home schooling their child CFS would potentially steal their child. So they neglected my child and his needs. Yet once again all parties involved are unaccountable because the system does not regulate itself in an honest manner.

  1. As the corruption in my case grew it took a serious toll on me and my well-being both physicaly and mentally. And as time passed my health began to decline. As I lost sleep, I began to become less able to work on my case and my project. I lost alot of weight yet continued to press on in hopes that when I stood before a judge he would see that lack of evidence and blatant human rights abuses, neiglagence and corruption.

When I got to court the judge wouldn't hear me out and when I spoke of what I knew about what has occured in to youth in my city, the judge praised CFS and said they are unfairly treated.
He held a high opinion of CFS despite hear all the corruption , despite watching the news and seeing the number of children that die as wards of CFS, despite seeing all the horror stories of what happens when things go wrong in care, despite being a judge (which you would think would give him a better understanding) he openly praised him. And he used my behavior as a group home kid as a reason for me needing help yet that was ten years ago when I was a young impressional youth in CFS would had witnessed many bad thing happen to people I knew some I really cared about. None ever got justice and almost always those in care would be more marginalized then anyone I seen in my city. The judge has been closing his eyes for too long at the very least.

  1. I was sent to Dr. Kenneth Enn's whom I look up online and was very concerned as it was reported that he destroys peoples reputation on CFS's behalf.

This would certainly seem so as he should know or pretend to understand the impact that stealing ones child based of very little intel would be quite damaging yet never told CFS to treat me more humane. He should have understood that when my rights were being taken from me that this would further impact me and my health. He never seemed to give his input on how they were having an impact on me and my son. He should have told them that this would damage anyone psycologically yet CFS never treated me any better after seeing Dr. Enns infact things just kept getting worse.

  1. I had been shipped over to the CFS Jarvis st office and was seeing my son regulary. All staff seemed to think they were above the one party consent law. They seemed to think I should just do as I am told despite my understanding that their intel was wrong and that my son should have always been with me. Even though I can record a police officer or my boss at work they seemed to think once again that I could not use my rights to obtain recordings of them.

Everyone acted above the law like some how it didn't matter if had rights. Jeff Kryger and the 2 apparent Renee Feldschmids (weird but there might be more to this as their was extra concern displayed by the filming of the "santa looka-like" visit supervisor Renee Feldschmid.) as well as the staff (Phil and Allison) working my friends sisters file.

  1. During one of my visits I heard a woman in distress crying, begging for a plan of re-unifaction yet the workers seemed to not only not care but walked away from her in distress leaving her to stew in it. When I heard it was infact my friend from group homes sister I knew that the work I do is not only needed and that these people must be held to account also that CFS seemed to have learned very little since I was a youth in care. My son looked like he felt her pain. He is smart he knew what he was hearing, he was proud his father was standing up to them.

So many families have been ripped apart and my work of activism by recording, documenting and archiving the abuses of care in regards to CFS was absolutely needed in order for the system to become what it should be. What it needs to be, because the cost on society is huge with money taking a backseat to the over all impact as people affect and influence other people. The kids CFS takes could leave CFS with a strong love for their country and could have good values backed by strong morals. Rather then homeless adults tossed into a adult hood with more issues as many have been abused in a systamitic fashion which often was inter-generational. Many of these native would not have become bloods or crips if they had known the truth and understood the FBI's CO-INTELPRO operation done to the black planthers from which the roots of the bloods and the crips stemmed from. Many youth would never have became victims of sexual exploitation had they been with family. Had their brothers stayed in the house they grew up in rather then in the home that had no family love who strangers had authority of this person.

  1. Jeff Kryger continued to tell me that I cannot record them and I asked are you leveraging me with my child and he stated yes. I then asked are you blackmailing me using my son against me in order to waive my rights otherwise I would not see my boy.

This is evil. I do not think Jeff Kryger is evil but in that moment what he was doing and saying was evil. If he had done this to many parents it would certainly corrupt him from what ever he was when he first became a social worker.

  1. The visit supervisor lied openly to my face saying I "didn't even ask how my son was doing during the first 2 visits" anyone who knows me for more then a month knows I can ask simple questions many times in a visit with me, such as "how ya been?", "whats new?", "whats wrong?" and "hows it going?" so I knew it was a lie so recorded him and he acted like he was going to steal my phone before storming out of the room.

I recorded him twice and if he had been fair and honest I wouldn't have but its my right. And the

  1. They would continue to act like this wasn't a good thing for my son to see yet I very much feel it was. After all it was non violent, it was lawful, it was engaging and was teaching my son to handle conflict in a non-violent manner.

It was his father standing on my 2 feet in a way that was honest and although sometimes beligerent and hard. It was showing my boy that there are many ways to handle conflict. I hope my son can learn as much as he can to take a stand for what he knows is right and true. He was on of the few of my family that told me to never give up helping people that have been taken from there families. He said he would be ashamed if I quit.

  1. After seeing thebdeck stacked against me, I realized I needed a lawyer because they were abusing my rights and no one said anything to help me so they just walked all over my rights.
    I was declined by 2 different lawyers and then Benji Greenberg accepted my case only to drop me a week before trail. She wouldn't even help me make subpenias to get the principle and his former teachers as witnesses. This would have taken very little time and effort but she said she couldn't. She said she dropped me cause she didn't think I could win. I told her about the half assed investigation. I told her how they wouldn't allow me to record my conversations with them. The only good she did was told me that I absolutely could record them and sent me a link to make subpenias but I didn't understand all the details.

Everyone I asked if they ever heard of a guy getting declined by 2 lawyers and dumped by the third right before trail. All said they never heard of this. I was the only one who ever spoke unwavering truth about bonnycastle park and what had happened there.

  1. So many times Jeff Kryger and the visit supervisor Renee Feldschmid had tried to control what I said to my child. Telling me how I cannot ask certain questions such as "how are you doing at the foster home" and "what do you mean when you say your being treated like an animal" and when I called them out on how this was wrong they acted indignant towards me.

A father should be able to talk to his boy about anything that troubles him. This seems basic too me and any good CFS worker should encourage insight as they may not gain the intel a father would. Also the dismissed the claims my son continued to say to me. They continued to act as if my son had said nothing of the sort.

  1. After much conflict they took away my visits and all the sudden the next time I seen my son was when Dr. Enns was there. When I seen my son he looked rough. He looked like he wasn't sleeping well. And I said how this is what jail was like and right away Jeff was trying to control what I was saying and he pulled me out of the room and kept berating me, kept threatening to take away my visits. I asked to speak to his boss.
    All off the sudden alarms start going off and people rush out some seemed to not be alarmed as others. I kept asking him and others if the alarm was for me as I am not a danger to anyone as I am non-voilent.

I kept asking Jeff if the alarm was for me he said no. I kept demanding to speak to his boss but he kept saying that he was calling the police. I said go ahead as I have broken no laws. I left the building trying to calm down and wait for the police but many CFS workers followed me out and when I asked if the alarm was triggered by them for me. They said no again but I knew they were lying. I knew this was lie and that this wad probably preplanned judging by the manner of jeff and a few others. This was on the day that Dr. Enns was to supervise the visit. It seemed fake and a lockdown was not ever needed for a guy like me as I am non-voilent. I use my brain to manage conflict effectively without needing get physical. My favorite book is "the 33 strategies of war" which may sound voilent until you read it. I suggest you do.

  1. During the lockdown my friends sister(the one who had been crying after having her workers mistreat her) was in the room with her worker named Allison Chatterby-Gonzalez and Allison was telling her client some of my case details despite not being in the chain of command. This was a clear violation of the privacy act and on a few levels perhaps.

I will copy and paste the things I was told about this meeting.

"I'm in trouble cuz I know you lol" Anonymous said.

"Literally they said you're influencing my opinion of them but that's not even true I have a bad opinion of them from dealing with them" Anonymous reported.

"All cuz I said Dr Ducharme & Dr Enns are paid by CFS to fail parents on their Pcas" Anonymous stated. And she further declared "Which I truly believe they do."

"I didn't even know you saw Dr enns til Allison told me." Anonymous had said and continued to say "I'm surprised she told me"

"We were all told you're dangerous & not to go down the street near where you were & my kids were rushed out to the foster moms van & Allison said youd give me anxiety if I talked to you" Anonymous said that Allison had told her.

"Yeah I told them you aren't dangerous you're just frustrated & angry" Anonymous said.

"I'm like no he's not gonna attack us he's cool with us he doesn't like you people lol" Anonymous had told me.

"There was a bunch of workers talking about you right outside in front of the office" Anonymous said she observed.

"They hate my brother too they won't let him see my kids at all even if he's sober" I didn't like hearing anonymous tell me this.

After hearing all this I had showed Anonymous the picture of Allison. She replied "Yeah that's Allison" and "She's my workers supervisor" and also she further identified her as"Allison Chatterly-Gonzalez" and this was one of the workers that wouldn't co-operate in creating a case plan for reunification. Leaving this mother in distress, crying in agony and worried she wasn't getting her kid back. It was really hard to listen to. It was not acceptable for her to be treated like this.

  1. After all of this I became very depressed as none of this seemed right and it made very little sense. Then I became distracted by the attempts on my life and the kidnapping of my right hand man and needed to deal with it in a non-violent manner. I leveled up my internet skills and started to really dig into who is who in regards to CFS and what counter measures I could use...

After a while I tried to contact people in CFS but no one except the front desk lady and Rob Rogala answered the phone. After soo many times trying to contact Renee Feldschmid (not santa looka-like) the boss of my worker to complain and see what had become of everything. And she would not answer even though the front desk lady told me she was there. She still continues to not answer the phone so I left many messages.

And someone must have called the police. I got a phone call from a police officer who was very understanding. I told him it must be hard to be an honest cop in this town. I told him that I am not a dangerous person and I handle conflict in a non-violent manner. He could tell that I was speaking with integrity. I told him I could record him as per the one party consent law. He said yes I could, I told him how they wouldn't let me record my conversations with them. He said he would call them and tell them I could as it is my right. I was happy to hear an honest cop tell me what I had known to be true. He said she asked that I take down her picture and I told him I cannot and explained what steemit is and how once its up it can't go down. I said that the meme was based off facts and that if they were fair honest and true. He seemed impressed and interested so I told him how to locate my blog.

This is a record of negligence corruption and abuses on my son and I. All of this is 100 percent true based of facts. Would all this corruption been allowed to take place had I kept quiet about the bonnycastle boys?

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