When Kidnapped Children Get Adopted (FamilyProtection Series -- Tammy's Story)

in #familyprotection7 years ago (edited)

This heart-wrenching phone call sent me flying out of my door! ... running ...

"Oh, Anna Anna! They took my baby!"

"They took my Twyla! Ohhh! Anna! Ohhh!"


... running -- not far -- just down the hill across the road ... to the house where Twyla was born, the BEAUTIFUL newborn girl that I had caught just months ago, midwifing for my friend, Tammy.

Tammy had been doing so well ... she'd beat her addictions, was in a committed relationship with Wade, a sweet man who loved her deeply -- so beautiful, my Tammy! So brave and dedicated ...

I got to her house; I could hear her WAILING before I even got to the door ... I burst in, not knowing what I would see. There was evidence of a struggle, things knocked over and strewn about in her normally tidy, clean home. Her husband, a small blonde man with glasses and delicate features, was sobbing and shaking ...

"I couldn't stop them! I couldn't stop them!"

The sight of my friend broke my heart. Her eyes were swelled shut. She was on her couch, howling. She couldn't see me.

"Anna! Oh Anna!"

I held her tightly as she shook and wailed. "What happened," I asked?

"They tasered her, and pepper-sprayed her because she wouldn't let go of Twyla,"

his voice cracked over his precious daughter's name and he broke down in tears.


Another family ruined in the name of "Child Protection." Why? Why did they have to take her? What kind of abuse warrants tasers and pepper-spray?

Just a few weeks earlier, Tammy had brought her baby up to my house, worried that she wasn't getting enough milk, begging me to feed her because she knew I had lots. My own baby boy was just a few months older and my milk was abundant -- I put Twyla to my breast and she latched on -- not like starving, but sucking so gently I understood right away why my friend was worried. This baby would have had to work a lot harder to pull milk from her own mother's tiny, perky breasts, compared to me. I leaked freely at the slightest touch.

"Squeeze her cheeks," I said, "Like this!" I showed her a little trick to increase baby's suction power.

"So she's not starving?"

"No! She's just delicate and gentle, naturally slender and small like both her parents."


So why did the "authorities" rip her so violently from her mother?

"It was the housekeeper, Krystal! Remember that day? You were there ..."

Yes, I was. I remember.

I had come down to visit as I often did, with my own baby boy, to make sure the cheek-squeeze was working (it was) and to offer my help cleaning up if needed (it wasn't).

The Ministry of Children and Family Development (MCFD) found out that Tammy had a homebirth, and offered to pay for a housekeeper, telling her it was mandatory or else they would apprehend her baby. Ridiculous, because her house was clean! We helped each other; whenever either of us got overwhelmed the other would come and pitch in for a while; and Tammy was just loving being a mother.


The housekeeper that the Ministry of Children and Family Development sent was a woman named Krystal who lived in a neighbouring town. We both had friends who knew her and knew that her boyfriend had a meth lab and that she sold meth for him in that town. She would bad-mouth everyone to everyone else, like a malicious gossip-monger.

Tammy had confided to me that she thought Krystal might be flirting with Wade, but she wasn't sure. "Maybe I'm just paranoid. I can't stand the thought of losing him," she said.

So that day when I stopped in, the housekeeper was enjoying a cup of tea that Tammy had served her, while Tammy kept checking on her baby girl, who was asleep in the other room.

"I never have to do anything here really, because it's always clean! But I still get paid as long as I don't tell my boss," the housekeeper quipped.

Then Wade walked into the room and Krystal immediately sat up straighter, fluffed her hair and crossed her legs in a gesture meant to be coyly provocative.

"Hi Wade," she batted her lashes at him. He greeted her with something that sounded like "ugh," turned around and went back outside. Krystal got up immediately to follow him, commenting to me in a conspiratorial whisper -- "Isn't he handsome? Tammy's so lucky," and went outside. I got up and went to the bedroom where Tammy was now feeding Twyla. Baby was fussing, teething and Tammy went and got a freezie to try to cool her gums.

Her place was a basement suite, and the bedroom window opened at ground level into a walkway along the side of the house. As we stood there together, we could see Wade and Krystal on the pavement just outside the bedroom window.

"Don't!" he said firmly and loudly enough for us both to hear. The Ministry-approved housekeeper had her hands on Wade's chest, and we saw him push her hands away. I watched Tammy's face cloud over. "Oooh!" she said, "That's it! No more!*"

Why didn't she hand Twyla to me? I'll never know. She flung open the window. "Wade! Take Twyla!" she handed the baby to him and then hurried outside.

"I saw that you dirty skank! Keep your stinking meth-dealing paws off my man!"

"What? I never!" Krystal sputtered.

"And get off my property. There's nothing here for you anyway!" said Tammy almost shrieking.

"You're going to regret that bitch," said Krystal as she stormed off.

The official reason for removal of baby Twyla was the report that mom threw the baby out the window, after feeding her a choking hazard.

My friend Tammy never recovered. The sobbing mess she was that day when they ripped her precious daughter from her arms became her normal waking state.

She could not make herself presentable for court.

She couldn't eat.

She would wake up screaming.

Her hair started falling out.

"My baby is in town here somewhere," she would whisper weakly and wander the streets gazing into strollers and car seats like a stalker.

Almost 3 years later, I was at a Family Place Drop-In Center. A little girl, almost 3-years-old, came up to me, with a strange hollow expression and put her hand on my knee. Silently, the child stared at me, and I noticed a distinctive birthmark on her hand -- this is Twyla!!

"Twyla? You remember me?" I exclaimed in astonishment.

A woman sitting just a few feet from me turned around and glared.

"How do you know her?" she asked.

"I'm the midwife who delivered her," I answered.

"Oh well, we are in the process of adopting her. We changed her name to Hannah so that in case we ran into her mother around town, the mother wouldn't know who she is."

Fury rose up in me. "Have you ever met her mother?"

"Well, no. But she doesn't care. Never did."

I almost choked. "*You have no idea!"

I turned to the little girl and said ....







Follow @familyprotection on Steemit.

Governments around the world,

are using "Child Protection Agencies"

to take children away from loving families

and place them in foster care or group homes

or place them for adoption.


Share your own story and use the tag #familyprotection



This account of TRUE events that took place 13 years ago and was written by my friend, Anna. It is the first in a series that she and I will be sharing here on Steemit with the familyprotection tag. Please share this story with others, so that we can wake people up to the atrocities being committed in our so-called civilized societies. The mainstream media will rarely broach the subject. We must expose these stories to the light of day -- and stand up as a society to stop this abuse of families and children.


This post has been Resteemed and Upvoted by @familyprotection

Governments around the world,
are using "Child Protection Agencies"
to take children away from loving families
and place them in foster care or group homes,
or adopt them out.

Funds are being raised so that in the future we can help families fight the system and stay together.
Your UPVOTE of this comment will support this cause.

BiG Kudos to the @FamilyProtection Team... @MarkWhittam, Linda aka @Canadian-Coconut, Anna and many others that I may not be aware of...

Looking forward Linda, to this ongoing series with Your friend Anna and her real-life explanation of what has been going on for many years now... both in her country and GLOBALLY.

This account of TRUE events was written by my friend, Anna. It is the first in a series that she and I will be sharing here on Steemit with the familyprotection tag.

Please share this story with others, so that we can wake people up to the atrocities being committed in our so-called civilized societies. The mainstream media will rarely broach the subject. We must expose these stories to the light of day -- and stand up as a society to stop this abuse of families and children.

UpVoted and ReSTEEMed !!

Thank You to Everyone involved + supporting the @FamilyProtection Team...

Cheers !!

I grew up watching a friend of mine being constantly removed from her home with her mother, only to run away from the foster home, as she knew she was the only one that could care for her mother. It was heartbreaking.

The story of Anna, was there nothing she could do to legally get her daughter back? It breaks my heart to think it is hopeless. I cannot imagine her pain. I send peace and love to her heart.

This is an amazing cause!

Just had a visit from neofacs today.....i feel violated, abused, angry.... they come out of nowhere.

This is horrible ..
Such stories must really be spread to increase community awareness.
The community, in turn, is responsible for demanding justice in preserving the parentage of families.

I grew up in a foster home. However, I was not a foster child, but rather the child of foster parents. My parents were loving and caring, wanting to help those in need. However, after 10 years and over 300 kids going through the home, my siblings and I went to our parents and begged them to stop. I am grateful that they listened. Just a few years ago, we had a run in with Social Services again, which I shared here a few months ago.


As a result of my work to unwind myself from the system, I learned a lot about what the government can and cannot do. Learning about who we are and putting them inside the box to control their actions and behaviours is everyone's responsibility. By me confronting CPS I shook up that department in St. Albert which resulted in changes and set one social worker back on the proper path. Having her cry in front of us for an hour and thanking us for reminding her why she entered social work is humbling and rewarding.

If people want to stand up to these pirates, you need to know your stuff. But it can be done and it must be done in order to protect our off spring. I don't use the word child because they define that word. My two boys were protected and so to was the indigenous boy that we were stewarding when he stayed with us.

Violence and coercion is their mode of operation. From my research a few years ago, there was nothing that stipulated that there was a mandatory requirement for a house maid after a home birth. I have many friends who do home births and no house maid was ever sent.

I also have friends who don't sign the paperwork for registering the birth too. Please know that if that paperwork is signed, the parents are turning over legal title of their baby over to the state. That is why the state can take them. If parents would stop giving legal title over to the state, then the state cannot keep taking them.

I have a student of mine who did not register the birth and was camping on a public park. He and his wife was in one tent, the baby was right beside them in another tent. They got raided by police through the night and they took their baby and charged him with child endangerment, assaulting a police officer and 4 other serious charges. He went off to jail and got out in 5 days because he knew who he was. Most people are shocked how he did it. But what is most surprising to me is that they checked over the health of the baby and RETURNED THE BABY TO THE MOTHER WITHIN 30 MINUTES! Why? Because the baby was not theirs. They did not have grounds to take the baby.

I agree that this issue is about their violence and blindness, but it is also about ours! If you are a citizen, then you need to know your rights. What I teach is how to stand as spiritual beings so that they have zero jurisdiction over us. That requires that we learn how to govern ourselves, declare peace and be peaceful. But all of these steps will help end the destruction of the family that I've witnessed for over 45 years when my parents started foster parenting when I was 5.

My whole blog here on steem it is about these core issues. My heart weeps when I hear stories like this and there are things we can do to stop them. This is not about changing legislation, but rather recognizing who we are and putting them back into the box where they belong. If they want out of the box, then they must surrender their ways and learn how to live spiritual, peaceful lives.

Thank you @canadian-coconut for sharing this story. It tears at my heart and is why I do what I do. My views and solutions may seem extreme or scary even, but I know deep in my heart that we must explore these issues and I've tested the path and I am still here. So I share what I did.

Thank you so much @wwf for your detailed comment. I have always heard about the "No birth registration advice" which I personally believe is a great route!. But in your post/comment I see a a very wise and deep strategy to unfolding ourselves from the system here and from your other posts I just latched on. Thanks!!!!

thank you. Yes, there is a strategy behind my work, so doing just one thing is not wise. It is a whole life style and really knowing who and what you are. It takes a lot of work to do what I've done, so I would suggest that people not take it lightly as it is complicated. Not due to the life style, beliefs and work, but because the system is so complex. I work to make it simple though. I'm glad you found value in my explanation. <3

Absolutely!, I found a ton of value in them.

Geez Linda, I don't know if this is a true story or a fiction based on true events but I'm literally gripping my office chair with anger!
I'm sure it's based on truth as the creeping fascism in these agencies is off the charts.
As far as they are concerned your children belong to them and you only get to keep them as long as they say so.
Holy shit! How did it get to this?
This would have been unthinkable just a few decades ago, this is big government showing its most deplorable face. Resteemed.
This needs to stop.

Sorry to say that everything is true.
My friend, Anna, wrote if out today.
Her own ordeal with her own children being torn away is next.

I'm appalled.
I've heard a few stories in recent years that have saddened me greatly but this is a disgrace especially when you consider the implications for other parents having to deal with the same government agent stealing children from their loving home based on lies!
I find them hard to read but it's our duty to read them and disseminate the information to as many people as possible to ensure the public become more aware of these crimes.
The worst part though is there are children who desperately need help who will fall through the cracks because people won't report genuine neglect/abuse if they think the system is corrupt.
Thank you for bringing this information to us babe, even though it's harrowing it's incredibly important.

I have been wondering how she is doing.

Oh my God!! That is just-- I can't even come up with the appropriate words for how insanely horrible that is. It makes me so furious.

My stepson had CPS called on him last year, it was an anonymous call but we all knew that it came from a neighbor they didn't get along with and was done out of spite. At any rate he's been taught well by his dad to never ever let those vultures into his house. He told them to get off his property, they threatened to bring the police, he said 'Go right ahead, just make sure they have a search warrant or they're not coming in either." Guess what? No one came back. I can't stress enough how important it is for people to "Just Say No".

In fact, and this is a lesser thing I know, but we recently had the dog warden called on us. Apparently someone on a neighboring road reported a dog barking incessantly and thought it was ours. They were mistaken since one of our dogs doesn't bark unless there is something seriously out of the ordinary, and our other one will bark if we let her out without going with her (we have a fenced in yard) so if she goes out alone we bring her in within ten minutes.
Anyway the warden, who was insisting on seeing our dog licenses was politely told to fuck off and she also threatened to bring the cops. And was told the same thing as the cps woman, and again no cops came.

So I will repeat. Just Say No.

I hope that everyone who reads this is full of the same rage that you are.
We NEED to be enraged that government agents are doing these types of things all over the place, in many different countries. This is not acceptable by any stretch of the imagination.
Thank-you for supporting this cause!

It has been some time since something someone said inspired me to say 'Amen' in return, but that's the word that came to mind as I read your first two sentences.
No, it is completely unacceptable. Deplorable.
I will always support a cause that truly is about protecting children.

I couldn't even read this in one go. It's like someone pulls your heart out, and in this case, it is true. What an absolute horror story. And that woman (if that's the word), that one would go on my to do list...'As long as I don't tell my boss that I don't do anything because the house is clean?' WTF?? So what was she telling them? That she was working her butt off all day? There's a special place for people like that...I can't even begin to say I'm sorry that this happened, because it should have never happened. And you are right: those 'helpers' are not there to help. The one they assigned to me (she's not a housekeeper, but a family care worker) was compulsory too. I had no say in it. The woman is not a complete monster luckily, and keeps saying that she really doesn't know why she has to come here. Part of me wants to believe it (because I know it's true) and a larger part feels that this is their tactic to try and win you over so you trust them with things. She comes here (and I have to say she always calls me ahead of time, sometimes only half an hour, but at least she has the courtesy to do so, unlike the CPS worker...)has a chat with me for about 10 minutes...about nothing really (she does inform me of plans of the CPS worker to drop in) then asks the kids how things are going with their 'school work' and then ALWAYS goes to the toilet before she leaves. I know for a fact that it's her way of checking if my toilet is clean. The thing is, the house can be in chaos with toys and books flying around, but there are three rooms in the house that are always sparkly clean: my kitchen, bathroom and the toilet...So her attempt to catch me with a dirty toilet is always in vain. Today, I got a phone call from the CPS worker, I am seeing her tomorrow (the first time she tells me ahead of time) and she has a X-mas present for us...what it is, I can't even begin to put into words. But it's sickening and it really got me thinking...they are not letting lose, not one bit. They have nothing better to do than bother families who want nothing but the best for their children so in order to keep themselves in a job, they keep doing what they do best....

This is the insane treatment families get from this people!. They "purposely" planted a widely known drug-mongering Krystal in Tammy's home to get a base to torment the family. This is so horrible. If the Issue of "Wade" had never happened they would have sought for another alternative of ripping sweet "twyla" from that home. This is unacceptable, who gave them the right to come in and mess with our lives as though they own it. Unacceptable!.

Twyla, Mum and Dad loves you than anyone in this world. You will find your way back home Lovely sweet Child.

"Twyla, Mum and Dad loves you than anyone in this world. You will find your way back home Lovely sweet Child." This is the line on your comments really true. I believe it 100%Thanks

thanks for upvoting

Yes, absolutely! They wanted that child no matter what.

NEVER EVER accept their help!
It is NOT help.

Another friend of mine had a similar incident with fortunately a happier ending.
The housekeeper that they provided allowed the Social Worker into the home (while my friend was out) so that they could search up and down throughout the house to find any type of possible evidence they could use against her to apprehend the child. Fortunately they found nothing.

These housekeepers are spies and agents, used to help further the destruction of families.

i am agree with you @kryptocoin

This is such a heart wrenching story. I can't image how devastating and frustrating this must be to live through this.

Let's fight for more decentralization to try to prevent such situation from repeating.

@canadian-coconut This sickens me to my core! It's occurring in synchronicity all over the world and as such it's agenda, an agenda that will slowly begin to cast a wider and wider net. The slow but steady erosion of parental rights leading to an age where the state becomes the parent and the parent the custodian. Of course the right of custodianship will only be granted to those deemed worthy. If that sounds far fetched to anyone reading this, I urge you to feel the momentum.

I hope the love of children will be the one thing that galvanises humanity to rise above this bullshit for if we allow this to happen we are truly lost. Thank you for the family protection project (together we are strong), thank you caring and thank you for offering a beacon of light to lives that have become shrouded in darkness. Much love and respect from me.

This is a gut-wrenching story. I was hoping it was fiction - but I know it's real. Things like this happen all the time even if we don't always hear about it.

My wife and I read this together. She's in tears, i'm just angry. The injustice is beyond outrageous. Any government that has a Ministry of Children and Family Development, has far overstepped their bounds. Get your grubby fingers out of the personal lives of families. Tasering and stealing a child from a mother is criminal. Absolutely criminal.

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