So much damage, committed by just one man.
With the recommencement of the IICSA(Independent Inquiry into Child Sexual Abuse) I though it would be good idea to keep the issues involved fresh in our minds. The idea of this inquiry being taken as gospel is the wrong approach and I warn anyone who is following this trial to bare that in mind. It is the job of the inquiry to hide certain truths while revealing less damaging ones to appease the audience.
I suppose it is much like an SAS soldier who has been captured by the enemy. He isn't going to just start crying like a baby and selling out his comrades for the price of his own freedom. No, he will be trained to disguise the truth behind a well prepared and well rehearsed script. One that gives his prosecutor just enough to keep him away from the real truth, but enough to allow him to survive the ordeal.

Sorry, did I cut you off there, Mr Janner? I think it ended with the words Pedophiles.
Jr has nothing honest to add to this inquiry and since he is only concerned about not having his daddies estate taken away from him, I think it best we just ignore anything else he has to say(Unfortunately, Daniel Janner has been allowed CP status in the Westminster strand of this Inquiry and I can only Imagine the manure he has procured for that hearing).
I for one will make sure the name Janner is imprisoned in the same cell as the word CHILD-ABUSERS. Whenever we think of Sir Jimmy Savile and his despicable existence, I want Lord Janner's face right next to his brethren, Jimmy S.
Because Daniel Janner(Son of NOTORIOUS PEDOPHILE Lord Janner QC) has decided to dip his spoon in the gumbo, I think it fair that we do the same and allow his reputation to forever precede him.
A good way to measure a man is by the company he keeps. Lets see who Daniel Janner's slippery friends are...
Well what do you know, he is BFF with the Angel of death, Andrea Saunders That just says it all really. Not that I ever gave any weight to Jr's blue-blooded rantings in the first place.
However I do give weight to what is being said by the MANY, MANY, MANY, MANY, victims. Some of the victims, their chosen reps, and valuable witnesses, have been denied CP status. But while the JannerAdams Family have been allowed to continue participating after their dismissal, it seems the same can not be said for the likes of Sabine McNeil.
And while the defender of the undefendable, spends time shooting grouse at one of his family estates. Sabine McNeil has been left with the polar-opposite experience, post-CP application failure.
I will not go into the claims that are being made by, former CERN employee, Sabine.
You are all more than aware of the general scope that this investigation covers and it would take forever to pick at every strand.
I am trying hard to judge which parts of this inquiry to highlight. I have mentioned before how much evidence there is to go through and it is only going to increase. For now the details of Sabine's evidence will have to wait as today I have chosen to highlight the finer details of Lord Janner. If we are to be forced to listen to the rabid slurs, from the son of NOTORIOUS-PEDOPHILE, Lord Janner. Then I must counter this conspiracy and highlight the accusations Daniel Janner is trying to debunk.
Core Participant - John Gater
Core Participant - B7
Core Participant - Alan Hodges
Core Participant - Tracy Taylor
As you probably suspect by now, this list could go on forever and you would be right(Well, maybe not forever but a bloomin long tine!).
To sum things up, I will end my Janner-bashing with this remarkable statement.
But yet somehow I am certain that if you were to ask Daniel Janner a thousand times, about doing the honourable thing and allowing these people justice, you would still here him spout the same garbage as this...
(I had drank a few beers the day I recorded this, so please forgive the accent. We've all gotta deal with this in our own way and this was my way of comprehending how this creep was allowed to voice his opinions in-front of the victims and their families.)
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(cough, cough! Where are the steem-whales when you need them?).
Join Ex-Policeman, John Wedger, on his protest walk(Details to be announced)
are using "Child Protection Agencies"
to take children away from loving families
and place them in foster care or group homes
or put up for adoption.
Thank-you @article61 for supporting @familyprotection
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Seems at times to be never-ending doesn't it? The same script is running throughout the entire infected system. We're into the muck and the mire so deep there is no other way but to keep going. Makes me think of a little quote I saw recently and saved:
Hopefully not, Vickie :) We just have a huge back-log and once rid of them we can address the balance.
Love the qoute! Very true indeed.
looking very nice dare.. may god bless you!! re steemit done
Great post for children. We should increase awareness around us to protect our child. we have to increase humanity. This is the better way to protect our child. And we have to punish examplary who will do like this crime. We have to help also organanizasions to find out main criminal.
Your right, we must help those people in authority that are willing to do the right thing. People like John Wedger is a perfect example of what should be happening in every department. Thanks for the support.
This post has been resteem by @big-whale
Send 2 SBD or steem to @big-whale and get 15-day unlimited resteem to your all posts.with 4.5 followers.
Thanks for sharing
You welcome.
With each new post, I will be surprised, what is not happening around us. Often it is necessary to make the case public to pay attention to him and seriously took up it
Totally agree. Folk will have to see how much filth there is in our world, no matter what it takes. Thanks for the support.