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RE: The child protection workers now overstep their boundaries - Again

Wow, that is so crazy what all they can do. I just hate that. I hope that you can keep them off your back. In the US, foster kids must go to public school, even if you homeschool your biological kids. I think this is insane that people think public school is so much better and bully you into doing it just because it's the norm and indoctrination. I know this has to be so scary always wondering when and if they'll just show up. I will keep an eye out for your updated posts.


@apanamamama I think it's like that in a lot of places. Here in Ireland foster kids have to go to public schools too. There are only a few exceptions like when the child is severely autistic or has a disability. I think it's so they can keep an eye on them. A woman I know had all her kids taken from her. She had 5 kids, and I only really know her story and the story of the people who gossip about it...I didn't know her then, so I can't and won't judge her. She admits that she wasn't coping. She had her first child at the age of 16 and her partner wasn't much help to her or the children. It was her sister in law's mother who rang cps. Which is such an evil thing to do. Instead she could have tried to help her...What happened then is the most horrible story I've heard in a long time. They were already in the progress to take her kids from her when she was pregnant of the fifth. The girl was born 6 weeks pre-mature. Something that doesn't surprise me as stress and uncertainty can do that. She was then kept in the hospital for another six weeks and then released because the doctors said she was fine. The woman brought the baby home and had a visit from the social workers the very next day. They then told her she had neglected her baby, that she was too light and small for her age...She told them that she was in the care of the hospital so that she didn't have much to do with the care for her daughter and that they released the baby. The next week she found her lifeless baby in her crib. She had passed away from what they said was cot death. On the day of her daughters funeral, the social workers came to take her other 4 kids....I cried my heart out for her, I just can't believe there are people who are that heartless in the world that they wouldn't even give the family proper time to mourn over the death of a child/sibling and comfort each other. Her sister in law now has custody of the kids. Last year, I was going to see my physiotherapist who's in the same office as a family doctor in the area. When I parked my car, there was a car beside us with 3 kids in it. Her kids...and her mom. I was wondering about that. When I came back out, an hour later, the car and the kids were still there. I thought the foster mother must have been in the doctors office with the youngest child and didn't want the hassle of three more kids with her. The most disturbing thing though was that it was January, it was cold and the car wasn't running...But it's obviously fine to do this when you foster...Try to do it with your own kids. Who on earth leaves three young children in a car for more than an hour? In the cold...It doesn't matter that the mother was there...I think it's nuts. She could have left the kids home with her mom instead of leaving them like that. It broke my heart to see this while their own mother is only allowed to see them for one hour every two weeks, under supervision.

Oh man. That is truly a very sad story. I am sad for that mother and definitely not good that the mother of the sil called instead of offering to help. Some people just don't think about what could happen. Very strange that the kids were in the car that long. I can't imagine what they are going through or the poor mom. So sad. These stories are all too's scary.

Yes, very sad indeed. Of course I didn't know her then, but I know her now and can honestly say that she's done everything they asked her to do and more to try to get at least unsupervised visits. The court system is not in her favour either. After the last court date, she'd truly done anything she could. She was doing a course, trying hard to find work (which she has now) and getting a more stable life...and it still wasn't enough. Because the courts are crap here too, it was all for nothing and she won't even be able to appeal or anything. At this stage the judge just says that the children have been with their foster mother for so long, it would be upsetting for them to move back. So there is truly no chance for her to ever get them back. What's even more sad is that her ex gets to see the kids whenever he wants as it is his sister who has them now. But she has to live with the fact that she only gets to see them an hour every fortnight. It is so unfair, to her and her kids. I don't know how she gets through each day. And yes, the woman who made the call is a horrible person. This is not the only time she's pulled a stunt like that. She actually went to see the cops for her own son! Because he had been caught smoking cannabis with some friends (he was 17). I couldn't imagine hanging my own kids like that. If there is a problem, we try our best to solve it within the family. I would never call the cops for something that a lot of teens that age would have tried...It's not like he killed someone. And yes, that story with them in the car for such a long time...I still think about it. I also remember their faces. Two of her kids know me and waved at me, but their faces told me enough. There was no sparkle or sign of happiness...There was just sadness. Heartbreaking...

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