Things will always go wrong when good people chose to keep quiet
The fact that an agency is set up to foster the care of children isn't enough reason why citizens should suffer from it adverse effect.
Several citizens are speaking against the adverse effects of CPS which is the more reason why government should look into the constitution in order to amend the law which grant CPS to legally take children children to the foster care. Several of this kids end up drugged, raped, making kids livw a life full of nightmares. The agency was to profer services for children who were abused but the bigger question is
How many of the children in CPS's care were really abused? If not all, what is the motive behind the kidnap of the kids who weren't abused?

There are various horror stories about CPS. CPS corruption throughout the United States has been documented by the media, family rights groups as well as private citizens. Georgia Senator Nancy Schaefer was murdered for exposing the corruption within Child Protective services.
This means they don't want our voices to be heard, murdering the citizens that choose to speak up and bring the hidden truth about the agency to light.
We're United, with a single Vision, which is why we're on the mission of ensuring that everyone gets to know the truth CPS. Our voices is the strongest weapon against the agency
CPS – The Domestic Terrorist at your front door
So you think it's not happening? Wait a little while without saying g nothing, your household might be their next target. It's really clear that the agency is solely after the funds allocated by the fed. Govt and not the well being of the kids in their care.