THIS IS WHY WE GET INVOLVED 4ocean Bracelets Have Arrived
Having the most two important things in our lives, family and nature, so entwined is a discouraging thought.
With the environment in such shambles, and our family growing all the time, the two most precious, rather fragile loves of ours, are heading in opposite directions.
But heading in opposite directions on a circular coarse.
Its only a matter of time until the two collide at full steam ahead, and all of humanity will feel this impact.
The question remains, what will be left for them when we are gone.
We think their plates are already spilling over.
Does our apathy just continue to heap piles of environmental issues onto their shoulders.
Do we think that is fair?
Should our grandsons be strapped with this burden.
The answer may be that these beautiful souls will rise to the occasion with or without our help.
Personally, we will not turn a blind eye, and leave behind a legacy which would be shameful.
We may only be a few, but think of the consequences of inaction.
Now may be the time to join hands.
We all know the strength to tackle this task is in numbers.
What will your personal legacy be? Did you turn a blind eye.
Or did you join hands with us, in which ever way you can.
I know that for me, I would die for any of my loved ones!
I also know, I'm not the only person who would not do the same.
Will we leave behind an environment where future generations will be able to gather in harmony with Mother Nature?
Here is an opportunity to look square into the eyes of a problem we have created.
12 days ago I posted some content on an outfit called 4ocean.
If you would like to check them out, there is some information about this amazing group of people who have joined hands.
They are an organization that has undertaken the huge task of removing plastics from our oceans.
They are asking for our help.
Many 4ocean members are on the front-line of this issue. By making a donation to 4ocean, you will receive a thank you, which is all we should need.
But, you will also receive a few items including this bracelet.
It can be worn as a symbol of your support.
Our intentions in wearing this gift, is to spread the word, and every time someone asks, " Where did you get that bracelet?" and you know people will ask, that will be your chance to add another set of hands to our circle.
This is a card that you will also receive. There is reason for doing so.
The vaquita (Spanish: [baˈkita]; Phocoena sinus) is a species of porpoise endemic to the northern part of the Gulf of California that is on the brink of extinction.
On the card the vaquita is described as "THE SMILEY PANDA OF THE SEA"
There are only 30 left in the world.
Why is it that man seems to always destroy life that is the most vulnerable?
Let me remind you of the planets existing problems.
There are many problems, pick one, get involved.
It is getting to the point of no return with every passing day.
Hope to see you with your bracelet! thebigsweed
I LOVE this post, when the heart and the brain communicate, expect miracles. Way to go @thebigsweed
You have such a beautiful family and this is such a good cause!
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Howdy sir bigsweed! this is a great post with such important imformation, thanks for reminding us about these important issues, I think that''s what it takes because we get so busy that if it's not in front of us we forget about it.
My vote power got down to 39 yesterday so I'm recharging and it will take a couple of days but don\t think I've abandoned you because of my no vote on this post! keep up the good work!
Whoops! I accidentally sent this reply to myself, first time I’ve done that.