Introducing: Book Outlines / Tithing & Dominion

in #family5 years ago (edited)

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Of course, we're not introducing book outlines as a new concept. However, they are a new addition to Reformed Expressions. The purpose of Book Outlines is to bring into the spotlight some neglected books that deserve a lot of attention. The hope is that these outlines will encourage you to pick up the book itself to enjoy. Our first book will be...

Tithing and Dominion!

"Tithing and Dominion" was co-authored by RJ Rushdoony (the first part) and Edward A. Powell (the second part) and it was published in 1979. In my estimation, this book will present one of the most effective tools for Kingdom building in our century. Let's dig into the outline for the first chapter!

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Chapter 1: Tithing and Christian Reconstruction

No property tax

  • The earth is the Lord's
    • Exodus 9:29
    • Deuteronomy 10:14
    • Psalm 24:1
    • 1 Corinthians 10:26
  • The State's ministry of justice
    • Romans 12:1-8
  • God's punishment is a taxing State
    • I Samuel 8:15, 17
    • The story of Naboth's vineyard

God's tithes are not gifts, but requirements

  • Anything over the tithe is a gift or "freewill-offering."
    • Deuteronomy 16:10-11
    • Exodus 36:7
    • Leviticus 22:21
  • Tithing results in abundant blessings
    • Malachi 3:8-10

1st Tithe - Social/Levitical Tithe (Leviticus 27:30-33)

  • God claims a tenth of all produce/income.
    • If the owner wanted to retain the original form of the produce (fruit, grain, or livestock, for example), the owner could do so by paying a tenth in money plus a fifth.
  • The tithe does not belong to the synagogue, church, or producer. It's God's.
  • To give to an apostate church is giving against God and not to Him.
  • It was given to those who are furthering God's causes.
    • The original recipients were the priests and Levites in the local community. They served in:
      • Religion
      • Education
      • Various other functions
    • This tithe was paid for 6 years. The 7th year would be a year of rest. Then the 7 year time period would start again.

2nd Tithe - Festival Tithe (Deuteronomy 14:22-27; 16:3, 13, 16)

  • The purpose of this was rejoicing before the Lord.
    • The money for tithe could be used on whatever the family wanted.
      • Of course, not sinful things.
        • This celebration was not lawless.
    • A portion of the funds or goods purchased was shared with the local Levites.
  • The Festival Tithe was for the family's pleasure in thankfulness to the Lord.

3rd Tithe - The Poor Tithe (Deuteronomy 14:28f.)

  • This tithe was a "welfare" tithe.
    • It was shared with poor (destitute) Israelites and foreigners.
    • It was given during a communal feast with rejoicing before the Lord.
      • This tithe was not an anonymous handout like current tax-funded programs.
      • The open and communal setting for the giving and receiving of the tithe fosters accountability of both the giver and receiver to be wise and obedient to God.
    • The poor tithe was in addition to the other two tithes every third year, or twice in the 6 years before the 7th year.

Why the tithes matter

First, the tithes established the fact that the earth is the Lord's and not the State's.

  • Only God can tax the land.
    • Property tax is sinful.
  • Property is a right and privilege under God, but with God as the absolute owner.

Second, when men forsake God's law and His sovereign claim as Lord of the earth, they are cursed by Him and sold into bondage. (1 Samuel 8; Malachi 3:8-10)

    • What belongs to God must be given to God.
    • We cannot expect God's blessings if we deny what He is due.

Third, tithes make a free society possible.

  • The results of even half the Christians in the world tithing in obedience to God's law would be astonishing.
    • There would be a multiplication of:
      • Churches
      • Christian schools and colleges
      • Christian law offices
      • Locally funded lesser magistrates willing defend their constituents from federal tyranny.
      • Poverty-relief efforts that lift people from poverty to productivity.
  • If Christian independence declines in a society, then Socialism will grow up to fill the gap.
    • "As long as people are slaves within, they will demand slavery in their social order." (pp 4)
  • Before judgment is the best time for reconstructing society.

Fourth, the tithes are the divinely commanded financial basis for building God's Kingdom.

Fifth, the tithes should be the fundamental economic basis to society.

  • God is the ultimate owner of everything.
  • Private ownership is a God-given reality.
  • The tithe denies statism.
  • The tithes provide the surety of Socialism's defeat.
  • Siding with God and His tithe is siding with the victory secured by Christ.

Sixth, the tithes give the spiritual basis for Christian action.

  • God's money goes to His causes, not our excitement or pleasures.

Seventh, the tithes give back godly-power to the "little man."

  • A thousand "little" Christians obeying God's tithes can outweigh ungodly "big" men.
  • When tithing falters, bureaucratic social financing will take its place.
    • The small man will get crushed in response.
  • "A hundred men paying an average tithe of $100 a month means $10,000 monthly, which means that relatively small group is capable of great things and will gain God's blessing in the process." (pp 5)

More to come

This is only the first chapter of Tithing and Dominion, and only scratches the surface of the three tithes found in Scripture. As the book continues, especially in the second part written by Edward A. Powell, the application of the tithes become more clear. The next chapter will discuss: where there is no godly social financing (tithes), ungodly social financing will take its place.

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