Go to bed hungry

in #family7 years ago

Go to bed hungry.

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Before you begin to write my post, I ask you: have gone hungry? Do you know what it really is to live that? I hope that they do not live it! And when I talk about going hungry I do not mean to diet or strange diets. I speak of going hungry by poverty! And one usually thinks of beggars, in people who were not studied, people not working, people living on the charity of people.

But in Venezuela, my country of origin, the unusual happens, they go hungry working, professionals. Yes, even if you believe it or not, that is what is happening in Venezuela. The level of inflation is so high that a petroleum engineer earns 600 thousand bolívares per month and a chicken costs 1 million bolivars.

The Venezuelan is going hungry, my family is suffering from hunger, while all of them are college graduates his salary insufficient them to meet basic needs, these same which established Maslow in his theory and that is located at the base of the pyramid (a (power, rest, homeostasis). You need to work as donkey to be able to eat half. All this chaos is the fault of a populist Government, which bears the flag a political system failed calling the socialism of the 21st century.
Venezuela an oil country which in the past was a country in progress, abundance, which opened arms to all those foreigners fleeing their countries by political conflicts and wars (there are many countries that I can name) now play you emigrate to not go hungry.

When someone is hungry you can do anything; You can commit any folly. Steals by hunger, prostitutes by hunger, and there are so many crimes that can be committed by hunger. Leave clear that does not justify it these crimes but terrify me because that is what is living.
And you see entire families with small children, reviewing in the trash, looking to eat. People are surviving. The Food Guide Pyramid and balanced diet there is no, or few who have access to it, because family members have emigrated to other countries (as it is my case) to work to send to his family food and dollars to survive.

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Many are those who only make a meal a day, many people go to bed hungry. How can I feel a mother who has nothing to feed their small children? How does a mother who sees die to their malnutrition small feel? How it can there be hunger in an oil country? In a country as rich as there is hunger? They are the questions that people do. But I have the answer: all this is because of those who manage the country.

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My intention with this post is to echo what happens in my country, the pain living my nation, where an a necessity like food triggers other misfortunes. I don't want to create it hurts, what I want is to show the other face of Venezuela, face that few people know, the more ugly face, because Venezuela has been known worldwide for its beautiful landscapes, beaches, its climate, its beautiful women , your hospitality, for their benefits, but few people know his face in pain.
The Venezuelan people still fighting!
May God bless you.



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